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Never give up! My path to MBA and beyond.
(01-15-2018, 10:06 PM)davewill Wrote: How have I not seen this thread before now? You're doing such awesome work!!! Keep up the updates, I'm sure your going to inspire a ton of people.

Thank you so much for the kind words! As someone who never really liked school, this has been a complete 180 for me. I wanted to do this thread to show anyone wanting to go to grad school that it’s absolutely possible if you want it badly enough.

I will throw out this disclaimer though. I’m only doing one class at a time. I believe I could handle two during the long semesters, but I work 40-50 hours a week, and I have a very active two year old son that needs lots of attention. I find one class at a time allows me to devote enough attention to work, my son, my wife, and classwork as well.
West Texas A&M: MBA (In Progress) 6/14 Completed
Financial Accounting Leveling (Completed)
Statistics Leveling (Completed)
Finance Leveling
Managerial Accounting
Corporate Finance
Economic Applications  (Completed)
Management Information Systems
Quantitative Analysis
Consumer Theory (Completed)
Leadership (Completed)
Business Integration
International Business (Completed)

TESU (Graduated 2016)

[-] The following 2 users Like Kaskadian's post:
  • hsfamfun, Ideas
A lot of people here like to emphasize speed, but what's much more important is finishing. If you look at my sig, you will see that I did not speed through. I took just about the same calendar time a full time B&M student would have taken to finish... But when you consider that I spent 7 years doing the first 2 years of my schooling before giving up, the fact that I was able to keep my family and work lives in balance while doing the last two years worth in just under two years was great.
NanoDegree: Intro to Self-Driving Cars (2019)
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)

PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?
[-] The following 4 users Like davewill's post:
  • Kaskadian, mudball, Muldoon, Yenisei
(01-16-2018, 03:54 AM)davewill Wrote: A lot of people here like to emphasize speed, but what's much more important is finishing. If you look at my sig, you will see that I did not speed through. I took just about the same calendar time a full time B&M student would have taken to finish... But when you consider that I spent 7 years doing the first 2 years of my schooling before giving up, the fact that I was able to keep my family and work lives in balance while doing the last two years worth in just under two years was great.


I absolutely agree! I also think about the fact that time passes either way; if you work towards something or don't that time is still going by. I'd much rather work on something at a slow pace instead of not doing it at all. The future is in our hands. Smile

Just checking in here folks. I'm half done with this semester and have a 92% so far. This "Advanced Macroeconomic Theory" course is kicking my butt. It's not necessarily difficult, but the level of reading required is pretty brutal. On top of the chapters that need to be read there are a 6-8 LONG research papers that need to be read as well. The most difficult aspect of this course is there are only 3 exams + 1 research paper needed to be done. That sounds like a good thing to some people but for me it means the margin for error is much smaller. Bombing one test/paper would be devastating towards the final grade.

Take care guys, I'll check in again at some point.
West Texas A&M: MBA (In Progress) 6/14 Completed
Financial Accounting Leveling (Completed)
Statistics Leveling (Completed)
Finance Leveling
Managerial Accounting
Corporate Finance
Economic Applications  (Completed)
Management Information Systems
Quantitative Analysis
Consumer Theory (Completed)
Leadership (Completed)
Business Integration
International Business (Completed)

TESU (Graduated 2016)

[-] The following 4 users Like Kaskadian's post:
  • Ideas, Jody7818, QueenD, Yenisei
Congratulations! I'm so glad you got into the MBA school!

I am wondering whether you got any work experience after BA in TESU.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Helen003's post:
  • Kaskadian
Kaskadian...congrats on finishing your bachelors and starting your MBA. Keep up the good work and update this thread when you have time. I having a feeling you're going to inspire a lot of people with this thread.
2017...Finished Bachelor's General Management at TESU. 
[-] The following 2 users Like Jody7818's post:
  • Ideas, Kaskadian
Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies Thomas Edison State University 2018
Cert in Emergency Management -
Three Rivers CC 2017
Cert in Basic Police Ed - Walters State CC 1996

Current Goal: new job
Working on: securing funding I don't have to pay back for a Masters.
Up Next: Toying with Masters Programs
Finished: First Degree

Older Experience with: PLA / Portfolios, RPNow, Proctor U, ACE, NCCRS, DAVAR Academy (formerly Tor), Straighterline, TESU, Ed4Credit,, The Institutes, Kaplan, ALEKS, FEMA IS, NFA IS, brick & mortar community colleges, LOTS of vocational schools...

My list of academic courses:

[-] The following 1 user Likes High_Order1's post:
  • Kaskadian
(01-15-2018, 10:06 PM)davewill Wrote: How have I not seen this thread before now? You're doing such awesome work!!! Keep up the updates, I'm sure your going to inspire a ton of people.

Dave, thank you so much for the nice words!

Well guys... I got an 88% so I'm not going to get my 4.0 after all. That class was TOUGH! It wasn't necessarily the material that was tough as crazy as that sounds... I had a ton of material to study and only 4 tests. Did poorly on my first test and basically shot myself in the foot. I'm okay with an 88%; my end goal is to graduate with a decent GPA and I'm not going to beat myself up over it. If somehow I get to the end of my program with this being the only B I'll consider retaking the class but I'm just focused on the next course at this point.

I'm taking summer off since I've been working 50+ hours a week lately. Need a little R&R with my wife and son then back at it in the fall. I'll update again around that time.

Thanks for all the support guys! Keep going!
West Texas A&M: MBA (In Progress) 6/14 Completed
Financial Accounting Leveling (Completed)
Statistics Leveling (Completed)
Finance Leveling
Managerial Accounting
Corporate Finance
Economic Applications  (Completed)
Management Information Systems
Quantitative Analysis
Consumer Theory (Completed)
Leadership (Completed)
Business Integration
International Business (Completed)

TESU (Graduated 2016)

[-] The following 2 users Like Kaskadian's post:
  • Nodaclu, Yenisei
Unfortunately I found out I've got to take three leveling courses for Accounting, Statistics, and Finance. I was originally under the impression that I wouldn't have to take these courses but since these were completed via SL they want me to go ahead and knock out these courses again. I found out after trying to enroll in a class that required the completion of a leveling course.

No biggie... I'm not thrilled but I'm going to treat these as refreshers. It's been a few years since I took accounting, statistics, and finance. Currently doing the accounting leveling course. I wish I had taken more than one leveling course this semester; I did these classes before so a lot of the information is stuff that I've already learned. I'll update at the end of this course.

Take care guys!
West Texas A&M: MBA (In Progress) 6/14 Completed
Financial Accounting Leveling (Completed)
Statistics Leveling (Completed)
Finance Leveling
Managerial Accounting
Corporate Finance
Economic Applications  (Completed)
Management Information Systems
Quantitative Analysis
Consumer Theory (Completed)
Leadership (Completed)
Business Integration
International Business (Completed)

TESU (Graduated 2016)

Another semester down... accounting course completed. 95%

Opted to take winter semester off to relax and enjoy time with family. Those 3 week long semesters are hard no matter what course you’re taking.

Next semester begins 14, January 2019. Standing GPA is a 3.8. Really wish I could say it was 4.0 but that 88% dropped me. If I get to the end and that’s my only course that’s not an A I’ll retake it.

Will update again when spring 2019 is over. Keep at it guys!
West Texas A&M: MBA (In Progress) 6/14 Completed
Financial Accounting Leveling (Completed)
Statistics Leveling (Completed)
Finance Leveling
Managerial Accounting
Corporate Finance
Economic Applications  (Completed)
Management Information Systems
Quantitative Analysis
Consumer Theory (Completed)
Leadership (Completed)
Business Integration
International Business (Completed)

TESU (Graduated 2016)

[-] The following 2 users Like Kaskadian's post:
  • Sapientes, ThatBankDude

This is awesome! Congratulations on the achievements you have thus far and good luck in the rest of your MBA journey! It is a fun journey albeit a difficult one. I am 4 courses away from completing my MBA. I will be taking 3 classes in Spring 2019 and will take my last course in the Summer 2019. Should be done around the 1st week of June and I cannot wait!
Master of Science (M.S.) in Quantitative Management: Business Analytics (2023)
Duke University | The Fuqua School of Business

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) in Management (2019)
Southeastern Oklahoma State University | The John Massey School of Business

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Biology (2015)
East Central University | The College of Health Sciences

Accumulated Credit: Undergraduate - 126 Hours, Graduate - 83 Hours

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