07-27-2022, 03:53 PM
I have been teaching this term using:
Google Meets + Moodle
Zoom + Canvas
Blackboard Ultra
Only Zoom with no virtual classroom
Every institution has their own system that you had to get used, and I like the Google Meets software for the lecture (3 or 4 hours per week), but not the weird chat + additional environments it has. But they used Moodle for the course contents, so I was happy with that, Moodle is easy to use, but sure, it looks dated in comparison to Blackboard Ultra.
Blackboard Ultra seems very powerful, however, in that case, it was only an opening lecture, and then it was just interaction through messages and forums, and the lectures were pre-recorded.
Canvas seems to be integrated with Zoom, since I created my Zoom links from the Canvas website. In this case it was a course with pre-recorded lectures + live lectures once per week (3 hours).
Only Zoom for a PG Diploma. I only send the slides through email.
Depending on the course, in live lectures, whenever I find something that I could link with my work experience, I would talk about that, since some young guys could be interested about that. With older folks, I tend to talk about my trading experience, and they usually pay attention. Others are interested in world news/world economics, so we could watch a DW/ or BBC video, and then talk about that, maybe student will talk for around 6-8 minutes and then I´ll explain about the video.
I interrupt my slides all the time in order to show them some way of create and spreadsheet that could be useful for them, and the I upload the excel to moodle. It´s funny since students usually ask "Are you going to send the file?", obviously yes, I´m going to send the file.
Other times I stop showing the slides if there´s a related paper that I could show them, or some yahoo finance graph, or some specific recent government document that could be related.
Whatever it takes to keep it relevant, updated, and make students see the relation of our theoretical topics and the applications in real life.
Google Meets + Moodle
Zoom + Canvas
Blackboard Ultra
Only Zoom with no virtual classroom
Every institution has their own system that you had to get used, and I like the Google Meets software for the lecture (3 or 4 hours per week), but not the weird chat + additional environments it has. But they used Moodle for the course contents, so I was happy with that, Moodle is easy to use, but sure, it looks dated in comparison to Blackboard Ultra.
Blackboard Ultra seems very powerful, however, in that case, it was only an opening lecture, and then it was just interaction through messages and forums, and the lectures were pre-recorded.
Canvas seems to be integrated with Zoom, since I created my Zoom links from the Canvas website. In this case it was a course with pre-recorded lectures + live lectures once per week (3 hours).
Only Zoom for a PG Diploma. I only send the slides through email.
Depending on the course, in live lectures, whenever I find something that I could link with my work experience, I would talk about that, since some young guys could be interested about that. With older folks, I tend to talk about my trading experience, and they usually pay attention. Others are interested in world news/world economics, so we could watch a DW/ or BBC video, and then talk about that, maybe student will talk for around 6-8 minutes and then I´ll explain about the video.
I interrupt my slides all the time in order to show them some way of create and spreadsheet that could be useful for them, and the I upload the excel to moodle. It´s funny since students usually ask "Are you going to send the file?", obviously yes, I´m going to send the file.
Other times I stop showing the slides if there´s a related paper that I could show them, or some yahoo finance graph, or some specific recent government document that could be related.
Whatever it takes to keep it relevant, updated, and make students see the relation of our theoretical topics and the applications in real life.