05-10-2012, 06:57 PM
I thought all of this got debunked a while ago? I tend not to get into these conspiracy theories because it lowers my IQ. However, I know a bunch of people who are big conspiracy whack-jobs and it has done little for them. One of my coaches, who is well-known in the UFC, is into those governmental conspiracies nonsense. Aside from his thoughts about 9/11, he believes we all come from a 10th Planet that is hidden in our solar system(Planet X theory). A planet where an advance civilization created us. Oh, and he is a big advocate for marijuana -- might be the underlining link to all these conspiracy theories.. :roflol:
Anyhow, here's a link I thought was interesting: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories - Debunking the Myths - World Trade Center - Pentagon - Flight 93 - Popular Mechanics. It hit on the majority of the "valid" points they were able make in that video you posted.
And I don't trust people who wear glasses during interviews. It shows a self-esteem issue and sign of mistrust.
Oh, and Lou Dobbs is an idiot, but that is just my opinion.
Anyhow, here's a link I thought was interesting: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories - Debunking the Myths - World Trade Center - Pentagon - Flight 93 - Popular Mechanics. It hit on the majority of the "valid" points they were able make in that video you posted.
And I don't trust people who wear glasses during interviews. It shows a self-esteem issue and sign of mistrust.
Oh, and Lou Dobbs is an idiot, but that is just my opinion.

Grant us wisdom from Thy mind, courage from Thine heart, strength from Thine arm, and protection by Thine hand. It is for Thee that we do battle, and to Thee belongs the victor's crown.