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Credit for ALEKS Corp (McGraw Hill) Online courses in College Algebra & Statistics
Linda, wow this is getting crazy. I got credit for my Beginning Algebra for my AA which I have a letter confirming graduation. Now does that mean I'm not going to get credit for this course for my BA? TESC is driving me nuts. They told me that nobody has ever gotten credit for more than 1 Stats class but that's obviously not true either. After multiple emails and mini wars with the advisors and Dr. Peel, I was told by one of the Graduate advisors that if it's on your evaluation you're safe, supposedly a student's contract. She told me phone conversations and even what's on emails doesn't mean a thing because the course has to be approved by her to go on the evaluation. Although I admit my discussions weren't geared toward the Beginning Algebra more towards trying to get 2 out of 3 Stats courses approved which they only allowed one.
TESC BA June 2010
I looked up some things and this is a contradiction of their published policy

Thomas Edison State College will accept the recommendations of the American Council on Education (ACE), for courses completed through business, industry, government and special organizations. These recommendations may be found at

This course is OK I called Back got Robert Burton and he said it is approved as MAT 102 and if anyone says otherwise to asl for Nia Abuwi. She is the Associate Director of Academic Advising and she said it is MAT-102

cheersmate cheersmate

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12
Lindagerr Wrote:I looked up some things and this is a contradiction of their published policy

Thomas Edison State College will accept the recommendations of the American Council on Education (ACE), for courses completed through business, industry, government and special organizations. These recommendations may be found at

This course is OK I called Back got Robert Burton and he said it is approved as MAT 102 and if anyone says otherwise to asl for Nia Abuwi. She is the Associate Director of Academic Advising and she said it is MAT-102

cheersmate cheersmate

Go go gadget emoticon! :puke: Linda, even though I'm running fever and a little delirious from said fever I must say you made me crack up. I feel like I'm part of some soap opera. Thank you! :willynilly:
Lindagerr Wrote:I have college Algebra And College TRig. Taken at B&M college so before I took ALEKS Beginning Algebra I called and talked to an advisor. I was told I would be able to get 3 credits for ALEKS and it would be OK with what I already have.

I just got off the phone with TESC, They WILL NOT and never have given credit for Beginning Algebra according to the women I talked to the ALEKS 0001 is a developemental course and they will not give credit.

The lowest ALEKs they will give credit for is Intermediate Algebra Aleks 0002 they will credit that as MAT-115. I am screwed:puke: I don't have time to take ALEks 002 now and I know I will forget it all if I don't I have to rethink my whole plan.

I want to scream:mad:

They are liars- but we already knew that!! This s*cks big time!!!!

EDIT- ok, I didn't read ahead. So, it's looking up. Well, would anyone be willing to pm me the names of the advisors who are telling you 0001 is developmenta - or anything else that's just plain wrong? I'm keeping track, but I'll do so off of the public board.
Thanks Linda that was fast, I see you are just as impatient as me. Your due diligence has served us well and hopefully we could put this baby to rest. Now you can focus on teaching, soupbone on law, and I can enjoy a jog to calm my nerves cheersmate .
TESC BA June 2010

Thank you for your investigational skills in getting this matter resolved. In reading through the posts I see creationstory actually had a duplicate so that answered that question.

I knew MAT102 was in fact valid because I was just certified to graduate with that course which is why this was upsetting.

BTW, I talked to a strange advisor last week myself. The lady was completely clueless. Sometimes those on the expressline are not yet up to speed.

Thanks again!Confusedeeya:

"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry

AAS, Admin Studies. 2010
BA, Social Sciences. 2010. Arnold Fletcher Award.
AAS, Environmental, Safety & Security Technologies. 2011
BSBA, General Management. 2011. Arnold Fletcher Award. Sigma Beta Delta (ΣΒΔWink!
I'm still going to post my answer and how it shows on my transcript. I'm crossing my fingers that it goes like the guy Linda spoke to suggested. If my scanner was working I'd scan it in too...:roflol:

As I was writing this TESC closed my ticket. Here is what I was sent:mad:
"Beginning Algebra is listed a developmental course so you will not obtain transfer credit for that course."

Ok now what?!? banghead
I have too many other pressures coming at me from too many other areas I needed to get this straight and off my mind. It didn't hurt that work has been slow and I am home again today.

When I talked to TESC the first time I didn't get a name, I was so upset this lady seemed sure of herself and I said they needed to get this coordinated with all the advisors. She said it would be. I should have just called back immediately, but first I got upset then I yelled at my poor husband when he said I would be able to do Intermediate Algebra in a short time. That was when I knew I needed to get this done.

I tryed to make an advising appointment, but I would have to wait until at least next Monday, I didn't have patience for that. So I started checking the wording of the TESC site about alternative credit and then I reread the ACE recommendation and I knew I had them.

I really didn't need it, when I called I asked this advisors name and explained I was upset and that if I yelled it was not his fault. He immediately checked everything and said I was right then he accually put ALEk-0001 in my degree plan as MAT-102 and said if anyone gave me a problem just tell them that Nia Abuwi said that is the way it should be.

I just checked my eval and it is there in writing si this guy was true to his word. So if anyone has a problem call and ask for Robert Burton he is smart and dependable.

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12
soupbone Wrote:I'm still going to post my answer and how it shows on my transcript. I'm crossing my fingers that it goes like the guy Linda spoke to suggested. If my scanner was working I'd scan it in too...:roflol:

As I was writing this TESC closed my ticket. Here is what I was sent:mad:
"Beginning Algebra is listed a developmental course so you will not obtain transfer credit for that course."

Ok now what?!? banghead

Soup, I would call and speak to the gentleman mentioned in Linda's post "So if anyone has a problem call and ask for Robert Burton he is smart and dependable" and him plug it in to your evaluation. BTW, this was what I asked the "in training" advisor I spoke to last week to do...plug in a course for me and she said "oh, we can't do that, only the registrars office does that after they've received the transcripts." This while looking at my evaluation with about five courses that had been added in coded: *PL *TE. (It's a placeholder for goodness sakes.) My reply, "oh, ok, thank you anyway" and hung up. I can no longer make myself ILL over newbies or those who missed the Monday morning update meeting!

"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry

AAS, Admin Studies. 2010
BA, Social Sciences. 2010. Arnold Fletcher Award.
AAS, Environmental, Safety & Security Technologies. 2011
BSBA, General Management. 2011. Arnold Fletcher Award. Sigma Beta Delta (ΣΒΔWink!
I spoke to Mr. Burton as well and he calmed my nerves a bit. He said that the problem is in the database, and not the advisor. He said that the Aleks course will be listed as Math 102 and it's just going to take a while to get it updated. I'm going to watch my academic eval like a hawk now to make sure it's credited as Math 102. I'm glad I'm a member of this forum, otherwise I'd be pulling my hair out right now. :ack:

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