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Another suggestion...visit CLEP: Exam Descriptions
From my experience IC's cards are not like flash cards you make up yourself of material you think is on a test. It is like an overview of the overall concept and material to get you thinking in the right vein or concept. Trying to use it as a guide of what will be on the test will not get you where you want to be. If that is what you want, visit the above CLEP site for what they call "EXAM DESCRIPTIONS".
That will point you in the direction of what % of the test is for what subject matter. Perhaps this type of guide is what you had hoped for to help you know where to focus your efforts. Others on this forum have mentioned them in the past.
Good luck.
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Rescueswimmer85 Wrote:Everyone,
I know this sounds mean, but I'm really starting to question instantcert and the intentions of the webpage writers.
Go into US History 1 early colonization. I saw about 15 questions that were asked repeatedly. This made me wonder if some of the questions were actually valid or if someone actually looked at these "flash-cards" right. Why ask the same questions over???
So I took my test today and I would say, out of 120 questions about 25 of them I could reference from all the cards I studied. Everything else was so ridciulously hard. Where a particular event took place or person, they would ask on the test, "how do you think this person would have felt during this time..."
Or better yet, an association of people and thoughts where you had to cross reference and figure out which one didn't go correctly. I don't care how much you study on this webpage. It's useless when you look at the "material" they offer here.
I got a 48 and I needed a 50. So, yeah I'm pissed off pretty bad.
I'm going to give this webpage one more time and study everything that they have to offer for computer and here's to your health. Good thing I didn't have to pay the CLEP center, otherwise I would have REALLY been pissed.
Until then,
Thanks for nothing instantcert. Keep my 60-80 bucks and screw over the next person in line.
huh. I wonder how everyone else passed?
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Wow you guys/gals,
I really appreciate the HATE in this forum. I came back to apologize for my earlier post and think...
....tomorrow is another day, let's just see what people have posted to try to help me where I went wrong.
Let's see what poeple may have for me...
I've already been called an idiot and scrutinized. Let me first say that, this was the first test that I've taken and failed. To be fair, this is also my first CLEP exam.
I knew I was going to get some sarcasm but man it must feel good to make fun of someone so much and put them down.
I was going to fire back at all the veterans from Illinois with this (since I'm in Illinois)
State of IL $100 for OIF / OEF Veterans | Military Order of the Purple Heart
You get 100 dollars back just for serving in OEF/OIF. Found this out today. But let's just rag on eachother and not help eachother out. For everyone else that isn't an ass..
Thanks, and I'll try to find some more VA benefits out there.
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Let me be the first to apologize if my posts came off a bit harsh. Point is this site has saved me and many others alot of money/time. We know the site works and get defensive when someone rags on it.
With that said, I've failed a test and know how it feels, it hurts. We just want you to know that IC works, you just have to find out how to use it to your specific learning mechanisms.
again, sorry.
Rhashad Hicks
Liberty University, DBA
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No worries mate,
I'll just have to study even harder.
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Way to go man, that's the spirit. I failed Microeconomics CLEP by 1 point. That one hurt a lot [I also got to think about it while I was on vacation, which was the next day]. Keep your chin up and go get'em.
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I can understand the frustration. I failed one by two points, thirteen years ago. I haven't had a shortfall since then.
I passed this same test last month. I thought it was pretty tough, but passed. Here's what I did.. I divided my study with one serious pass through an REA guide (that solidly covers about 30% of the questions). Don't invest a lot of time with the questions in the book. HOWEVER, READ THE CONTENT TEXT before the tests and the QUESTION EXPLANATIONS. Make sure you are comfortable with President Jackson, slavery issues and the politics and supreme court cases regarding it... it seems like they give way too much space to questions regarding slavery on this test.
I passed by a very wide margin.
Anything you find difficult... like defining a Tory or you can't remember what Shays Rebellion was about... look it up on wikipedia and read the entire article. Don't make the mistake of data skimming, just read.
After you do the CLEP guide, drill with Instacert, but don't rely solely on flash cards for content. Unless the test question is worded identically, it will will throw you.
If you PM me your address, I will send you my REA CLEP guide for History of the US I (early colonizations) for free. I don't need it anymore.
PM me if you need any advice or encouragement on this test. I'm fairly new here, but I've done a lot of these tests in the Army. I'm also sure that I'm not the only one here that would volunteer to help you.
I would also like to tender the opinion that there is no "real" failure here... there is merely the inability to muster enough points on a given day to get credit. When this happens, we fall back, regroup, and study some more until we make the threshold. I promise you that no one here has dubious morals.
The Instacert money may seem wasted to you. It probably was, if you used it for your knowledge base, instead of simply memory drills.
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I have used InstantCert for all of my Clep and DSST tests. I think it is great. On some tests, I have used other sources. I am planning to take Hist 1 and 2. I have been using InstantCert, but I also ordered a book that has flashcards for both Hist 1 and 2. It has 250 flashcards for each. I got it on line for about 17 bucks. Not sure I really needed it, but never hurts to have more than 1 source.
I took DSST Civil War and passed with InstantCert and the Ken Burns video set.
InstantCert has worked very well for me.
[SIZE="4"][SIZE="2"]Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. - [COLOR="Black"]Thomas Jefferson[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]36 credits completed by exam so far.
Next exam: DSST ??
Rise and Fall, Money and Banking, ??????
CLEP US HISTORY II (54) 12/18/09
CLEP US HISTORY l (49)12/11/09 Failed:mad:
DSST Principles of Supervison (57)8/28/09
CLEP Principles of Management (58)8/14/09
DSST Criminal Justice (59) 8/9/07
CLEP Intro to Soc (55) 7/31/07
CLEP Principles of Accounting (53) 6/27/07
DSST Here's to your Health (59) 5/23/07
DSST Personal Finance(71) 5/24/07
DSST MIS (63) 5/31/07
CLEP Information Systems (60) 5/31/07
DSST Intro to Computing (65)
DSST Civil War 08/08/06 (52). [/SIZE]
Associate of Science-Paralegal Studies- [B]Ashworth Universtiy [/B]
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Sorry to hear about your fail. I think the reason so many people are up in arms is because of your tone, instantcert is a wonderful tool for preparing for CLEP or Dantes exams and has helped many people obtain their degree's. The people on this forum are some of the nicest people I have ever met online and really desire to help one another learn and succeed, but we don't like people just showing up and ragging on our methods!
I would really follow Shoto's advice, I copied his triangle and used it for inspiration. Also, you should look for the official CLEP guide, it contains a breakdown of the test to help you focus your studying time. Don't give up on the first try, remember we aren't defined by how we handle success, but by our response to adversity! Press on!
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US History I was my first CLEP exam, too. I was surprised to learn how difficult these tests really are and that there are not a lot of fact based questions. I had to use the facts I knew to try to figure out the answers.
Don't give up. Try again. Having the right study materials and spending the right amount of time studying makes all of the difference.