06-07-2006, 12:48 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-07-2006, 01:01 PM by libartsmgr.)
Back2School Wrote:...I'm just recommending that we not forget that the goal here is not just to pass a test, but to have something of value (a respected degree) in the end. What good will it be to have passed these tests and earned a degree if five years down the road many consider it 'Bush league'...
Librevore Wrote:...
If an applicant had earned their degree the way so many on this board are doing I would know several important facts about that person that actually would lean in their favor. These students must have a competent level of computer and English skills. They are motivated individuals who are capable of setting a high goal and then acheiving it often with the handicaps of carrying family, career, financial and time demands at the same time. I also know that since they are risking their entire grade on one "final" and without the benefit of an instructer to tell them what to study for it I know that they have studied very hard. Just like you did to pass the tests you mentioned...
As I read both Librevore's and Back2School's posts, two key points popped in my head.
The first is to Back2School's comment that employers and other professional may very well be reading the boards. You're right, this could certainly be true. We really don't know each other and we don't know who just "lurks" on the boards. BUT we have put a significant amount of trust in each other's genuineness. That, to me, is what set's this board apart from the others. So when we say an exam is "easy" it's all relative. College, in general, is not easy. A final exam, in general, is not easy. But I think we use our language to each other as encouragement. It's leting everyone know we CAN do it.
Like Brian said, I really was alone in my studies before this board, and I owe a lot of my success to Instacert and the board.
Instacert is not a cheat sheet or brain dump. Nor are the boards. We don't say things like, "question 10 is answer B" but we advise each other on topics to study, areas to focus on, and things we didn't expect but were on our exams. There are quite a few people who just can't use IC and to study because it does require a lot of critical thinking abilities to fill in the gaps and their brains just do not function as proficiently in that situation. I'm proud to say that I used ONLY IC to pass no less than 10 exams. To me, it say's to the world, "I'm pretty darn smart!"
My second point is to Librevore's comment about how we achived our degree.
Librevore - could you tell every prospective employer, critic, or anyone who will listen that this is how we are getting/got our degree? hilarious
I really like that you said what you did and that you have that perspective about education - incredibly validating! Thank you.
Best of luck,
Joanne [/size]
31 hours traditional schooling
11 Microsoft exams, 1 Linux+, 2 ICCP's, 6 CLEP's, 12 DSSTs, and 6 ECE's
[COLOR="Plum"][SIZE="1"][SIZE="3"]Degree Completed!
BS in Liberal Studies[/SIZE][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Best of luck,
Joanne [/size]
31 hours traditional schooling
11 Microsoft exams, 1 Linux+, 2 ICCP's, 6 CLEP's, 12 DSSTs, and 6 ECE's
[COLOR="Plum"][SIZE="1"][SIZE="3"]Degree Completed!
BS in Liberal Studies[/SIZE][/SIZE][/COLOR]