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Ways to Avoid Getting a Degree (Any Degree)
Sigh, Ryoder is writing about how he's finishing his 12th bachelor's degree, and 3rd master's, and I'm still working (?) on my AA/AS/ADT (Any Darn Thing). I think I hate him.

I was close to applying to COSC, but didn't. Had I, all I would have had to do was take the Cornerstone class, and I'd have had an AS. Did I do that? Of course not. Heck, I've been avoiding getting a degree for decades, why would I mess up such a track record? My delay pattern causes me to determine that what I REALLY need/want/whatever is a BSBA - Gen. Mgt. degree from TESC. Of course, this would entail taking math. (I hate math only a little bit more than I hate Ryoder.) So, add a NEW delaying tactic. I'll sign up for ALEKS. Hey, you say, there are ways of making ALEKS go fast, just search and you'll find LOADS of good advice on this forum. Hello? Have you been reading this rambling rant? I'm trying to AVOID progressing. So, I tell myself that NOW is the time to rectify the trauma I suffered from due to a REALLY bad teacher in 6th grade. HIS sexist leanings caused him to refuse to help girls in trouble. (See how it's all his fault? Don't you DARE comment that this was DECADES ago, and that I could have gotten over it, or learned math. This is my pity party, okay?) (Oh, and that's math trouble, not the other kind. Get your mind out of the gutter.) What do I do to rectify this trauma? I sign up for ALEKS and start with first grade (or whatever is their lowest grade) of math. After a week or so, I've discovered that I AM smarter than a 5th grader, but not by much. I'll be starting MS 3 today!!! By the time I get to PreCalc, or Stats, I'll be so burned out with math that I'll need to find another plan. Hmmm... I wonder (wander) what EC requires. Maybe Mandarin.:imwithstupid:

Messages In This Thread
Ways to Avoid Getting a Degree (Any Degree) - by LaterBloomer - 09-18-2011, 12:11 PM

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