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Issue Sending CLEP Scores
Has anyone here ever had an issue sending CLEP scores to a college?

I ordered my CLEP scores to be sent from College Board to a local community college last Monday. I had four scores sent to the college. I paid the $20 fee and was told it would take 5-7 business days and that they'd be sent electronically.

So, I called the college Wednesday (2 days ago) just to see if the four scores have arrived yet. The college received all but my English Comp w/ Essay score. English Comp w/ Essay was the first CLEP that I took, and I took it back in late March. I know for a fact that College Board has it on file because I received the official score in the mail a month after I took it.

So, I called College Board and I was told that all four scores were definitely sent out, but that they would resend them anyway. I called the community college again this morning, but still no English Comp w/ Essay score. They definitely received the other scores and they have been added to my transcript. My college actually received the resent scores as well, which they didn't need for the other three exams, but still no English Comp w/ Essay score. Since all four scores were sent out at the same time, they should have received the English score. I was told to call College Board again to resolve this issue.

Again, I called College Board and they verified that all scores were sent. They gave me a cycle number (whatever that is) and told me to give it to the college's assessment office. Unfortunately, the assessment office is closed by noon on Friday, so I was unable to follow-up.

I'm in a rush because I need the English Comp w/ Essay score to exempt me from the computerized placement test. I can't register for classes until I get this exemption.

Has anyone else ever encountered a similar issue? If so, how did you resolve it?

...for the College Board to send my English Comp w/ Essay score to a college even though I took the exam months ago? I'm not waiting for the essay portion to be graded. It was graded a long time ago and I have the official score on file.

Despite that, the College Board felt the need to send the English Comp w/ Essay score in the mail (snail mail), where as my other scores were sent electronically. Is this standard procedure for this particular exam?
Yes, this has happened to me before. I took U.S. 1 and U.S. 2 within a few weeks of each other, requesting that each score be sent to my school the day I tested. My U.S. 2 score arrived within a week of testing, but my U.S. 1 did not, even though it had more time to get there. I had to call the College Board and request that this test be resent, which they did. It looks like I'm going to have to do that again, because I took Western Civ 2 at the beginning of November, and it still hasn't arrrived at my college so far as I know.

I hope everything works out for you! Stay on top of it!
From my experience, it was common to have about half of my results take up to 6 weeks to reach my school. The wait was the subject of more than one rant from me on this forum while so I understand your frustration. About the only thing you can do is keep following up. I always looked at it like a paycheck that was due to me and kept on studying for the next tests. I usually stayed 2-3 tests ahead of the result notifications so it was always a nice surprise...I understand you're in a different scenario though...Good Luck!
[SIZE="2"]Associates Degree, Aviation Maintenance Technology, Community College of the Air Force[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Bachelors of Science, Liberal Studies Degree, Excelsior [/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]MBA Human Resource Management, California Coast University[/SIZE]
College Board contacted me today. It turns out that there was a test score error on the multiple choice portion of the exam. It may have affected nearly everyone who took English Comp w/ Essay earlier this year. Nearly 100 students at my college were affected by it.

My score was changed (reduced by one point), but still passing. Unfortunately, in waiting for the score to arrive, I missed out on registering for just about all of the spring courses I intended to take. This means that I won't be able to start college until the summer semester.

So, I'm going to get my AA five months later than I had anticipated.

Thanks a lot College Board. Is it any wonder that they have an F rating from the BBB?
Quote:Thanks a lot College Board. Is it any wonder that they have an F rating from the BBB?

Nope...and I would be adding another complaint against them if I were you.
[SIZE="2"]Associates Degree, Aviation Maintenance Technology, Community College of the Air Force[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Bachelors of Science, Liberal Studies Degree, Excelsior [/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]MBA Human Resource Management, California Coast University[/SIZE]
I started bugging them for my transcript back in October...still haven't gotten it. I talked to a supervisor last time who told me he was going to personal handle it. I only hope that works...
[SIZE="1"]American Government (68) ~ Analyzing & Interpreting Literature (70) ~ Art of the Western World (72) ~ Astronomy (66) ~ ENG407: Chaucer (A) ~ Civil War & Reconstruction (69) ~ College Algebra (62) ~ College Mathematics (73) ~ College Writing (A) ~ English Composition with Essay (59) ~ GRE Literature in English (610/73%tile) ~ Humanities (75) ~ Introduction to Business (62) ~ Introduction to Computing (459) ~ Introduction to Educational Psychology (72) ~ Introduction to World Religions (478) ~ Introductory Psychology (74) ~ Money & Banking (48) ~ Research & Writing (A) ~ Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union (68) ~ ENG 310: Short Stories (A) ~ Introductory Sociology (77) ~ Social Sciences & History (76) ~ Technical Writing (67) ~ US History I (69) ~ US History II (64) ~ Western Civilization I (76) ~ Western Civilization II (65) Western Europe Since 1945 (65) ~ Exam Feedback

Total Credits: 121 ~ DONE: Literature in English BA from Excelsior College[/SIZE]
We got the CLEP transcript today by UPS One Day delivery!! Oh, happy day! They came through for us. And, I also wanted give my compliments to the reps I spoke with. They were both courteous and helpful. It took a long time, but, like the GRE score, it's finally here. Big Grin

[SIZE="2"][B][B]"By endurance, we conquer"[/B][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"] [SIZE="1"] ~ Sir Ernest Shackleton[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]College credits from my previous life:
Western Civ. I, Intro to Psych, Drawing,
U.S. Hist. I, Amer. Gov't, and Composition
for a total of 18

CLEP done through 2010:
U.S. History II (66)
Analyzing & Interpreting Lit (70)
Introduction to Sociology (71)
Social Sciences & History (70)
College Mathematics (57) :o

Hoped for end result before arthritis sets in:
BA in Art, Liberal Studies, or Humanities[/SIZE]
Ruddigore Wrote:I started bugging them for my transcript back in October...still haven't gotten it. I talked to a supervisor last time who told me he was going to personal handle it. I only hope that works...

So, basically it took about two months for The College Board to send you your transcript after you asked for it? I'll have to remember that...
-Andrew T.
Finished: 120 credits! [BSBA Thomas Edison State College] See my degree plan here.
Now Available for Amazon Kindle: How to Test Out of Your First Year of College (And More)
Levi_1989 Wrote:So, basically it took about two months for The College Board to send you your transcript after you asked for it? I'll have to remember that...
Yep. I called them at least three times before they finally got it out. And then they sent me two! So, I suppose the wait was worth while. Big Grin
[SIZE="1"]American Government (68) ~ Analyzing & Interpreting Literature (70) ~ Art of the Western World (72) ~ Astronomy (66) ~ ENG407: Chaucer (A) ~ Civil War & Reconstruction (69) ~ College Algebra (62) ~ College Mathematics (73) ~ College Writing (A) ~ English Composition with Essay (59) ~ GRE Literature in English (610/73%tile) ~ Humanities (75) ~ Introduction to Business (62) ~ Introduction to Computing (459) ~ Introduction to Educational Psychology (72) ~ Introduction to World Religions (478) ~ Introductory Psychology (74) ~ Money & Banking (48) ~ Research & Writing (A) ~ Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union (68) ~ ENG 310: Short Stories (A) ~ Introductory Sociology (77) ~ Social Sciences & History (76) ~ Technical Writing (67) ~ US History I (69) ~ US History II (64) ~ Western Civilization I (76) ~ Western Civilization II (65) Western Europe Since 1945 (65) ~ Exam Feedback

Total Credits: 121 ~ DONE: Literature in English BA from Excelsior College[/SIZE]

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