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Masters degree questions
Hello everyone! Some of you may remember me from a few months back... after finishing my undergrad, I've been busy moving, traveling and adjusting to a new job. But... I'm back! This time thinking about my Masters degree. (?!?!?!)

I have done a little research, but not much and thought I would ask all you very qualified, experienced people on here for some help.

First, how do you recommend choosing/finding a school? I'm not particular about where I get my degree from--I'm just interested in the continued education. I would like to find a program I could do online, probably one to two classes at a time, with a focus on International Relations.

Second, I know I need to take the GRE. Any advice? What is the test like, what resources should I use for studying, how much time should I expect to spend preparing, etc? Also, is it necessary/beneficial to take any of the subject exams?

I feel a little guilty just asking you all, because I know I can find answers to these questions somewhere on the internet. But I thought if any of you have experience, it will probably be more beneficial than Google. And I can always try that later on, if I need it. Wink

From 0 to 120 credits in ten months and seven days because of CollegePlus! and InstantCert!!!

AHHHH!!!!!!!! I DID IT!!!!!!!! Graduation, here I come!

"The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save." ~Zephaniah 3:17
Don't apologize! I'll graduate soon from EC and have the same questions! This forum has been a wealth of information and I'm sure a few out there have some interesting info on this...
Pursuing BS in General Business from EC

Principles of Marketing CLEP 68
Ethics in America DSST 456
Management Info Systems DSST 439
Business Law CLEP 63
Business Law II DSST 68 (A)

Up Next:
Principles of Statistics DSST
Principles of Finance DSST
Operations Management (TESC Exam)
Business Strategy EC Online (Jan 2010)
Info Literacy EC Online (Jan 2010)
bkbarden Wrote:First, how do you recommend choosing/finding a school? I'm not particular about where I get my degree from--I'm just interested in the continued education.

A couple of good resources for starting your graduate school search are and, both of which are free sites that enable searching for academic programs.

bkbarden Wrote:I would like to find a program I could do online, probably one to two classes at a time, with a focus on International Relations.

Here are some schools that I know of, with programs that may or may not interest you. All are American schools with regional accreditation.

Since you're interested in International Relations, you'll probably want to take a look at Troy University. They've got an online M.S. in International Relations. Graduate tuition runs $365 per credit hour, though.

Troy University - Graduate School
TROY eCampus Homepage
TROY eCampus Tuition

Also, there's the American Public University System, which is a fancy name for two schools that jointly offer programs: American Military University and American Public University. There really isn't much difference between the two, and they share degree programs and course offerings. AMU and APU offer the M.A. in International Relations and Conflict Resolution. Graduate tuition runs $275 per credit hour. There are multiple related programs as well, such as Military Studies, Intelligence Studies, History, Homeland Security, etc.

American Public University
APU Masters Programs
APU Degree Program: Master of Arts in International Relations and Conflict Resolution

bkbarden Wrote:Second, I know I need to take the GRE. Any advice? What is the test like, what resources should I use for studying, how much time should I expect to spend preparing, etc?

ETS has a good overview of the test available on their sites. I like their newest site: or you can go to the old site:

There are a ton of resources that show up by googling "free GRE," and I'm not as familiar with many of them. One site I do like for vocabulary practice is When you go to the site, if the subject isn't set to English Vocabulary, then click "Change Subjects" and choose it. This site, run by the U.N. World Food Program in partnership with the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, asks questions and then donates rice to the needy for each correct answer. It's studying for a cause, in a sense. I like it because the questions adjust their level of difficulty to accomodate your skill level, and it repeats the ones you miss.

I haven't started studying for the mathematics portion yet, so I don't have any suggestions there as of yet.

bkbarden Wrote:Also, is it necessary/beneficial to take any of the subject exams?

The GRE Subject Tests are rarely required for admission to masters programs. In fact, I've been looking into both graduate and doctoral programs in English and have found that only a handful of doctoral programs require the Subject Test. The only masters program I found that requires it doesn't use it for admissions purposes; Mercy College requires students entering their M.A. in English to take the Subject Test when they begin their studies and again when they complete their degree, so the school can compare the scores.

That being said, if there is a GRE Subject Test in the field you intend to study, and you believe that you will do well on it, then submitting a high score certainly won't hurt your admissions chances. Honestly, though, you're probably better off spending the time you would have spent studying doing other things instead to aid your applications, such as revising your admissions essays and working/volunteering in your field.
nice... hilarious
DSST Environment & Race to Save Humanity *  51/80 Clep CIS  63/80
College Math  66/80 * DSST Business Law II  -  No Pass
Principles of Mgmt  61/80 * A/I Lit  51/80 retest 61/80
Social Sciences and History -  66/80  -  A * Freshman Composition  -  60/80
Intro to Computers  426 -Current System - p/f = pass * Intro to Modern Middle East Studies -  61/80
Human Cultural Geography  -  61/80 * US History I  - A   -61/80
US History II - A  68/80 * Civil War  -  A   57/80
Intro to World Religions  - A  68/80 * Intro to Bus Law -  64/80    A
Public Speaking 55/80  A * MIS 429/500 * Statistics 459/500 * MacroEconomics  57/80
MicroEconomics   53/80 (ran out no money in meter) * Criminal Justice 418/500
English Comp with Essay 58/80 * Personal Finance 406/500 (Ran thru IC once & test once... 40 minutes/98 questions.. close call) 
Principle of Supervision -  436/500 * Clep American Government 67/80  
FEMA's Completed - 49 (sorry i'm addicted to them).

BA - Criminal Justice - Central State University
AAS - Computer Science - TESU
AAS - BOG - Info Tech - Pierpont
ΦΘΚ, Alumna Member
HI guys,

I just started my first class at University of the Rockies. A graduate school offering Master's and Doctoral degress. It is regionally accrediated. A private "for profit" university. Good customer service so far. I get an email at least once a week from my advisor.

University of the Rockies » Home » Index

This is a completly online program and will give me a MA in Psychology, with a specialization in Organizational Leadership. Basically how to manage change within organizations. They also offer other focuses such as Business, Executive Coaching, Non-profit management.

The best part about the program is that the classes are only 6 weeks each and you can work ahead as fast as you want. So that means that once you have your textbooks and logon, you can finish your entire 6 week class in 1 or 2 weeks if you want. You will still have to engage in online discussion (2 or 3 per week) with classmates, but that shouldn't be too tough.

I think this is a great program so farSmile . It's worth looking into.

A.S. Liberal Arts- Excelsior College 2007
B.S. Criminal Justice- Excelsior College 2008
M.B.A.- California Coast University 2012
EdS- Liberty University 2014
EdD- Liberty University 2016

Miscellaneous graduate coursework from University of The Rockies and California InterContinental University (that did me absolutely NO GOOD whatsoever)
Is it expensive?

Thanks for all the info, especially MaieJaie. Your post is an amazing wealth of information! I looked at Troy University and was very impressed. But another question resulted from seeing the prices... know of any scholarships available for Masters degrees? Big Grin

Also, do you know if many Masters programs would allow you to transfer in courses from other (cheaper) programs?

I'm thinking I may need to wait a few months (or more) before starting a program, mainly because of the cost and a few other things going on right now. But I can hopefully study for and take the GRE and be ready to enroll in a program when the time is right.

Thanks again for all the advice. MaieJaie, do you have or are in process of getting a Masters?

From 0 to 120 credits in ten months and seven days because of CollegePlus! and InstantCert!!!

AHHHH!!!!!!!! I DID IT!!!!!!!! Graduation, here I come!

"The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save." ~Zephaniah 3:17
bkbarden Wrote:Thanks for all the info, especially MaieJaie. Your post is an amazing wealth of information! I looked at Troy University and was very impressed. But another question resulted from seeing the prices... know of any scholarships available for Masters degrees? Big Grin

There are plenty of websites available with scholarship information, is one of the most well-known, but there are countless others you'll find with a basic web search. Your local bookstore will also have books which list sources for scholarships, as well.

bkbarden Wrote:Also, do you know if many Masters programs would allow you to transfer in courses from other (cheaper) programs?

Most masters degree programs accept 6-9 semester credits toward the degree. Other programs will allow fewer credits, or no credits at all. There are a few programs that will take 12 credits toward the masters program. There is only one masters program of which I am aware that will accept more transfer credits--the American Public University System (American Military University and American Public University).

The APUS will accept up to 15 semester credits toward the masters degree. Per their website, "Up to 15 semester hours may be transferred, 9 of which may be applied to core or major requirements. The remaining credits may be applied to the program electives, depending on the total required 36 semester hours for the degree." However, their website also says "The amount of credit accepted for transfer depends on your declared program of study, and whether the type of credit previously earned is determined to be equivalent to the requirements of your program." In other words, while they may take up to 15 credits, they won't guarantee they will accept all or any of the 15 credits that you want to transfer.

Award of Credit

bkbarden Wrote:I'm thinking I may need to wait a few months (or more) before starting a program, mainly because of the cost and a few other things going on right now. But I can hopefully study for and take the GRE and be ready to enroll in a program when the time is right.

Thanks again for all the advice. MaieJaie, do you have or are in process of getting a Masters?

I'm not in graduate school yet. I'm planning on starting in summer or fall. I've been doing a LOT of research on graduate programs lately.

Best of luck with your studies, whatever you decide!
ImustStudy Wrote:HI guys,

I just started my first class at University of the Rockies. A graduate school offering Master's and Doctoral degress. It is regionally accrediated. A private "for profit" university. Good customer service so far. I get an email at least once a week from my advisor.

University of the Rockies » Home » Index

This is a completly online program and will give me a MA in Psychology, with a specialization in Organizational Leadership. Basically how to manage change within organizations. They also offer other focuses such as Business, Executive Coaching, Non-profit management.

The best part about the program is that the classes are only 6 weeks each and you can work ahead as fast as you want. So that means that once you have your textbooks and logon, you can finish your entire 6 week class in 1 or 2 weeks if you want. You will still have to engage in online discussion (2 or 3 per week) with classmates, but that shouldn't be too tough.

I think this is a great program so farSmile . It's worth looking into.


THabnks, sounds like a great program but not cheap. $640 per credit plus books and fees. Admission requirements are great, though. This is intriguing, but pricey. Thanks for the info.
started Excelsior 11/08
BA Lib Studies from TESC completed 10/09:
Transferred in 42 from B&M school.
9 credits from ISM Purchasing certification.
CLEP Humanities 11/08 (64)
CLEP A&I Lit. 11/08 (70)
CLEP Soc. Sci. & History 12/08 (65)
CLEP Natl Science 1/09 (51) :p
Penn Foster Info Lit 2/09
Psych GRE 4/09 Score 540, 26th %, 0 credits :mad:
IAAP CAP certification exam (2 days, 750 questions)5/09 PASSED all 4 exams, 29 credits! Big Grin
11 FEMAs
CLEP English Comp w/ easay (62)
ALEKS Intro to Statistics (8/09)
CLEP English Literature (69)
Don't assume you need the GRE until you've chosen your program. Not all graduate programs require it - none of the programs I looked at did (although they required other entrance exams.)

There's always the Fullbright program and I think Americorps/Peace Corps completion awards can be used for graduate study or to defray student loans for graduate programs.

If you can fund part of your education on your own, you might look into something like the Institute for PR; they offer awards and fellowships for research as well as a "best master's thesis" award.

Specific schools will also have financial aid and award programs. Talk to the financial aid people or browse departmental and financial aid pages at your targeted universities.

Good luck! Master's study is super interesting, but it's also pretty demanding.
BS Literature in English cum laude, Excelsior College
currently pursuing K-8 MAT, University of Alaska Southeast (42/51).

IC works! Credits by exam to date: 63

CLEP: A&I Lit (72), Am Gov (69), Biology (58), Intro to Ed Psych (73), Intro Psych (77), Intro Soc (72), US History I (69)
DSST: Astronomy (65), Civil War (63), Intro Computing (463), Environment & Humanity (70), Foundations of Ed (68), USSR (54)
GRE: Literature in English (60th percentile / 18 cr)

On Deck: classroom research & instructional design

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