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My I'm done thread!!!
So I decided to take the Security Analysis TECEP on a whim during lunch today totally expecting to bomb it but I passed!  I was caught off-guard with the instant score since my last and only tecep had been Strategic Management.

I started this journey in October 2016 without a credit to my name.  I have done pretty well professionally in spite of not having a degree (I do have many licenses and certifications in my field) but have always been very apprehensive of changing companies without one.

Like many of you, I started with the free and/or cheap credits (Institute, Teexs, Alex, etc.).  It's amazing how much of a motivating factor it is to add completed courses to your Ace Registry and knowing that in a matter of days you can have a semester worth of credits.

After that it was on to the big boys; and  I made a rookie mistake and used 2 of my Guardian scholarship on electives (History of Vietnam and US History).  However, I think it was a smart move going with topics that I enjoyed. was great for very quick credits.  I could sometimes get through a course in 1-2 days and, knowing that many times the final exam score was irrelevant, would schedule 3 finals back to back.  I would not recommend English Comp I and II on just because of the amount of assignments and test.  If I had to do it all over again I would have taken the Clep. the second time around was more laborious, especially when assignments were required.  What I found interesting the second time is that I could take unlimited additional test fro $70 dollars.  So 4 courses for $340(in 1 month) instead of $400(2 months).

Being fluent in Spanish also helped.  Between the Spanish Clep and the ACTFL OPIc and WPT Spanish test I got a bunch of easy credits.

Then came the big kahuna, the Strategic Management TECEP.  I knew this would be the final hurdle for me.  If I did not pass  I'm not sure I would have signed up for the class right away and would have probably taken an extended break.  You all know how that goes sometimes...I checked for my score every 20 minutes I think for 3 days until the score showed.  Passed!  What a weight off my shoulders!

So thanks to all who helped during this journey.  I might have not written much, but I was reading everything.  Only which I had applied for September graduation!  Now the long but happy wait begins!
Started October 2016

Goal:  Thomas Edison State University - BSBA: General Management  Credits 120/120!!!


CLEP: Spanish 80
Institutes: Ethics 312
Aleks: Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Introduction to Statistics, PreCalculus Principles of Finance, Principles of Management, Principles of Marketing, Business in Society,  Human Resource Management, Digital Marketing and Advertising, Personal Finance, History of Vietnam, US History I
Teex: Cyber Security 101, 201, and 301. Completed 10/18/16
Straighterline: English Comp I, English Comp II, Intro to Communication, Intro to Religion, Intro to Sociology, American Government, Introduction to Environmental Science, Accounting I, Accounting II, Business Law, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Business Communication Organizational Behavior, Managerial Accounting, Financial Accounting 
TECEP: Strategic Management (69%), Security Analysis (84%)
ACTFL:  OPIc Spanish Advanced High/Superior, WPT Spanish Advanced Hgh/Superior
[-] The following 9 users Like hed1979's post:
  • ajs1976, allvia, BingCherry, dfrecore, eriehiker, hsfamfun, Joeman200, quigongene, studiousimp
Congrats! That's fabulous!
BALS.SS COMPLETED (122 credits in 6 1/2 months)
CLEP: A & I Lit (63), English Comp Modular (74)
TECEP: Computer Concepts
DSST: English Comp 2 (417)
STRAIGHTERLINE: Medical Terminology, Religions, Western Civ I, Western Civ II, American Govt, Nutrition, Anthropology, Sociology, Environmental Science, Communications
STUDY.COM: Personal Finance, Vietnam War, Social Psychology, Research Methods in Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Organizational Behavior, Classroom Management, Differentiated Instruction, Special Education History & Law, Foundations of Education, Early Childhood Education
SHMOOP: The Bible As Literature, Shakespeare's Plays, U.S. History 1, U.S. History 2, Modern European History, World Geography, Film Studies, Human Sexuality
ALEKS: Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Pre-Calculus
FREE COURSES: CybSec for Everyone, CybSec Business Professionals, Insurance Inst. Ethics, NFA: Fire Service Supervision, Community Safety Educators, Sophia: Developing Effective Teams
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Congratulations to you!
Amberton - MSHRB

Congrats Smile

TESU BSBA Accounting and BSBA General Management - June 2018
Great work girlfriend! Congrats... That hard work paid off!
Finishing in less than 9 months without any credits too! Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

The Basic Approach | Plans | DegreeForum Community Supported Wiki
~Note~ Read/Review forum posts & Wiki Links to Sample Degree Plans
Degree Planning Advice | New To DegreeForum? How This Area Works

[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
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(08-08-2017, 04:30 PM)hed1979 Wrote: So I decided to take the Security Analysis TECEP on a whim during lunch today totally expecting to bomb it but I passed!  I was caught off-guard with the instant score since my last and only tecep had been Strategic Management.

I started this journey in October 2016 without a credit to my name.  I have done pretty well professionally in spite of not having a degree (I do have many licenses and certifications in my field) but have always been very apprehensive of changing companies without one.

Like many of you, I started with the free and/or cheap credits (Institute, Teexs, Alex, etc.).  It's amazing how much of a motivating factor it is to add completed courses to your Ace Registry and knowing that in a matter of days you can have a semester worth of credits.

After that it was on to the big boys; and  I made a rookie mistake and used 2 of my Guardian scholarship on electives (History of Vietnam and US History).  However, I think it was a smart move going with topics that I enjoyed. was great for very quick credits.  I could sometimes get through a course in 1-2 days and, knowing that many times the final exam score was irrelevant, would schedule 3 finals back to back.  I would not recommend English Comp I and II on just because of the amount of assignments and test.  If I had to do it all over again I would have taken the Clep. the second time around was more laborious, especially when assignments were required.  What I found interesting the second time is that I could take unlimited additional test fro $70 dollars.  So 4 courses for $340(in 1 month) instead of $400(2 months).

Being fluent in Spanish also helped.  Between the Spanish Clep and the ACTFL OPIc and WPT Spanish test I got a bunch of easy credits.

Then came the big kahuna, the Strategic Management TECEP.  I knew this would be the final hurdle for me.  If I did not pass  I'm not sure I would have signed up for the class right away and would have probably taken an extended break.  You all know how that goes sometimes...I checked for my score every 20 minutes I think for 3 days until the score showed.  Passed!  What a weight off my shoulders!

So thanks to all who helped during this journey.  I might have not written much, but I was reading everything.  Only which I had applied for September graduation!  Now the long but happy wait begins!

WOW! Way to go!! Congratulations, that's a fantastic accomplishment. Welcome to the club. Wink

[Image: tenor.gif]
NanoDegree: Intro to Self-Driving Cars (2019)
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)

PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?
Very impressive!!
BSBA Accounting at TESU - 121/121
Graduated June 2018!
AWESOME!!! Congrats! I remember how great it feels.
Nice work!

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