09-26-2011, 07:08 AM
I was enrolled in their College Algebra class. I have opted to take the Clep exam instead. That being said, I am a non traditional student. But, I can do what any of you here can do. Many years ago I completed Eng Comp at my local Community College, so if my use of exclamation marks offend you , I'm sorry! I just wanted to get my point out loud and clear. Nevertheless, if you choose to continue using straight line then you do so at your own risk! Oh, and before we start throwing out rude remarks, I would make sure you knew a thing or two about nursing school.. FYI: Business is my second profession, so it would seem that I am equipped to do what your studying, but are you equipped to do what I have studied? Be Blessed because I don't need or desire to argue with any one here. That was not the reason for my post. I just wanted to get the information out there in the open. So, those who weren't aware as I wasn't, are now aware, and can stay clear of that site! Moreover, why not just get your classes done at an actual Regionally Accredited College? Why not just cut out the middle man? Then there wouldn't be a need to pay those ridiculous fees to Straightline! IMO!