01-10-2010, 09:11 AM
nj593 Wrote:Like I said you should check with your recruiter that they will accept a credit bank. I would say go with TESC unless someone knows of a cheaper school. You would fill out your app $75.00 bucks and have your transcripts from FEMA sent there http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/downloads/tranrqst1.pdf
Then pay the credit bank fee at tesc which i believe is $400.00 app here Powered by Google Docs
Then wait about 4-6 weeks for the transcript to be done. Get on them every 2 weeks explaining you need it for the Army they might be quicker since they are military friendly at TESC.
But again clarify with your recruiter this will work if not a big waste of money.
If you are good with math pay $20.00 bucks and try to snap out some ALEKS math work too ALEKS Course Products they are about 3 undergrad credits also each. If you are good up to trig thats about 15 credits there. So in theory you could have 45 credit banked if you do 30 fema and 15 math. When you get done with A school then you can transfer some of that training at TESC into credit out of it. All said and done coming out of 6 months of Army doing the prereqs here you could be close to some sort of an associates degree through TESC.
And make sure your final depart papers state everything you and your recruiter spoke about and agreed about. I think you stated you were doing this for your husband. But in the military you are the one facing it alone so get as much as you can.
See, now I'm thinking that the 15 ALEKS credit would be crazy-hard, but maybe that's just me? Are there really people who just "know how" to rock out algebra? I think it would require serious learning, which is good too, but maybe for another day?
She needs 15, so I'm of the mind that anything beyond the required 15 credits should "count" for a future degree. Who'll be nice enough to post an updated FEMA list of classes that TESC takes for credit? If she sticks to that schedule, these 27 FEMAs will count toward her bachelor degree.