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Okun's Law
Question 44 of section 2 in the Macroeconomics Instantcert exam says "Okun’s Law states that for every 1% the actual unemployment rate exceeds the natural (frictional + structural) unemployment rate, a ____% GDP gap occurs. "

According to the Power of Economics powerpoints and wikipedia, the answer is 2%. However, Instantcert says 2.5%. What is the actual answer in relation to the CLEP?

Thanks in advance!

Graduated 2/17/11: BS in Business, Concentration: General Business from Excelsior College

EXAMS/COURSES TAKEN: UB - Principles of Comm - C | UB - US History II - C | AS - Freshman Comp - C | CLEP Humanities - 70 | CLEP College Math - 66 | CLEP Bio - 70 | CLEP Psych - 74 | CLEP American Gov - 68 | CLEP Social Sciences - 73 | CLEP Microeconomics - 72 | CLEP Macroeconomics - 74 | CLEP Management - 72 | DSST Supervision - 457 | DSST HRM - 70 | DSST OB - 75 | ALEKS College Algebra - 78% | ALEKS Intro to Statistics - 71% | CSU Pueblo 311 MGMT - A | SL Accounting I - A | SL Accounting II - A | DSST Finance - 458 | DSST M&B - 63 | CLEP Intro Business Law - 71 | DSST Business Law II - 79 | CLEP Info Systems - 73 | DSST MIS - 481 | DSST Business Ethics - 458 | DSST Intro to Business - 461 | DSST Environment - 70 | CLEP Marketing - 71 | CLEP A&I - 73 | SL Sociology - 98% | SL Intro to Criminal Justice - 96% | SL Western Civ I - 92% | Excelsior BUS 495 - A

Degree plan.

Messages In This Thread
Okun's Law - by jackbanta - 05-15-2011, 04:24 PM
Okun's Law - by marianne202 - 05-15-2011, 05:09 PM

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