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Hello and question about COSC
Hello All,

After MANY years of procrastination I am set to take my first CLEP test tomorrow. (social sciences & history). I have mapped out a plan to get an associates degree at COSC and then an, as yet, undetermined bachelors at Excelsior.

I have a question about the COSC requirements.

Information literacy. I could not find anything on the list of exams that satisfies the requirement. Not even CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications.

Any suggestions?

One more question is there any disadvantage to taking all the tests first and then applying to the school?

Thanks for any help,

I'd be interested to hear why you chose to go to COSC for the Associates but finish up at Excelsior for your Bachelors. I don't know anything about the Info Lit requirement at COSC, but I can tell you that a course called "Introduction to Research" at my local community college fulfilled the Info Lit requirement at Excelsior. Also, if you do a search on this site, Penn Foster has something as well.

This would be one of the disadvantages to not applying first...Big Grin

Seriously though, check out this link Online degree enrollment in distance learning college - BA in 4 weeks for some info re. delaying enrollment.

Good luck on your first CLEP tomorrow!
My Excelsior Journey
Bachelor of Science in General Business, cum laude
Excelsior College
I just completed my Bachelor degree at Charter Oak. I transfered in a Freshman Compostion class taken at a community college many years ago to fullfill the information literacy requirement. You can contact Charter Oak for an answer. I had questions before I had enrolled and they were nice enough to answer them.
My thinking on the COSC associates is this.

I have been procrastinating on getting my degree for so many years ... so now that I have started I like the idea of motivating myself and taking it in whatever small steps necessary. 60 credits is alot closer that 120. (It's OK if it costs me a little more money in the longer run)

I have been not working(by choice) or working for myself for the last two years. I may not have enough money coming in to finish the bachelors degree.
I think it would look better on my resume' to have an associates than nothing.

It might also look better on my resume to have a degree that says "State College" I don't believe either college has any name recognition with most employers. This isn't particularly important to me since I have a lot of experience in my industry.

I also have to study for the PMP certification in the very near future. And I have to take the Electrician exam for California in the next couple of months and it's been quite a few years since I studied electrical codes. So I have a lot to do but I am motivated.

By the way I passed the Social Science/History exam with a 69. Yeah!

Thanks for your reply.

Bob Congatualtions

I will contact them. Could you tell me how you satisfied the oral communications requirement?

keylargo_diver Wrote:Bob Congatualtions

I will contact them. Could you tell me how you satisfied the oral communications requirement?


I transferred in a class from Penn State called "Effective Speech". It was a distance learning class where I had to make a speech on cassette. I believe there is a Dantes exam that will fullfill the speech the requirement.
Good Luck
Ah, the old information literacy requirement:

From their web site: Students will be able to locate, evaluate, synthesize and use information from a variety of sources and understand the ethical issues involved in accessing and using information. May be met by taking a course that requires the use of current technology for developing research or term papers, by taking a course in information literacy, or by taking on-line courses that require accessing information on line.

Basically, just about any course that requires you to write a paper in MLA or APA format will fulfill this requirement. If you contact them directly, I'm sure they let you know which of their classes would do it (mine was fulfilled by a psychology class - Learning and Memory).

Also, Charter Oak does offer a class that fulfills their oral communication requirement - COM 101, Introduction to Speech Communication. You use a web cam and deliver your speeches online.
Charter Oak State College [COLOR="Red"]GRADUATE (I can finally say that as of 05/31/08)!!
Concentration - Psychology[/COLOR]

Tests Completed:
[COLOR="Navy"] CLEP: Introductory Sociology - 65
DSST: Drug and Alcohol Abuse - 61
Here's to Your, Health - 66
Fundamentals of Counseling - 67
Charter Oak Tests: Infant and Toddler Development
Child Developmental Psychology
Introduction to Early Childhood Education (all passed, worth 3 credits each)
Psychology GRE: 62nd percentile, 18 credits[/COLOR]

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