07-28-2011, 09:43 AM
Sort of off track, but here you go. I recently read that it used to be that something like 80% of all stocks were held be individuals. (I assume that the other 20% were held by trusts, pensions, etc.) Now, something like 30% of all stocks are held by indivduals, and the rest are held by other entities. I'm assuming that these other entities are trusts, mutual funds, etc. (I apologize for not citing my source. I read it recently, but I forgot where.) It would be interesting to know how, if at all, this change from the majority of stockholders being individuals to the majority being groups has affected American business. Do T. Rowe Price, Fidelity, Vanguard, etc. think that they have any responsibility to direct/influence/advise companies on CEO contracts, moving manufacturing, etc.? Are these big mutual funds colluding with big business? Does anyone know anything about this? Okay, even if you don't know anything, do you have any ideas, conclusions, thoughts? It sort of ties in with the topic at hand. If you disagree I apologize for trying to hi-jact a thread.:confused: