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Questions about ICCP exams - Calling all IT/MIS Students
All of you who are considering (or have already taken) ICCP exams, what material are you using (have already used) to prepare?

I wonder if the Bird Publications have updated their material (available online):

Zefrench, it was great to learn that you can take exams at the comfort of your home using a webcam and a microphone, will you be trying this soon?

I am primarily interested in three subjects:
C/C++ Programming Language
Database Administration
Systems Development (to fulfill Systems Analysis & Design)

I know those of you who are going for the technology program will require a few more.

I've posted a request to Steve hoping to create a new thread in the exam feedback section so we can all go back and hopefully compile some useful info.
Excelsior BSB - MIS concentration (119 credits in the bank)
I am using SQL for dummies to start studying for the ICCP exam Database Administration. My previous ICCP Exam I did cold (without any studying) as I felt I had a pretty good grasp on the Material. I have some notes on that exam as well, I will put in the general section for now.

I paid for some Bird material (the direct download type). I agree that it is a bit dated, but so are part of the exams (there is sometime a few new questions in them however)

I will give more feedbak after I take the ICCP Database Administration Exam, probably few month from now. (Concentrating on the general classes at the moment)
Thanks zefrench for your feedback, for a subject with so little information available, it's greatly appreciated.
Excelsior BSB - MIS concentration (119 credits in the bank)
Interesting article for ICCP exam results by students within a CIS program.
I registered for the ICCP bootcamp and bought the bird prep materials for SYSTEMS SECURITY exam.

I am appalled at the ICCP website! It's rather shocking. If they were an ordinary business (i.e. not IT-related) I would mock their website, which looks like it was done by a teenager in 1996. But, as an IT certification group they should be simply shocked.

I am nervous about the test. With 15 years of IT experience, I wonder how difficult these will be! There are just so few resources, feedback, or even mentions of these exams around the Internet. It's hard to know what to expect.

I DO like the 'at home' proctoring that they offer! A webcam and headset and they proctor you online! Convenient!
Well, now I'm even more shocked.

After calling ICCP and registering (she person on the phone wrote down all my information including credit card info with a pencil, and it will be 'data entried' tomorrow!!) I went on the Bird Publication site for prep materials.

They have an ordinary online store. I bought the prep materials, checked out, got my confirmation, then realized I had never paid!

I called the customer service number but got a very personal sounding answering machine ('you've reached the Bird family'). So, I sent an email. I got an email back saying that they will create an Ebay auction just for this individual purchase, and that once they get confirmation from Ebay they will manually create me a user/password on an FTP server so that /I can download my stuff!

Hmm.. Working with ICCP and Bird it's hard to imagine that these exams are gonna be meaningful or well written. It's 1999 all over again!
dhecker Wrote:Well, now I'm even more shocked.

After calling ICCP and registering (she person on the phone wrote down all my information including credit card info with a pencil, and it will be 'data entried' tomorrow!!) I went on the Bird Publication site for prep materials.

They have an ordinary online store. I bought the prep materials, checked out, got my confirmation, then realized I had never paid!

I called the customer service number but got a very personal sounding answering machine ('you've reached the Bird family'). So, I sent an email. I got an email back saying that they will create an Ebay auction just for this individual purchase, and that once they get confirmation from Ebay they will manually create me a user/password on an FTP server so that /I can download my stuff!

Hmm.. Working with ICCP and Bird it's hard to imagine that these exams are gonna be meaningful or well written. It's 1999 all over again!

Okay, I'm not an IT/MIS student, but I have been a paid professional in the IT field for 20 years. I've just gotta ask - given the unbelievable lack of technology described above, you're going to trust their study materials for a technical test? I mean, really, if they can't even get realtime EDI right on their own website when most of the major backend providers provide easy-to-integrate APIs, how well can you trust their version of technical study materials?

Why not just go to Amazon and buy a used textbook on the subject? Most courses/tests of this nature are on 'slightly stale' technology anyway, so an inexpensive used textbook would likely cover the material more than adequately. Plus, if you've got a formal textbook to study from and get an answer wrong on the test that you got from the textbook, you'd have grounds to protest the answer being marked wrong. Just a question, not knowcing what may be a viable study source, but I just can't imagine trusting to their version of technical guidance....
TESC, BA Psychology (Done, Graduation June 2009)
TESC, BSBA/Gen Mgmt. (In Progress)

CLEP: Freshman Col Comp 77| Info Systems & Apps 74| Intro to Psych 79| A. & I. Literature 79| Principles of Marketing 76| Human Growth & Dev. 74| Intro to Ed. Psych 74| Biology 74| Sociology 77| Natural Sciences 69| English Comp w/ Essay 59| Macroeconomics 70| Microeconomics 69
DSST: Mgmt. Info Systems 466| Environment & Humanity 71| Organizational Behavior 73| Astronomy 72| Technical Writing 65| General Anthropology 73| Human/Cultural Geography 70| Physical Geology 58| Fundamentals of Counseling 74| Ethics in America 467
ALEKS: Business Statistics| Intro to Statistics| Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
TECEP: Behavior Mod. Techniques| Psych of Personality| Experimental Psych| Social Psych| Psych of Women | Abnormal Psych
12 Asstd. FEMAs

Current/Up Next:
DSSTs Substance Abuse, Prin. of Supervision & Human Res. Mgmt.
ALEKS PreCalculus
Ok, that's a fair question. First, I would agree with your comments about how both ICCP and Bird Publications seem to have self-disqualified themselves as reputable/respectable players in any kind of technical field at all. The ICCP website is as bad as they come, and when you start working with them you realize that it's actually much worse then it appears.

That said, I need the ICCP credit because [shockingly] it counts towards my degree as and is ACE approved. The credential is useless, and in my 15 years of hiring IT people I have never once seen anyone with an ICCP certification, which appears to be fairly useless.

There is precious little information about these exams, but one thing I've consistently read is that they tests are outdated, hard to study for, and unpredictable. Many people who have taken the exams either said that the Bird materials were 'not very good but the best available' or 'worth buying as they are the only resource even remotely geared towards the exam'.

So, I bought it! We'll see how it goes!

ICCP does offer one great thing - they will let you sit for the exam on your home computer and proctor the exam via a webcam/microphone. Very nice, although the irony is that a webcam/mic proctored exam is much easier to cheat on, videotape, or otherwise abuse. So, I'm surprised they allow it but I'm happy that they will because it's convenient for me.

Big surprise, they DONT mention that service on their website. You have to call and ask about it, and someone will call you back to tell you how to schedule the at-home proctor via email Smile
This gets worse and worse.

1) ICCP sent me the prep materials that I paid for, which turns out to be a very poorly programmed exam simulator (sloppy vb) and a bunch of PDFs and Powerpoints. Not impressed.

2) I sent some questions to ICCP using the email address posted on their website. I tried 3 times, no reply. Finally I get a random email from them with the prep materials (which I paid for 2 weeks ago) from another email address entirely and it's an AOL address! They aren't even using their own domain for email.

3) Bird Publications gets more and more interesting. After the Ebay experience, I finally get an email with a link to an FTP with a username a password. I downloaded some things, but after looking inside I'm a bit scared to install this stuff into my pristine computer, so I'm setting up a VM to do it. One of the files was corrupt, so I sent an email to them asking for a new copy. I got an email from 'Floyd Bird', though in his email his name was reversed so it said 'Bird Floyd' and guess what? They don't use their domain name either, he uses a Hotmail address! He said he was 'getting one ready' and would send me a new file. Do they rezip the file for each sale??

4) When I got the email from Bird Floyd, he attached a copy of the new zip, which he said was a 'new load' he included a username/password. I assumed that there was some kind of security on the file. But no, it opened without any password. He also put invalid characters in the password and I'm not sure how that's even possible. Ironically, these are the test prep materials for the SECURITY exam!!! Oh my god!

I have totally lost faith in ICCP and Bird, and I haven't even taken the exams yet. Good thing I am only doing this for the credit. I'll be on the lookout for resumes that have ICCP on them so that I can avoid them, and I certainly won't be adding these exams to my resume!
dhecker, I totally see your point. I think that was my first impression with ICCP and Bird Publications. Bought one subject from the latter last year and had some hassle with the delivery (website was still working but the download link wasn't, finally got the material via email).

After much procrastination, I finally took my first exam, the C Programming Language. The whole process was pretty straightforward and very convenient. I must admit that I was skeptical at first. I filled the form and faxed it to their office to register for the 3 subjects I needed. The next day, I receive a confirmation message with a receipt attached and instructions on how to schedule the exams. I called to set the first appointment. They asked me if I had a proctor ready so I mentioned that I had inquired before about their webcam/microphone proctoring and would like to use that option if possible. The lady I spoke with was very helpful and cooperative, she confirmed my appointment and told me that I should get a link a day before the exam.

As promised, I got the link by email. The online proctoring uses a conferencing website ( The exam is provided as a remote session with the exam obviously running at ICCP's end. If you've ever taken their sample exams, it's the same program. The interface is a bit dated but functional nonetheless. Navigation was easy with a permanent toolbar that allowed direct access to any question number, when needed. The only thing that really lacked, or I should say I didn't notice was the ability to mark questions for review (I was so focused on beating the exam in the allotted time I didn't really get to explore). I think they have a free sampler on their website which can help in building familiarity. The C Programming Language exam had 66 questions to be answered in 60 minutes. The questions had four possible answers to choose from. You can either click on the answer of your choice directly or select its letter from the toolbar at the top of the remote screen.

I would say that the test content distribution was faithful to the description in the Complete ICCP guide. A lot of questions on Pointers and Arrays, Structures, Functions, Flow Control and iterations, Expression evaluation and Operators, some I/O and standard library functions. I felt the time was just right (finished in 55 minutes). I remember I found it a bit difficult to focus and work out the programs in the beginning. The presentation of the routines didn't help as well. From what I recall, there was rarely much formatting and indentation in the code presented which made it a little more difficult to understand. I think I also felt a little anxious at first as I wasn't sure how this was all going to work out. There was a bit of a lag in response to mouse clicks, but that's understandable considering the physical distance. I found scrolling through some of the screens (on longer questions) to be slow.

I think I underestimated this exam. Although some questions were straightforward, I would rate the majority of questions as moderate to tough. If you're a seasoned C programmer, you shouldn't have any problem taking the exam cold or with a little brushing up. I'm no stranger to programming but I've been out of practice for a long time, I did some teaching and some coding in my past, most of it in languages that are extinct nowadays (anyone remembers Forth?), very little in C (small routines). I chose this language as I thought it would cover less details than C++ (with its object oriented components), but I guess it actually had a more in-depth focus on other aspects of the C language, so I can't really say the C exam would be easier than C++. I'm assuming BASIC would've been an easier but I wanted something a little more advanced on my transcript.

I prepared for 5 days, studying from 2 to 4 hours a day. I knew that I was walking in without having all the topics covered (I/O functions, and of course the elusive C Language precedence and associations issues). Although there were many questions involving precedence and expression evaluation, I'm happy to say the test wasn't as 'mean' as it could have been in that area. I think it was only fair as I think it is rare, even for experienced programmers, to master and fully memorize C's precedence rules, most programmers would manage by avoiding ambiguous coding. I used C's bible, K&R's The C Programming Language, second edition as my main prep material. According to ICCP, elements not in that book are not tested. Of course, there's an abundance of excellent resources online covering the subject. I supplemented with this online book from time to time:
The C Book - Table of Contents

There were moments in the exam when I wasn't sure I was going to make it, but I was very pleasantly surprised to learn that I had scored 90% at the end. The lady who was proctoring my exam asked me if I wanted to send the score report to an academic institution as I had originally indicated on my registration form that I'm taking the exams for college credit. I was happy to see that they were prepared for it, I thought I would have to go through the process of calling and asking for that service. When I mentioned that I would like to send the results to Excelsior College, she told me that she has the school's details and asked me if I liked to include my student ID number.

Subject difficulty aside, I would say it was a very comfortable process, start to finish. I think if only they'd update their website, perhaps include online exam ordering and scheduling (not that phone ordering/scheduling was a problem), and perhaps improve the test interface a little, these exams would become a lot more popular than they currently are.

A little technical note about the delivery website. I had to add to the list of trusted websites in Internet Explorer for it to work properly. You may also have to launch IE as administrator if you're running Windows Vista (right-click and select 'Run as administrator'). Firefox works as well. The website requires a recent version of Java to be installed. You can visit this page to test your computer's readiness:
eLearning Technical Support | Elluminate Inc.

If your Java checks out, click Configuration Room to test the software (ICCP recommends that you use that link before attempting the exam to test compatibility and setup your audio settings).

I'll post back here when Excelsior receives the results.

Next exam in two weeks is Systems Development, wish me luck...
Excelsior BSB - MIS concentration (119 credits in the bank)

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