Hello everybody! I have been surfing the forums for hours and it is very helpful, but I am still having trouble nailing down my degree plan. I'm getting a BA in Psychology at TESC. I want to test out of as much as I can. I really, really dislike history, so I'm trying to find alternatives for as much history as I can. I'm not a big science person either, but science is slightly above history. I greatly appreciate any advice/ suggestions you have. Also, I have looked on TE website and I think I have all my tests under appropriate categories, but please correct me if not. Also please let me know if I have any tests that you have taken but would not reccommend, or any easy classes you would reccommend. After all, who doesn't love easy college credt?
Thanks! Here is what I have now:
General Education Requiremnets-60
English Comp. w/ essay-CLEP-6(I did already take this; however, someone who shall remain anonymous told me I didn't have to have essay, but I do, so now I get to take it again in six months. Oh well. I have taken a 3 credit online English 101 class; has anyone taken English Comp II TECEP? Would that be easier than CLEP since I only need 3 credits? Does it have an essay too?)
Humanities-12 (I took humanities clep and made a 48
I don't want to take any literature either. I have heard bad things.)
Technical Writing-DANTES-3
Introduction to World Religions-DANTES-3
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature-CLEP-6 (PASSED!)
Social Sciences-12
Social Sciences and History-CLEP-6(I have heard this is not too bad)
Behavior Modification Techniques in Counseling-TECEP-3(trying to replace a history)
Substance Abuse-DANTES-3(I have heard this is easy)
Natural Sciences and Mathematics-12
College Math-CLEP-6(PASSED!)
INFT 110 Computer Concepts-3(In the process of taking at Liberty University)
Natural Sciences-CLEP-3 here 3 below(Not a big fan but I hear it is the easiest science)
General Education Electives-18
Natural Sciences-CLEP-3 here 3 above
Introduction to News Reporting-TECEP-3(No idea what difficultly this is. I'm just trying to test as much as I can w/o history)
Introduction to Sociology-CLEP-3(My next victim
Algebrs-ALEKS-3(I'm confused about if TESC will accept credit for beginner algebra. I have been told both ways. If not, do I need to take Intermediate or college?)
Need 3 more. Any suggestions? Maybe another ALEKS? I'm not real sure what I can put here. Could I use Word Processing Fundamentals or would that be a free elective? Would that take the place of my computer class?
Area of Study
Introductory Psychology-CLEP-3(PASSED!)
Research Methods in Psychology-ECE-3(requirement)
Introduction to Educational Psychology-CLEP-3(PASSED!)
Human Growth and Development-CLEP-3-(PASSED!)
Organizational Behavior-DANTES-3
Fundamentals of Counseling-DANTES-3
Psychology of Personality-TECEP-3
Abnormal Psycholoy-ECE-3
Psychology of Adulthood and Aging-ECE-3(Not particularly excited about this one, but its just one more to test out of)
Social Psychology-ECE-3
I need to take on online class at TESC so I have a grade point average. I am considering Social Psychology b/c it is 6 credits as a class(I think). But I'm not sure what I'm going to do there yet.
Free Electives-27
ICST 200-3(I am in the process of taking this at Liberty University)
Spanish-CLEP-12(Not sure I should count on these credits. I have had two years of high school spanish. Is that enough?)
Foundation of Education-DANTES-3
Literacy Instruction in Elementary School-ECE-6(I am interested in this b/c I hope to eventually get my master in Early Childhood Education and teach, but if this is a really hard one I am willing to replace it w/ something else)
Introduction to Buisness-DANTES-3
Please let me know of any suggestions you have. Thank You!!! Oh, one more thing, What do you guys think about TECEPs in general? I have heard the ECEs are harder than CLEPs, but I haven't heard much of anything about TECEPs.

General Education Requiremnets-60
English Comp. w/ essay-CLEP-6(I did already take this; however, someone who shall remain anonymous told me I didn't have to have essay, but I do, so now I get to take it again in six months. Oh well. I have taken a 3 credit online English 101 class; has anyone taken English Comp II TECEP? Would that be easier than CLEP since I only need 3 credits? Does it have an essay too?)
Humanities-12 (I took humanities clep and made a 48

Technical Writing-DANTES-3
Introduction to World Religions-DANTES-3
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature-CLEP-6 (PASSED!)
Social Sciences-12
Social Sciences and History-CLEP-6(I have heard this is not too bad)
Behavior Modification Techniques in Counseling-TECEP-3(trying to replace a history)
Substance Abuse-DANTES-3(I have heard this is easy)
Natural Sciences and Mathematics-12
College Math-CLEP-6(PASSED!)
INFT 110 Computer Concepts-3(In the process of taking at Liberty University)
Natural Sciences-CLEP-3 here 3 below(Not a big fan but I hear it is the easiest science)
General Education Electives-18
Natural Sciences-CLEP-3 here 3 above
Introduction to News Reporting-TECEP-3(No idea what difficultly this is. I'm just trying to test as much as I can w/o history)
Introduction to Sociology-CLEP-3(My next victim

Algebrs-ALEKS-3(I'm confused about if TESC will accept credit for beginner algebra. I have been told both ways. If not, do I need to take Intermediate or college?)
Need 3 more. Any suggestions? Maybe another ALEKS? I'm not real sure what I can put here. Could I use Word Processing Fundamentals or would that be a free elective? Would that take the place of my computer class?
Area of Study

Introductory Psychology-CLEP-3(PASSED!)
Research Methods in Psychology-ECE-3(requirement)
Introduction to Educational Psychology-CLEP-3(PASSED!)
Human Growth and Development-CLEP-3-(PASSED!)
Organizational Behavior-DANTES-3
Fundamentals of Counseling-DANTES-3
Psychology of Personality-TECEP-3
Abnormal Psycholoy-ECE-3
Psychology of Adulthood and Aging-ECE-3(Not particularly excited about this one, but its just one more to test out of)
Social Psychology-ECE-3
I need to take on online class at TESC so I have a grade point average. I am considering Social Psychology b/c it is 6 credits as a class(I think). But I'm not sure what I'm going to do there yet.
Free Electives-27
ICST 200-3(I am in the process of taking this at Liberty University)
Spanish-CLEP-12(Not sure I should count on these credits. I have had two years of high school spanish. Is that enough?)
Foundation of Education-DANTES-3
Literacy Instruction in Elementary School-ECE-6(I am interested in this b/c I hope to eventually get my master in Early Childhood Education and teach, but if this is a really hard one I am willing to replace it w/ something else)
Introduction to Buisness-DANTES-3
Please let me know of any suggestions you have. Thank You!!! Oh, one more thing, What do you guys think about TECEPs in general? I have heard the ECEs are harder than CLEPs, but I haven't heard much of anything about TECEPs.
[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]B.A. in Psychology from TESC in 9 months
My degree plan: http://www.degreeforum.net/excelsior-tho...elp-2.html
My degree plan: http://www.degreeforum.net/excelsior-tho...elp-2.html