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FEMA & FREE College Credit courses
Based on the information above, if you started FEMA courses today, you'd be able to transfer 32 credits to TESC. Looks like they have not evaluated ISP courses above 632.

Please note that IS-330 has a prerequisite that cannot be attained through ISP, and cannot be transferred RAW to TESC.

IS-631 and IS-632 require you to request CD-ROM based CBT software to be sent to your home, and you have to complete IS-631 before they send you IS-632. Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

So, 30 of the 32 credits can be done 100% online.

If anyone has the CD-ROM for IS-631 and/or IS-632 can you PM me? Would love to get a .iso of them while I'm waiting for the CD-ROM to ship.
cinderly Wrote:Just an FYI - looks like EC finally made an official ruling on the FEMA via TESC credit bank, and the news is not good:

[INDENT]Thank you for your correspondence. We currently accept FEMA Independent Study course credits from Clackamus Community College (CCC), and Frederick Community College (FCC). Please note that you will only be able to obtain lower level credit for this course work.The policy to accept these courses from other schools i.e Thomas Edison Community College changed as of 11/1/07.

That's awful! I wonder why they did that? They are the same courses no matter which college transcripts them. :confused:
[COLOR="Navy"]BS Liberal Arts
Excelsior College

MS Psychology
California Coast University[/color]
Katterina Wrote:That's awful! I wonder why they did that? They are the same courses no matter which college transcripts them. :confused:

It might make a definite impact on which college I decide to go to.
Right now its between Excelsior and TESC.
Frederick Community College - Courses Acceptable for Credit

Courses Eligible for One Semester Hour

IS-1 (FEM 113): Emergency Manager
IS-3 (FEM 115): Radiological Emergency Management
IS-5 (FEM 116): Hazardous Materials
IS-7 (FEM 108): A Citizen’s Guide to Disaster Assistance
IS-8.A (FEM 104): Building for the Earthquakes of Tomorrow
IS-10 (FEM 109): Animals in Disaster, Module A
IS-11 (FEM 110): Animals in Disaster, Module B
IS-111 (FEM 138): Livestock in Disaster
IS-120 (FEM 103): Orientation to Community Disaster Exercises
IS-139 (FEM 141): Exercise Design
IS-208 (FEM 128): State Disaster Management
IS-230 (FEM 131): Principles of Emergency Management
IS-235 (FEM 140): Emergency Planning
IS-240 (FEM 132): Leadership & Influence
IS-241 (FEM 133): Decision Making & Problem Solving
IS-242 (FEM 134): Effective Communication
IS-244 (FEM 135): Developing & Managing Volunteers
IS-253 (FEM 144): Coordinating Environment & Historic Preservation Compliance
IS-271 (FEM 127): Anticipating Hazardous Weather & Community Risk
IS-275 (FEM 106): Role of EOC in Community Preparedness, Response & Recovery
IS-279 (FEM 105): Retrofitting Flood-Prone Structures
IS-288 (FEM 119): The Role of Volunteer Agencies in Emergency Management
IS-292 (FEM 139): Disaster Basics
IS-301 (FEM 102): Radiological Emergency Response
IS-302 (FEM 155): Modular Emergency Response Radiological Transportation Training
IS-317 (FEM 142): Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams (please provide copy of certificate)
IS-324 (FEM 122): Community Hurricane Preparedness
IS-331 (FEM 146): Intro. to Radiological Emergency
IS-340 (FEM 145): Hazardous Materials Prevention
IS-346 (FEM 107): Orientation to Hazardous Materials for Medical Personnel
IS-362 (FEM 156): Multi-hazard Emergency Planning for Schools
IS-386 (FEM 130): Introduction to Residential Coastal Construction
IS-393.A (FEM 157): Introduction to Hazard Mitigation
IS-394.A (FEM 158): Protecting your Home or Small Business from Disaster
IS-630 (FEM 126): Introduction to Public Assistance
IS-632 (FEM 136): Debris Operations
IS-650 (FEM 143): Building Partnerships with Tribal Gov’t

All of the courses in each combination below must be completed to earn 1 semester hour

IS-100 (FEM 150): Introduction to Incident Command System
IS-200 Introduction to Incident Command System for Single Resources & Initial Action Incidents

IS- 546 (FEM 154): Continuity of Operations Awareness
IS- 547 Introduction to Continuity of Operations

IS-700 (FEM 151): National Incident Management System (NIMS), an Introduction
IS-702 National Incident Management System (NIMS), Public Information System
IS-703 National Incident Management System (NIMS), Resource Management

IS-800.A (FEM 152):National Response Plan (NRP), and Introduction
IS-1900 National Disaster Medical System, Federal Coordinating Center Operations
I found that some courses are accepted by TESC that are not accepted by FCC, and some courses that are accepted by FCC are not accepted by TESC. I sent TESC an email to see if they can transfer credit beyond their raw transfer.

Quote:I know Frederick Community College also applies College Credit to FEMA Courses
Quote:They have some courses that are not reviewed by TESC.
If the courses not reviewed by TESC are translated into credit via Frederick Community College, would they be eligible for transfer into TESC?
FEMA ISP Courses and related FCC courses are provided below, directly from [URL=""][/URL]

Courses Eligible for One Semester Hour

IS-301 (FEM 102): Radiological Emergency Response
IS-302 (FEM 155): Modular Emergency Response Radiological Transportation Training
IS-317 (FEM 142): Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams

IS-331 (FEM 146): Intro. to Radiological Emergency
IS-340 (FEM 145): Hazardous Materials Prevention

IS-362 (FEM 156): Multi-hazard Emergency Planning for Schools
IS-632 (FEM 136): Debris Operations
IS-650 (FEM 143): Building Partnerships with Tribal Government

All of the courses in each combination below must be completed to earn 1 semester hour

IS-100 (FEM 150): Introduction to Incident Command System
IS-200 Introduction to Incident Command System for Single Resources & Initial Action Incidents

IS- 546 (FEM 154): Continuity of Operations Awareness
IS- 547 Introduction to Continuity of Operations

IS-700 (FEM 151): National Incident Management System (NIMS), an Introduction
IS-702 National Incident Management System (NIMS), Public Information System
IS-703 National Incident Management System (NIMS), Resource Management

IS-800.A (FEM 152):National Response Plan (NRP), and Introduction
IS-1900 National Disaster Medical System, Federal Coordinating Center Operations

Here is their response

Quote:If another college awards credit for it,and you can send us in a transcript from that school, then I believe we can give you credit for it.



Donald S. Cucuzzella
Thomas Edison State College
Admissions Counselor
Phone: 609-984-1164 x3055
Fax: 609-984-8447
Just got off the phone with Red Rocks Community College

Red Rocks will transfer ALL FEMA ISP Courses to college credit.

They transfer based on the 3 credit rule, where they look at each course, pair 3 like courses, and utilize that to satisfy a 3 credit course.

Red Rocks is part of and has an Emergency Management Associate's program.

By taking all FEMA ISP Courses, you satisfy the Emergency Management 10 EM class specialized program they offer. They charge $15 per credit to translate FEMA courses into college credit.

Red Rocks will accept up to 45 transfer credits and require you to take 15 Red Rocks credits to satisfy their Associate's Degree

Tuition for Red Rocks is $225.40/credit for out of state tuition and $136.40/credit for in-state (Colorado)

Potentially, if you do not have any previous college credit, this is a perfect way to satisfy 45 credits through FEMA, and take 15 credits of online courseware for less than $3000.

I do not know their policy about translating FEMA courses to college credit without the intent of pursuing a degree program. The gentleman who spoke to me was EXTREMELY polite and helpful, and I did not want to offend him.

Ivo Roospold
Program Coordinator
(303) 914-6404

If you are interested in the program, go here
Emergency Management & Planning
BMWGuinness Wrote:Just got off the phone with Red Rocks Community College

Red Rocks will transfer ALL FEMA ISP Courses to college credit.

They transfer based on the 3 credit rule, where they look at each course, pair 3 like courses, and utilize that to satisfy a 3 credit course.

Red Rocks is part of and has an Emergency Management Associate's program.

By taking all FEMA ISP Courses, you satisfy the Emergency Management 10 EM class specialized program they offer. They charge $15 per credit to translate FEMA courses into college credit.

Red Rocks will accept up to 45 transfer credits and require you to take 15 Red Rocks credits to satisfy their Associate's Degree

Tuition for Red Rocks is $225.40/credit for out of state tuition and $136.40/credit for in-state (Colorado)

Potentially, if you do not have any previous college credit, this is a perfect way to satisfy 45 credits through FEMA, and take 15 credits of online courseware for less than $3000.

I do not know their policy about translating FEMA courses to college credit without the intent of pursuing a degree program. The gentleman who spoke to me was EXTREMELY polite and helpful, and I did not want to offend him.

Ivo Roospold
Program Coordinator
(303) 914-6404

If you are interested in the program, go here
Emergency Management & Planning


This is good news, thanks. However, will Excelsior accept FEMA ISP courses that are transferred into credit by Red Rock CC? I noticed in the communication from Excelsior, that they will only accept these credits from Clackamus or Frederick CC.

- Tom
japhy4529 Wrote:Hi,

This is good news, thanks. However, will Excelsior accept FEMA ISP courses that are transferred into credit by Red Rock CC? I noticed in the communication from Excelsior, that they will only accept these credits from Clackamus or Frederick CC.

- Tom

If you complete an Associate Degree with Red Rock, then yes.
I am not sure if they will allow you to transcript FEMA courses without taking 15 credit hours worth of classes THROUGH Red Rock.

Most colleges in The College List require some type of attendance/enrollment before credit transfer.

Since I will be most likely attending TESC, I don't plan on going through the list any longer. Red Rock was a callback (and a very good one).
ive been following the forum, and since i still have some questions in my head, i figure i would ask a couple and see if anybody could clear up my take on the FEMA IS classes for college credits.

First off i am currently enrolled at Ocean County College in NJ. I currently have 35 credits toward me AA Degree. i need 60 college credits by July to start the NYPD Academy training, now without FEMA credits, its almost impossible being that i only take 9 credits a semester because of work and other related stuff, therefore, i cannot attend full time.

The NYPD will accept FEMA credits, but i dont know if i will be able to add them to my transcript at Ocean County College.

I already talked to the recruiter from the NYPD and he says the credits to total 60 do not need to be on the same transcript. so i plan to continue to take 6 credits this winter, then 9 credits in the spring semester at OCC giving me 50 credits at OCC. i would then need 10 FEMA classes in order to have enough come July.

Right now i am not concerned with obtaining my AA, but more or less just getting the required credits for the Academy. i will then later go back to obtain my AA, but for right now, im in a rush to get the 10 FEMA credits.

What would be the best way for me to obtain the 10 FEMA credits? I think my only option is to use Frederick Community College, am i right?
james321 Wrote:ive been following the forum, and since i still have some questions in my head, i figure i would ask a couple and see if anybody could clear up my take on the FEMA IS classes for college credits.

First off i am currently enrolled at Ocean County College in NJ. I currently have 35 credits toward me AA Degree. i need 60 college credits by July to start the NYPD Academy training, now without FEMA credits, its almost impossible being that i only take 9 credits a semester because of work and other related stuff, therefore, i cannot attend full time.

The NYPD will accept FEMA credits, but i dont know if i will be able to add them to my transcript at Ocean County College.

I already talked to the recruiter from the NYPD and he says the credits to total 60 do not need to be on the same transcript. so i plan to continue to take 6 credits this winter, then 9 credits in the spring semester at OCC giving me 50 credits at OCC. i would then need 10 FEMA classes in order to have enough come July.

Right now i am not concerned with obtaining my AA, but more or less just getting the required credits for the Academy. i will then later go back to obtain my AA, but for right now, im in a rush to get the 10 FEMA credits.

What would be the best way for me to obtain the 10 FEMA credits? I think my only option is to use Frederick Community College, am i right?

As of right now, the quickest, most efficient way to achieve the 10 FEMA credits is to go with Frederick Community College. I would suggest you start with the FEMA ISP Professional Development Series. Emergency Management Institute - FEMA Independent Study Program Not only does that start you on your way to achieving those 10 credits, but you gain foundational knowledge for the rest of the courses, AND you receive a PDS Certificate of Completion (which is independent of the individual certificates, a resume booster).

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