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CollegeStudent7/Cherry/Thor/Viper et al
Now that's it's all over we can finally sit back and feel relieved that we have survived. Honestly, with the amount of innocent questions being asked, I didn't think we were going to make it.

These were some of the darkest times (certainly not informative or useful at all):
Ever heard of any of the big 3 grads going on to teach English in a foreign country?
[url=]Big 3 grads, how much did you pay to complete your Bachelors...start to finish?[/url]
Calling all "Big 3" graduates...what Grad programs were you able to transfer to?

Thankfully our hero, ShotoJuku came to save the day.

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CollegeStudent7/Cherry/Thor/Viper et al - by wb.john - 07-03-2011, 11:57 AM

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