08-18-2011, 01:32 PM
I voted for me. My oldest 2 are both Clinton. Well actually my oldest 5 are all Clinton, but only 2 have taken any CLEPs so far.
Mom of 11
Graduated 6, still home educating 5
Credits from CC classes:
eng 1113 freshman comp 1
eng comp 2
pos 1113 american fed gov't (political sci.)
spa 1103 spanish 1
bio 2123 human ecology
his 1493 american history civil war era - present
phi 1113 intro to philosophy
soc 1113 intro to sociology
total credits 24 hours
gpa 3.12
Mom of 11
Graduated 6, still home educating 5
Credits from CC classes:
eng 1113 freshman comp 1
eng comp 2
pos 1113 american fed gov't (political sci.)
spa 1103 spanish 1
bio 2123 human ecology
his 1493 american history civil war era - present
phi 1113 intro to philosophy
soc 1113 intro to sociology
total credits 24 hours
gpa 3.12