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Air Force Members
clep101 Wrote:Airforce Members,
I sometimes hear jokes about an MOS/Job that you guys have. Can you set the record straight on whether or not this job exists in the Air Force or is it just a joke. I think it's just a joke, but one time I asked an Air Force 1LT and he thought it actually existed.

Is there such an MOS as "In-Flight Missle Repair"?

Not sure, I would talk to a Recruiter. We do have an AFSC not MOS in the Air Force for In Flight engine repair, we call them Flight Engineers or Crew Chiefs, about a year worth of schooling in Little Rock Arkansas
CCAF-AS Logistics Management
CCAF-AS Bio-Environmental Science
Cerro Coso Community College-AS Administration of Justice
Excelsior College-BS Criminal Justice-2008
TESC-BA Liberal Studies-2009
2 Different Bachelor Degrees completed in under 2 years!
Auto, are you planning on entering the AU ABC program, once your CCAF is complete?
Another AF member here, newbie to this place as well.
restag Wrote:Auto, are you planning on entering the AU ABC program, once your CCAF is complete?

I found it easier to do the TESC BA Liberal Studies using the in-state military enrollment option, than mess with AU ABC and tuition assistance since 100% of my degree will be credit by examination/CCAF transfer. TESC isn't an AU ABC participant anyway. I can't use TA, since I wont be taking any classes, and wont be using TECEP's.

For my situation, I weighed the cost/benefit and went my own way. For someone taking actual classes, the AU ABC would be a great option.

Associate in Applied Science/Criminal Justice - Community College of the Air Force
History of Vietnam War......51
Org. Behavior...................63
Intro to Computing............64
Criminal Justice.................64
Intro to World Religions......62
Principles of Sup. .............63
Money and Banking...........60
Intro to Law Enf. .............63
Princ. of Stat. .................56
Enviro & Humanity.............61
Ethics in Amer..................80
Drug & Alcohol Abuse.........65
Rise/Fall Soviet Union........55
Principles of Pub Speak......63 (Failed oral)
Principles of Pub Speak (2).64 (Passed oral)
Fresh. Col. Comp. (71) (Essay Passed TESC)
Principles of Man. (73)
Analy. & Int. Lit. (71)
Prin. of Microecon. (64)
Prin. of Macroecon. (60)
Intro to Soc (66)
American Gov't (63)
Hist of US I (66)
Hist of US II (63)
and the answer is....absolutely!
BA in Business Admin @ Park University...5 classes to go..3 Cleppable (new word!) DUN DUN DUNNN!!


Organization Behavior - 49/48 Peterson's only
Ethics in America - 425/400 Peterson's only
Principles of Microeconomics (2nd) - 54/50 Peterson's and InstantCert Flaschards


Principles of Marketing - 48/49 Peterson's only
Principles of Microeconomics 31/49 Peterson's only

On deck

Business Law I
Business Law II
Labor Relations
Hey guys,

Here's my background. Active duty Air Force, E5. Stationed at Sheppard AFB for 3.5 years, then moved to Eielson AFB(alaska). It's pretty awesome up here, no complaints.

Started doing cleps/dantes to finish my CCAF. Got everything done now, just waiting on an old transcript to hit it, and it'll be finished. Rolled all those credits to Wayland Baptist U, and some more cleps, puts me right about at senior level for my bachelors. Have 10 residency classes to complete it.
Test History: (scored/needed)
Pers Finance: 415/400
Intro Business:61/46
Analyzing/Interpreting Lit:66/50
Intro Sociology:62/50
Speech: Pass!
Ethics America:401/400 lol.(new, hard version)
College Math:62/50
Spanish:41/50 way harder then I expected.
creationstory Wrote:326 Bulldogs!! toughest squadron in all of AF BMT! check out these bulldogs! hoooyahh bulldogs! but in my heart i wish i was an Eagle.. where BMT is easy lol. hows studying going for u? finished up the cdc's yet?

I was also a Bulldog. how is instantcert working for everyone in here? can you pass the cleps by just going over the material provided?
air force members are the best people that are offering noble service for their country. during the war days they can work more than a logistics sector.

logistics madrid
slaughterhause Wrote:Sorry I haven't written back... things been a bit crazy. I'm AD Air Force... which is why I'm able to take so many dang tests (since they're free)!

As scottcop1 mentioned, I did in fact get accepted to Officer Training School with my BS from Excelsior. I haven't actually finished the degree -- I have two more tests to take. But it's a pretty frickin' great success story -- no way could I have gotten the degree, from scratch, within two years (with about a solid year of lollygagging) without Smile.


I am trying to finish my degree so I can also go to OTS. I have been on AD for 8 years and will be 32 in Nov. I am still a ways away from my degree. I am attending Park University as a Management/Healthcare Management major. I hope to finish by the age deadline of 34. I have also heard that you can go commission up to the age of 42 in some careerfields. I am currently deployed and am trying to successfully complete at least 4 CLEPs while I am here. Does anybody have any suggestions or advice?
I was USAF from Nov 1982 to Nov 1986. I was Airframe Repair specialist and CUT trained as Tactical Crew Chief on F-16 A/B/C/D models. My main duty station was Hahn Air Base in West Germany. I tied for first in tech school and came in second in NCO school.
BA Liberal Arts in 2014 from Excelsior College. (Took 25 tests)
Certificate in Writing in 2018 from University of Washington.
Current: MS in Psychology from Walden University.
Have 180 hour TEFL/TESOL Advanced Cert from TEFL HERO.
Member of World Genius Directory. IQ 148 SD 15/IQ 151 SD 16.

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