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Is this normal?!
I only need two CLEP tests to finish up my bachelors degree. I'm starting with Humanities because I didn't realize that I could CLEP computer science until I found this cite!

I take my Humanities CLEP a week from Monday, April 11th. I started by taking the REA practice test #1 and scored a 54.

I then went through all 515 flashcards twice on this site.

I have printed summaries of Shakespears plays (also suggested on this site)

I found out about the Peterson Practice Test from this site and took the first one last night. I got 64 answers correct.

I took the second REA Practice test today and correctly answered 79 questions!!

So here is what doesn't make sense... as I am taking the practice tests, I feel like I am guessing at just about every question. I really shakes my confidence for the real thing coming up in about 10 days... is this normal?!
Yes. I haven't taken the humanities test, but my experience has been the same on the Peterson's tests and the REA tests for Am. Govt., U.S. History I&II. It's like I'm reading the question for the first time and haven't even studied at all.
However, with your score of 79, it shows you are gaining a grasp of the information. I have found very few straightforward questions on these tests. It seems to be all about winnowing the information from different parts of the brain.
I go back over the tests multiple times until I score high. I also read the explanations until I feel confident I understand their reasoning behind the answer.
Hope this helps the confidence factor.
Good luck.

On a few occasions, I have taken the Peterson's tests without having any prior knowledge of the subjects. I've always gotten over 70% even if I didn't know a single answer.

[Image: ccoDZ6X.png]


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