01-10-2012, 07:42 PM
ffdpsoldier Wrote:I'm about exhaust my post 9/11 gi bill and there is no extensions. I get my BA in april. Buti want to start my masters in the summer and finish by the end of fall when I get my commission.
I can't use my gi bill for the summer because I need it for the fall, so I need a way to pay for the graduate classes and help pay my bills,
I'm in the michigan national guard.... I've been told I can't use any other gi bill once using post 9/11 ... I don't know if the guard TA would help any but I still need a way to pay bills while I attend full time at school. I plan on duel enrolling inorder to get 100% bah from 9/11
I was told I can get my MA in criminal justice in time when I commission in dec.
After that ill use the active duty TA and go for a Dr or second masters.
Couple thoughts: first pick an affordable school. Unless you're going to a top school, there is NO REASON to pay the insane tuition charged by many schools. In addition to the APUS system (which is my #1 fav) the New Mexico system is excellent. Either degree will cost you under $10,000 There are others too, but between these two, they offer a good number of choices.
Secondly, a student loan is the obvious answer, but I wouldn't borrow more than I needed. In the mean time, why not start saving now while your GI bill is in effect and by summer you'll have a good start.
I'm a "cash" person. Our family has made a commitment to living a debt-free lifestyle, so in my case, that means selling something-having a yard sale- babysitting here and there- cutting something, all of which help pay my tuition. I paid for most of my CLEPs selling stuff on ebay and both my Harvard grad classes were the fruit of huge garage sales and craigslist purges. I also keep a coin jar that is ONLY for tuition. I empty it whenever I need to enroll and it's always got a couple hundred bucks.
I'm also frugal big time.