This exam was very difficult.Many questions were twisted and required deeper knowledge.I had to guess on at least one fourth of the exam..maybe more.
There were quite a few questions that were not covered on Instantcert but IC coupled with Wikipedia should be enough to pass.I also read the book Faces of a Nation recommended by Shotujoku (thanks
)in another thread.The book is excellent and very interesting.
I got 53 which is B at Excelsior.I came back and saw it's just one point short of an A and feeling bad about it.I was mentally exhausted by the end of the exam and did not review my questions.I am feeling bad about this because firstly i worked very hard on this exam and second maybe changing some answers after a second review would have given me one extra point.When my exam goes badly i worry that changing an answer could change a pass to fail and i do believe that the first guess is the best one.
Anyways,my GPA is 2.88 now and a B will make it maybe 2.9? I have only 3 more exams to complete my degree and 2 of them being college writing and the dreaded Statistics...i don't think these 3 exams will help me get to my target of 3.00 GPA.
It means i will need to take more exams to increase it:mad:
to add to this my next exam is on 6th Feb(World conflicts)..hence very little time to prepare
so i am not even hoping for an A in that one.The Pearsonvue center here is full all the time with the next date being 20th Feb.
Sorry for Ranting so much...but feeling a little better already:o
There were quite a few questions that were not covered on Instantcert but IC coupled with Wikipedia should be enough to pass.I also read the book Faces of a Nation recommended by Shotujoku (thanks

I got 53 which is B at Excelsior.I came back and saw it's just one point short of an A and feeling bad about it.I was mentally exhausted by the end of the exam and did not review my questions.I am feeling bad about this because firstly i worked very hard on this exam and second maybe changing some answers after a second review would have given me one extra point.When my exam goes badly i worry that changing an answer could change a pass to fail and i do believe that the first guess is the best one.
Anyways,my GPA is 2.88 now and a B will make it maybe 2.9? I have only 3 more exams to complete my degree and 2 of them being college writing and the dreaded Statistics...i don't think these 3 exams will help me get to my target of 3.00 GPA.
It means i will need to take more exams to increase it:mad:
to add to this my next exam is on 6th Feb(World conflicts)..hence very little time to prepare

Sorry for Ranting so much...but feeling a little better already:o