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What Did It Get You?
Wow, well first, I want to say Thank You to everyone for the time and energy you took to reply here.

I have just recently had to look at changing some of the way I study to meet some, granted, self-imposed deadlines, nonetheless deadlines for goals that I want to reach, so that I spend less time, less money and can, so to speak, move on with life. A bit daunted and depressed as I had been, this has helped a lot to hear about people's experiences who have been there and done that. Smile

To ShotoJuku
Thank you for the welcome. Also with respect to what ryoder said, I understand about the long posts. It can take a lot of time. Another forum I am a part of, is very used to making long posts, and I guess I have gotten used to it.

To Lindagerr,
I appreciate hearing your thoughts and that it was worth it for you, and obviously because you had pursued what you wanted, just because you wanted it. I think a big thing for a lot of people is not knowing what they really want or not wanting to admit what they really want to do.

To Justin:
Great advice! Very good points about the options. I have been very frustrated with even just little situations where there wasn't more than one option. Definitely agree with you; options are important and I believe that is what helped make America great. What a trooper for your 60+ hr.s work and school! Wow!
I guess it must be teenage mentality, but building the habit to "like" learning is not natural, but its gotta be done with respect to 'going places' in life. In my relatively short life span, so far, I have begun to see habits that are there and shape what I do; even at this point seeing some habits I've needed to try and break. And yes, being patient now does beat working at burger barn for 20 years! Thank you for taking the time to answer all my questions; hearing someone's view on all was beneficial.

To dcan:
Thank you for your thoughts. What you said about learning and what youth have in their lack of experience was interesting and encouraging to be able to continue to be patient in pursuing education. I have a birthday coming up this weekend, and though I will still be a teen; as a kid I never thought I'd ever get there to this age; so now that I'm here, the irony is still, patience and work. Interestingly, though, I still have something to look forward to as I did then; while I work, to see what more and new options will be coming. Very helpful illustrations about the brain science. At least there is a logical explanation to this part of life existence. Smile

To burbuja0512:
You certainly, had an exciting experience in moving out of the country to extend your education. That is cool!
Here are my considerations on your questions :
1. "How do you know what you love until you learn more?" Good question. I suppose that is why they teach a variety of subjects in school, and still even in college. Then even after college, internships can give you a sample.

2. "Would you love your job more or less if it wouldn't pay the bills and support a family?" Also a good one here. This is informative to help evaluate whether someone is picking something because they do truly enjoy doing it, or are just doing it to earn money. I will be using this to evaluate. Honestly, I think everyone would want to be able to love their job and pay the bills. That would be ideal.

3. "How likely is it that a degree in "what you love" will give you a job that relates to your beloved area of study?" Answering that, I think is key for every student before they pick their degree. Of course after answering the second also.
Fortunately most degrees are practical so what is chosen will most likely be used somewhere.
My degree is in history. Sometimes when considering the future I wish it were something narrow and very specific. Then I would know exactly what I'm going to study and work. But history is applicable in so many fields that it leaves me with plenty of options and directions to pursue, so I am not hemmed in by something that I find out I didn't like.

Thank you everyone for all your information and thoughts regarding my questions. I am glad I asked!

Messages In This Thread
What Did It Get You? - by quasarvs - 02-23-2012, 12:59 PM
What Did It Get You? - by ShotoJuku - 02-23-2012, 01:42 PM
What Did It Get You? - by Lindagerr - 02-23-2012, 02:57 PM
What Did It Get You? - by Chebasaz - 02-23-2012, 04:06 PM
What Did It Get You? - by dcan - 02-23-2012, 05:38 PM
What Did It Get You? - by ryoder - 02-23-2012, 07:48 PM
What Did It Get You? - by burbuja0512 - 02-23-2012, 09:55 PM
What Did It Get You? - by quasarvs - 02-24-2012, 02:55 PM
What Did It Get You? - by ShotoJuku - 02-24-2012, 04:21 PM
What Did It Get You? - by dcan - 02-24-2012, 04:53 PM
What Did It Get You? - by Gooberman11 - 02-25-2012, 09:19 AM
What Did It Get You? - by MISin08 - 02-25-2012, 10:38 PM
What Did It Get You? - by dcan - 02-25-2012, 10:48 PM
What Did It Get You? - by danalk88 - 03-06-2012, 09:54 AM
What Did It Get You? - by dcan - 03-06-2012, 11:53 AM

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