hoffdeb Wrote:Please share thoughts and experiences with this SL course. My son (16) is on his last exam (of 6) and has just the final left after that. The final is closed book and I just wanted any words of wisdom with this. He has earned an 81% thus far going into the the sixth exam. It is tons of information for a closed book final. Please share! Thanks!
This may help -
The chemistry course is worth 1000 points, and he needs 700 to pass.
You said he has exam 6 left and has earned an 81% so far. So -
Exams 1-5 total (115 points x 5 = 575 points possible) he has 81%, so that is 575 x .81 = 466 points earned.
Whatever he gets on exam 6 (points) add to 466. If he earned a perfect score, that would be + 115 points, so use his actual points to calculate his points.
Now, calculate 700 points (needed to pass) - minus what he has (should be something around 565ish) and the answer is how many points he needs to pass. In the sample I used 565, so he would need 135 points to pass (obviously the more points, the higher the grade). The exam is worth 310 points, so take his needed points divided by 310 to get the % he needs. If his scores are close to my example for his 6th exam, he will only need about 44% on the final to pass the course with a C.
** I also want to add that EVEN A PERFECT SCORE on his final is not enough to pull an A for him, so that may help with his stress. A perfect score on both test 6 and the final would end his course with 87%. I point that out so he isn't killing himself to pull out an A last minute. If he can get 76% or better, he should finish the whole course at 80% which would be a "B" at a college that gives grades.