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ECE World Population
libartsmgr Wrote:I just finished World Pop - which means I just completed all of my degree requirements!



Congratulation Joanne. I know you must be jumping up and down right now. What a wonderful feeling it must be.

You really zipped through your remaining exams in the last few weeks didn't you?

Well done!

If you are able to compose yourself for long enough, could you post one last exam report for us? We'd love to hear your feedback on the World Population exam.

Congratulations once again,
My name is Rob
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.

Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0
libartsmgr Wrote:I just finished World Pop - which means I just completed all of my degree requirements!


hilarious That’s Awesome! hilarious

Congratulations !!!!

Are you going to go celebrate now, or wait for the paper?
BLS CIS & Psychology Excelsior, MS IT & MS IM Aspen University, Pursuing MBA Columbia Southern.
libartsmgr Wrote:I just finished World Pop - which means I just completed all of my degree requirements!

Fantastic! Nice Job! Smile
Taking the Road Less Traveled
The Journey of A Thousand Miles Starts with The First CLEP

BS-Psychology - Excelsior College
Enrolled in the School of Business, BS in Accounting
After MIS I'll be halfway there!
72 CLEP Credits, 21 DSST Credits, 25 ECE Credits (Including Inf Lit), 6 TESC Credits, 2 FEMA Credits = 126 Total
Withholding 6 Credits for Accounting = 120 for Psychology
12 credits completed toward my accounting degree
Whew! I think I've settled down enough from my excitement of finally getting something off my life "to do" list after... ahem... 12 years!

I used the book recommended in the EC guide - Population, by Weeks - and I printed a couple of bulletins from

Be sure you know this:
--population trends of China (I printed the bulletin on China but didn't end up reading it because the author was not the same listed in the guide and I think it cost me on the exam.) Past - was was different about how China developed? Present - population, gender ratio. Future - how will China continue to evolve?
--to a lesser extent, know the trends of India. China and India are the two most populous countries in the world
--know all the fertility/mortality formulas - which is which, I only had one question with math related to them, but I could do it in my head
--know what will cause an old population, what will cause a declining population - low/high migration, low/high fertility, low/high mortality
--know the theorists - I was expecting a lot on Malthus but instead got mostly Marx questions (one on Mill and a couple on the others)
--know the population transition theory cold, I didn't focus as much as I should have on it, and that probably hurt, too.
--There was a question on some therory of 69 that I had never heard of so look that up
--know which ethnic group has lowest mortality in US, know the types of households in US
--know the migration trends in the US and world
um, that's all I can remember at the moment...

If you get Week's book and read it cover to cover along with the bulletins, you'll ace it. If you hit the main points section of some of the chapters and read most parts of the bulletins, you'll get a B, like I did.

With any luck, I may acutally gratuate with a 3.5 GPA. I'm calling EC on Tuesday to get the ball rolling on my graduation process. I'll post my experience about that as well.

Once my degree is actually conferred, its off to the beach for a few days of nothing but my hubby, kid, sand, surf, and sun! Oh yeah, and the dozen or so oil derricks off in the distance, it is the Texas coast after all. Cool
Best of luck,
Joanne [/size]
31 hours traditional schooling
11 Microsoft exams, 1 Linux+, 2 ICCP's, 6 CLEP's, 12 DSSTs, and 6 ECE's
[COLOR="Plum"][SIZE="1"][SIZE="3"]Degree Completed!
BS in Liberal Studies[/SIZE]
libartsmgr Wrote:Whew! I think I've settled down enough from my excitement of finally getting something off my life "to do" list after... ahem... 12 years!

I used the book recommended in the EC guide - Population, by Weeks - and I printed a couple of bulletins from

Be sure you know this:
--population trends of China (I printed the bulletin on China but didn't end up reading it because the author was not the same listed in the guide and I think it cost me on the exam.) Past - was was different about how China developed? Present - population, gender ratio. Future - how will China continue to evolve?
--to a lesser extent, know the trends of India. China and India are the two most populous countries in the world
--know all the fertility/mortality formulas - which is which, I only had one question with math related to them, but I could do it in my head
--know what will cause an old population, what will cause a declining population - low/high migration, low/high fertility, low/high mortality
--know the theorists - I was expecting a lot on Malthus but instead got mostly Marx questions (one on Mill and a couple on the others)
--know the population transition theory cold, I didn't focus as much as I should have on it, and that probably hurt, too.
--There was a question on some therory of 69 that I had never heard of so look that up
--know which ethnic group has lowest mortality in US, know the types of households in US
--know the migration trends in the US and world
um, that's all I can remember at the moment...

If you get Week's book and read it cover to cover along with the bulletins, you'll ace it. If you hit the main points section of some of the chapters and read most parts of the bulletins, you'll get a B, like I did.

With any luck, I may acutally gratuate with a 3.5 GPA. I'm calling EC on Tuesday to get the ball rolling on my graduation process. I'll post my experience about that as well.

Once my degree is actually conferred, its off to the beach for a few days of nothing but my hubby, kid, sand, surf, and sun! Oh yeah, and the dozen or so oil derricks off in the distance, it is the Texas coast after all. Cool

As always, thanks for the feedback!

FYI, 3.5 or above equals academic honors at Excelsior. 3.5 GPA would be Cum Laude.

My name is Rob
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.

Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0
libartsmgr Wrote:I just finished World Pop - which means I just completed all of my degree requirements!


Joanne you did it! I am so happy for you. Relaxing on the beach with family sounds like a great way to celebrate too.

BS Psychology
Joanne, After you have a chance to rest up are you going to go on for a masters? Being possibly able to use some of your certs sounded intriguing.Rolleyes

BS Psychology
libartsmgr Wrote:I just finished World Pop - which means I just completed all of my degree requirements!

Congratulations, Joanne!
libartsmgr Wrote:I just finished World Pop - which means I just completed all of my degree requirements!


Hey I just saw this thread. Don't know how I missed it.

Congrads on your degree! Must feel great. 3.5 GPA is AWESOME!!

Man you did 12 exams in 2 months that is amazing!

Let us know how the graduation process works?
Houston, Texas
B.S. - Liberal Arts, Excelsior College
Wow, another graduate! Insta-cert is cranking them out!

Congratulations on an amazing success story. Best of luck in your future endeavors! All that hard work has finally paid off. Way to GO!!!!!

As a fellow EC student and Liberal Arts major, I'm curious to know how you plan to use your shiny new degree?
Crystal King
BS Liberal Studies 3.87
Preparing for GRE
Goal Master Library Science 2009

Ambition is the Path to success,
Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.

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