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TESU Technical Studies
Hi TESU experts,

Please look over my attached plan and offer up critiques or suggestions.

According to my interpretation of the degree requirements I need 34 additional credits. 

My plan:

1) 9 CLEP / DSST exams
2) Two required courses from TESU
- TES-100 Cornerstone: Lifelong Learning Strategies
- APS-401 Current Trends an Applications
3) Project management (Need to find something to fulfill) Any suggestions for free or easy credit?

* Hoping they will accept my Biology 101 and 102 with labs for the science requirement instead of chemistry.

If this works the TESU cost will be:
$75 application
$2500 residency waiver fee
$300 TES-100 Cornerstone
$1497 APS-401 Current Trends an Applications
$332 graduation fee
$4704 Total plus the cost of the exam fees.

Attached Files
.xlsx   TESC Technical Studies.xlsx (Size: 12.64 KB / Downloads: 46)
look into and the TESU affiliate program. See Project Management will work. Not sure that will happen when it expires in June, but it has discounts on tuition and residency waiver.

If Bio and Chem into the wrong slots, you can ask them to move it around but make sure to request any changes soon after the evaluation is complete. If you need to appeal any changes you need to do it within a certain timeframe.
TESU - BSBA: CIS - Dec '17

TECEP Eng Comp I, Marriage and Family, Strategic Management, Networking, Computer Concepts, Liberal Math, Tech Writing, Managerial Accounting DSST MIS, Cybersecurity Macroeconomics COSC Cornerstone, Software Engineering Straighterline Business Ethics

  Related classes at local CC and various Cybersecurity certifications.

Old username:  ajs1976
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(03-27-2018, 11:32 PM)ChasingDegrees Wrote: Hi TESU experts,

Please look over my attached plan and offer up critiques or suggestions.

According to my interpretation of the degree requirements I need 34 additional credits. 

My plan:

1) 9 CLEP / DSST exams
2) Two required courses from TESU
- TES-100 Cornerstone: Lifelong Learning Strategies
- APS-401 Current Trends an Applications
3) Project management (Need to find something to fulfill) Any suggestions for free or easy credit?

* Hoping they will accept my Biology 101 and 102 with labs for the science requirement instead of chemistry.

If this works the TESU cost will be:
$75 application
$2500 residency waiver fee
$300 TES-100 Cornerstone
$1497 APS-401 Current Trends an Applications
$332 graduation fee
$4704 Total plus the cost of the exam fees.

Is this based on your official evaluation or your projected plan of credits?  I ask because I was under the impression based on a conversation I had with TESU that they would not allow a "Science * Substitute science with lab requirement" for the General Chemistry and/or General Physics in the program.  I had originally looked at this program and I too had Biology w/lab courses - I think it is great if they do allow it now.

Edit: I shouldn't post before my morning coffee Smile  I see now that you did mention this is planned for the Bio to replace the listed sciences.  I wish you luck do keep us posted on that.  Did you apply and send in your transcripts for evaluation yet?

I see you have the College Trigonometry (as your above College Algebra) and Statistics listed, however you will still need the College Algebra. The program requires all three math courses (9 credits total).

For Project Management I took it through - but if you take it through you can lower some cost, including completely getting rid of the $300 TES-100 Cornerstone. The CLEP Analyzing & Interpreting Literature is worth 6 credits, not 3.  The Ethics requirement you can get filled with one of the Free courses available. There are quite a few things you could fill at you may want to apply for the Guardian Scholarship if you get it it could save you a few hundred dollars.

Free Courses info: Guardian Scholarship:
Amberton - MSHRB

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You should think about leveraging the affiliate discount. If you do, you can skip the $300 cornerstone. Also, if you think you can start the Capstone (I assume APS-401 is the professional studies capstone) before the end of June the discount can save you $500 there. I know that TESU says you should do the capstone last, but they don't insist on it. It's a matter of whether you are ready and able to succeed in the course. Even after June 30, there will likely be a discount, it just won't be as big a savings.

Edit: I just looked at your spreadsheet. With almost your whole AOS done, I would definitely do the capstone under the current discount.
NanoDegree: Intro to Self-Driving Cars (2019)
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)

PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?
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Revisiting your spreadsheet I'm pretty certain that the CLEP Financial Accounting and CLEP Principles of Management will not fit for General Education Electives, as they are business courses and cannot be used as Gen Eds.  Also, if they don't take your Bio credits for the Science requirement they will fit into General Education Electives, so they won't be "lost" credits.
Amberton - MSHRB

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Man, you guys make some really good points so I will look into those and modify my plan. I haven't applied yet. I will look at this more tonight and may be asking more questions about the stuff.

On a positive note, I took my first ever Clep today, Information Systems, and scored a 68. I'm not sure if that is great, but it is above 50 so I will take that credit Smile

I can't say I am real excited about the thought of having to take a Chemistry or Physics, but if I have to I will. Any suggestions on that would be appreciated. I am not sure CLEP Chemistry would be a great idea.
(03-28-2018, 03:41 PM)ChasingDegrees Wrote: Man, you guys make some really good points so I will look into those and modify my plan. I haven't applied yet. I will look at this more tonight and may be asking more questions about the stuff.

On a positive note, I took my first ever Clep today, Information Systems, and scored a 68. I'm not sure if that is great, but it is above 50 so I will take that credit Smile

I can't say I am real excited about the thought of having to take a Chemistry or Physics, but if I have to I will. Any suggestions on that would be appreciated. I am not sure CLEP Chemistry would be a great idea.

Another reason to apply sooner rather than later, once you apply you can send those CLEP results to TESU for free at the time of the exam. They only post to your evaluation you pass, so there is not risk in waiting for the exam results. 

Chemistry I or Physics I is easy, many options - but II w/lab for either is elusive.  Even many of the low cost CCs online only offer I online and not II.  They are sciences that would be better taken in order and from the same source so you don't start II not having the prior knowledge you needed to complete/pass it.  You may want to look into your local CC for options.  I honestly think this science requirement is one of the primary reasons we don't see more here get the BS in Technical Studies. TESU wants a I & II in one of the two, not a I & I in each.  Hopefully some others here have ideas on the I & II for you.
Amberton - MSHRB

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I think TESU offers the labs separately so if you can find the course without the lab, you still have an option.
TESU - BSBA: CIS - Dec '17

TECEP Eng Comp I, Marriage and Family, Strategic Management, Networking, Computer Concepts, Liberal Math, Tech Writing, Managerial Accounting DSST MIS, Cybersecurity Macroeconomics COSC Cornerstone, Software Engineering Straighterline Business Ethics

  Related classes at local CC and various Cybersecurity certifications.

Old username:  ajs1976
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  • ChasingDegrees
You guys mentioned leveraging the to skip the TES-100 Cornerstone. Could you explain this? Is there a link to this information?

Also, if you do the free trial or the the Guardian scholarship, will the courses completed still transfer if you are not paying membership price?

Alivia, you mentioned the Ethics could be filled with a free course?

I am upgrading my sheet and I will apply today to TESU. I am going to lobby for the Biology -> Chemistry substitution because I have not found a Chemistry or Physics 1 & 2 online or distance learning with labs. I personally don't see any reason Biology wouldn't fit the requirement because it is a science.
here's general information about the parntership -- It doesn't mention the cornerstone waiver, but the cornerstone is in fact waived with the partnership.

The free trial will not count and you can't take an exam using the trial, but the guardian scholarship will definitely count.

The Institutes' ethics course and other free credit options can be found on the wiki:
Northwestern California University School of Law
JD Law, 2027 (in progress, currently 2L)

Georgia Tech
MS Cybersecurity (Policy), 2021

Thomas Edison State University
BA Computer Science, 2023
BA Psychology, 2016
AS Business Administration, 2023
Certificate in Operations Management, 2023
Certificate in Computer Information Systems, 2023

Western Governors University
BS IT Security, 2018

Chaffey College
AA Sociology, 2015

Accumulated Credit: Undergrad: 258.50 | Graduate: 32

View all of my credit on my Omni Transcript!
Visit the DegreeForum Community Wiki!
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