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MIS goes down...
Okay, my last DSST was finished this morning...I got a 58...I believe that is an A at EC. This one was a toughy, but doable. I do not have a lot of prior computer knowledge. I did previously take the CLEP ISCA and the DSST Intro to Computing, so that helped.

I did not find the questions to be tricky in wording as was mentioned in the exam feedback section. The only tricky questions were the ones that I did not know...Wink

Anyway, for upper-level credit, this is probably one of the easiest if not THE easiest exam out there.

I used IC and I took one Peterson's practice test. A word of warning: The Peterson's practice exams for this subject are not very comparable to the exam. The practice exams go WAY to far and I found it more defeating than anything...

That takes care of all my upper-level credits. Only 1 exam left...I can't believe it...I wonder if I am going to go through exam withdrawl when I am done...I am going to take my time with Humanities...of course for me that probably means 4 days instead of 3...hilarious
Excelsior BS - General Business - 2008
Jacksonville State University - MBA - 2010(Done)

121 credits...ALL DONE BABY!!!

54 credits transferred in from prior college
54 credits by examination
6 credits from community college
3 credits from CSU-Pueblo (Operations Management)
4 credits for Information Literacy and Business Strategy from Excelsior

Principles of Macroeconomics (64)
Principles of Microeconomics (61)
Principles of Marketing (66)
Principles of Management (72)
Info Systems and Comp Applications (57)
Introductory Business Law (65)
Social Sciences & History (61)
Principles of Supervision (58)
Principles of Statistics (67)
Introduction to Computing (60)
Principles of Financial Accounting (56)
Principles of Finance (55)
Money and Banking (52)
Ethics in America (66)
Management Information Systems (58)
Ethics: Theory and Practice (B)
Organizational Behavior ©

GMAT: 600
Wow - good for you! You are like a testing machine!!!
[SIZE="2"]TECEP's passed:[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]English Composition 102[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Technical Writing[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Psychology of Women[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Word Processing Fundamentals[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Introduction to Computer Information Systems[/SIZE]

[SIZE="2"]CLEP's passed:[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Analyzing and Interpreting Literature - 60[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Principles of Management - 71[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Principles of Marketing - 67[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Principles of Macroeconomics - 54 [/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Principles of Microeconomics - 57 [/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Introduction to Business Law- 65 [/SIZE]

[SIZE="2"]DSST's passed:[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Principles of Supervision - 59[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Introduction to Business - 63[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Principles of Financial Accounting- 54[/SIZE]

[SIZE="2"]FEMA Credits earned: 15[/SIZE]

[SIZE="2"]ALEKS Intro to Stats completed 3/10/09 [/SIZE]

[SIZE="2"]ASBA - TESC - 3/6/09
BSBA - general management in progress

[SIZE="1"]Working on: PF Business and Technical Writing[/SIZE]
Hey CONGRATS! BMills - amazing! I have no doubt you are inspiring others to go kick butt as well!!

Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend!
CLEPS/DANTES ATTEMPTED/PASSED Big Grin -21 Classes credited:
[SIZE=1][SIZE=1]- Human/Cultural Geography (SOC300) 69/Nov 08

[/SIZE]- Intro to Business Law (LEG100) 73/Nov 08
- Astronomy (HUM300) 68/Nov 08
- Human Resource Management (BUS310) 73/Jul 08
- Money and Banking (ECO320) 64/Jun 08
- Principles of Finance (FIN100) 67/May 08
- Principles of Macroeconomics (ECO100) 75/Apr 08
- Principles of Marketing 74/Apr 08
- Introduction to World Religions (HUM400) 78/Apr 08
- Analyzing & Interpreting Lit 69/Mar 08 (6 credits)
- Introductory Psychology 74/Feb 08
- Introductory Sociology 73/Jan 08
- Principles of Mgmt 75/Dec 05
- English Comp (cold) 59/Sep 05 (6 credits)
- Information Systems & Computer Apps 72/Sep 05
- College French Language 75/Jun 05 (12 credits)

+Traditional Credits Earned 2005-2008: 17 classes - last 3 traditional classes completed Oct/08
ALL DONE NOV 08. Degree received: BS in Business Administration, minor in Management, SCL. Saved $$$$$ and Time - Thanks to InstantCert.[/SIZE]
You're definitely inspiring me BMills. I passed Business Law today and only have three tests left. I'm trying to keep pace with you. All I have left is Macroeconomics, then DSST Finance and Statsistics both of which have me very worried. Way to go!
That's great I am glad it was not too hard. I am trying to keep track of all these exams that I may be able to pass so I can go back and take them if I ever go for my BA.

Keep up the good work BmilsSmile

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12

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