12-12-2013, 01:23 PM
I just got off the phone with the Evaluations folks. Once I complete the Straighterline Business Ethics course I just confirmed that it is counting toward my humanities concentration--not toward the personal responsibility section. However, the personal responsibility doesn't have to be all ethics--it can be diversity as well, and lower level too. The Straigthterline course will count toward upper level humanities as far as I know, but I asked and it is approved to count toward the personal responsibility requirements as well. Just FYI.
However, I have to say that due to the numerous ethics requirements in addition to the Straighterline Business Ethics course I have to take the Business Ethics and Society as well as Ethics in America DSSTs to fulfill all their requirements. I hope this helps.
However, I have to say that due to the numerous ethics requirements in addition to the Straighterline Business Ethics course I have to take the Business Ethics and Society as well as Ethics in America DSSTs to fulfill all their requirements. I hope this helps.