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I am lacking in confidence and need help!
I have to take the social science and history clep tomorrow. I have been taking the REA practice exams and have only been getting about a 52 on them. Is this enough to pass the real thing tomorrow ? (I also have to take the lifespand developmental psychology dantes tomorrw ) If anyone has any advice or experience on either of these exams I would love to hear from you. Seems like the posts for the SS and History clep are pretty old. Anything new ? Thanks
#2 Cracking the AP U.S. History Exam, 2008 Edition (College Test Prep): Princeton Review: Books is IMO the best prep material and basically all I used for the History portion of the SS&H CLEP. I supplemented the other sections(Economics, Sociology, etc...) with IC. Took it 5 weeks ago and got a 64 on the exam.

[SIZE="1"][SIZE="2"]"Luck? Luck is when you're at your desk until four a.m. every night chasing deals, and a few years later you look up and your broker tells you you're worth a few million dollars"-RYAN D'AGOSTINO
"You are your own worst enemy. You waste precious time dreaming of the future instead of engaging in the present. Since nothing seems urgent to you, you are only half involved in what you do. The only way to change is through action and outside pressure. Put yourself in situations where you have too much at stake to waste time or resources - if you cannot afford to lose, you won’t. Cut your ties to the past; enter unknown territory where you must depend on your wits and energy to see you through. Place yourself on “death ground,” where your back is against the wall and you have to fight like hell to get out alive." -The 33 Strategies of War[/SIZE][/SIZE]
maryannaray Wrote:I have to take the social science and history clep tomorrow. I have been taking the REA practice exams and have only been getting about a 52 on them. Is this enough to pass the real thing tomorrow ? (I also have to take the lifespand developmental psychology dantes tomorrw ) If anyone has any advice or experience on either of these exams I would love to hear from you. Seems like the posts for the SS and History clep are pretty old. Anything new ? Thanks

I just posted the other day (like yesterday). No guarantees, but if you're getting 50+ % on the REA, you'll probably do allright. I found the actual exam a bit easier than the REA's. Got a 65 this past saturday with just 3 or 4practice exams as study.
started Excelsior 11/08
BA Lib Studies from TESC completed 10/09:
Transferred in 42 from B&M school.
9 credits from ISM Purchasing certification.
CLEP Humanities 11/08 (64)
CLEP A&I Lit. 11/08 (70)
CLEP Soc. Sci. & History 12/08 (65)
CLEP Natl Science 1/09 (51) :p
Penn Foster Info Lit 2/09
Psych GRE 4/09 Score 540, 26th %, 0 credits :mad:
IAAP CAP certification exam (2 days, 750 questions)5/09 PASSED all 4 exams, 29 credits! Big Grin
11 FEMAs
CLEP English Comp w/ easay (62)
ALEKS Intro to Statistics (8/09)
CLEP English Literature (69)
Wow !! That is really encouraging. I hope I can do as well as you.... If I can just pass I will be happy... Thanks so much !
I'm glad you brought this up. Which score do you look at on the REA's? What I THOUGHT were good scores might not be. I scored a 73% (percent of correct questions) out of 95 today. However, I looked at the bottom score, and it said a 53 ("your score"). Please tell me it's the 73 I should be looking at?:o
There are two scores with the REA... Your raw score and your scaled score. The raw is how many questions you got right, and your scaled is what you would actually score on the real thing. But don't worry, sounds like you are doing good. Everyone was right. I passed yesterday with a 56 !! Yes ...I was so glad... Good luck.
Congratulations! Great job!

maryannaray Wrote:There are two scores with the REA... Your raw score and your scaled score. The raw is how many questions you got right, and your scaled is what you would actually score on the real thing. But don't worry, sounds like you are doing good. Everyone was right. I passed yesterday with a 56 !! Yes ...I was so glad... Good luck.
BA Social Sciences TESC 2009

Humanities 64 | Intro Sociology 74 | Intro Psychology 74 | College Mathematics 60 | H.G. & Dev. 66
A&I Literature 65 | Educational Psychology 71 | American Government 67 | US History I 67 | US History II 72
Social Sciences & History 65 | English Comp 63
Civil War 61 | Substance Abuse 463 | Intro Computing 465 | Technical Writing 66 | Anthropology 66 | Prin. of Supervision 62
Enviro & Humanity 68 | Org Behavior 67 | Astronomy 60 | Ethics 467
World Population A | Research Methods in Psychology A | Adulthood & Aging A | Gerontology A | UExcel Political Science B

[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Read My Story[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE="3"] Tested out of 120 credits in 11 months. Started with [COLOR="Blue"]0[/COLOR] credits on April 20, 2008 - Finished on March 18th 2009
[SIZE="3"][COLOR="#800080"][COLOR="#4B0082"]If you've been helped by someone on this forum then help someone on this forum.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/COLOR]
maryannaray Wrote:There are two scores with the REA... Your raw score and your scaled score. The raw is how many questions you got right, and your scaled is what you would actually score on the real thing. But don't worry, sounds like you are doing good. Everyone was right. I passed yesterday with a 56 !! Yes ...I was so glad... Good luck.

Thanks Mary, and congrats! I took a Petersens Psych last night, and got a 75. Would that be reflected as a 53% or something on the REA's? Does the real CLEP score the same way?
Great job Mary. I would have been as happy with a 56 as with the 65. A pass is a pass! Especially on the 6 credit broad based exams. There is just too much breadth to study for so it's practice tests and crossed fingers. We passed, yay! Onward and upward!
started Excelsior 11/08
BA Lib Studies from TESC completed 10/09:
Transferred in 42 from B&M school.
9 credits from ISM Purchasing certification.
CLEP Humanities 11/08 (64)
CLEP A&I Lit. 11/08 (70)
CLEP Soc. Sci. & History 12/08 (65)
CLEP Natl Science 1/09 (51) :p
Penn Foster Info Lit 2/09
Psych GRE 4/09 Score 540, 26th %, 0 credits :mad:
IAAP CAP certification exam (2 days, 750 questions)5/09 PASSED all 4 exams, 29 credits! Big Grin
11 FEMAs
CLEP English Comp w/ easay (62)
ALEKS Intro to Statistics (8/09)
CLEP English Literature (69)
Good job on your pass! I hope that helps you with your confidence. You just earned 6 CREDITS!!!!!!

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