To receive financial aid of any kind, whether Pell grant or student loans, you must take a minimum of 6 credits (and not just any class type - only online or guided study count towards Fin. Aid award) during each semester you've been awarded. That is a requirement from the Feds, not the TESC office being sticklers. There is no getting around that requirement, and they cannot bend the rules on it. You will receive the full award - not half - so long as you take those 6 online or GS credits. (I think the 12 credit req. is for state funds, but Pell/loans are federal. I've only taken 9 and was awarded the full award for the term.)
Also, if Fin Aid has your award split over multiple terms, your award will also be split over those terms. For instance, if your award letter has your enrollment in November, February, May, August terms, then the disbursement of that $2,400 Pell grant will be at a rate of $600 each of the four terms, so you would have to take minimum 6 credits all four terms to receive all of it. With only 20 credits left to earn, hopefully they did not stretch your required terms so far out. I cannot speak to whether that can be adjusted, I've never needed that hurdle moved to ask.
Lastly, unless you're going to enroll under Comprehensive Tuition, you can -only- take guided study or online course types and have it paid with any financial aid award money. In other words, if you take 2 online courses and one e-pack, you will be invoiced for the e-pack course. The only way to get course types other than online or GS covered is under Comprehensive Tuition, and only if you've already met the 6 credit online/GS requirement for the term. (It counts towards your "freebie" 36 credit bank total, rather than being billed at the per-credit rate.)
Also, if Fin Aid has your award split over multiple terms, your award will also be split over those terms. For instance, if your award letter has your enrollment in November, February, May, August terms, then the disbursement of that $2,400 Pell grant will be at a rate of $600 each of the four terms, so you would have to take minimum 6 credits all four terms to receive all of it. With only 20 credits left to earn, hopefully they did not stretch your required terms so far out. I cannot speak to whether that can be adjusted, I've never needed that hurdle moved to ask.
Lastly, unless you're going to enroll under Comprehensive Tuition, you can -only- take guided study or online course types and have it paid with any financial aid award money. In other words, if you take 2 online courses and one e-pack, you will be invoiced for the e-pack course. The only way to get course types other than online or GS covered is under Comprehensive Tuition, and only if you've already met the 6 credit online/GS requirement for the term. (It counts towards your "freebie" 36 credit bank total, rather than being billed at the per-credit rate.)