01-05-2012, 10:51 AM
I really like Burbaja's post - there are always going to be prejudices against testing just as there are common prejudices about community college degrees. One is more socially acceptable than the other. Will it matter to a graduate school? It might. It might not. Depends on the program and what tests were used to attain the degree. What I see on this site is that most of the students are going after liberal arts or business degrees. Very few are going after science degrees. Degrees in General Studies, Business or other may be easier to transfer to graduate schools - I don't really know. Anyway, that prejudice is why I am considering working through SUNY more so than the "Big" 3. Yeah - it takes longer and is more work but no explanation is necessary as to how my degree was obtained or through whom. Great thing is that they accept 96 transfer credits (tested or otherwise) and I can get a science degree. But saying that - to each his/her own. If the "Big" 3 is your cup of tea - good luck and more power to you. It's still RA which is by far the most important thing to me anyway.