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Looking for some advice before applying to TESC/TESU
Thanks for the heads up on the TEEX credits, I will take those. It looks like 6 credits total? I'm probably going to jump into the PACE-IT Web Developer program at Edmonds Community College as well which is ~$1500 in fees for 30 credits according to Sanantone, I figure the overflow of credits will just go towards free electives. If I finished everything I could be done without having to pay another full years enrollment but instead just pay the per month extension, I think. That's if I want to push that hard.

Also I want to thank this community, I felt a bit lost and you have all been super helpful and encouraging. I feel great about my choice to attend TESC, in part due to you folks.
Archer Wrote:Also I've been accepted into that web dev program Sanantone, I think all those courses could be used to transfer in and apply to the electives requirement, right? Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Appealing cert. if so.

My credits from Edmonds transferred as CAP-299 and counted as CIS credits, but I'm about to appeal their placement. I think they should meet my programming requirement, so they've asked for course descriptions. Anything is allowed as a free elective as long as it's college-level credit.
Graduate of Not VUL or ENEB
MS, MSS and Graduate Cert
AAS, AS, BA, and BS
Intro Psych 70, US His I 64, Intro Soc 63, Intro Edu Psych 70, A&I Lit 64, Bio 68, Prin Man 69, Prin Mar 68
Life Dev Psych 62, Fund Coun 68, Intro Comp 469, Intro Astr 56, Env & Hum 70, HTYH 456, MIS 451, Prin Sup 453, HRM 62, Bus Eth 458
Int Alg, Coll Alg
4 credits
Fed Inc Tax, Sci of Nutr, Micro, Strat Man, Med Term, Pub Relations
Sys Analysis & Design, Programming, Cyber
Intro to Comm, Microbio, Acc I
Macro, Intro to Fin, Man Acc
sanantone Wrote:My credits from Edmonds transferred as CAP-299 and counted as CIS credits, but I'm about to appeal their placement. I think they should meet my programming requirement, so they've asked for course descriptions. Anything is allowed as a free elective as long as it's college-level credit.

They all transferred as CAP-299? So duplicate credits and you didn't get ~30 separate credits from it after the transfer? Also are you all finished? How long did it take and approximately how much time per week did you spend studying?

Thanks Sanantone.
Archer Wrote:They all transferred as CAP-299? So duplicate credits and you didn't get ~30 separate credits from it after the transfer? Also are you all finished? How long did it take and approximately how much time per week did you spend studying?

Thanks Sanantone.

The -299 is a catch-all that doesn't (normally) duplicate.
Pursuing TESC BSBA CIS: ~100/120

CCAF Air & Space Operations Technology: April 2014

CLEP: Humanities, A&I Lit, SocSci & History, Intro Sociology, English Comp, Freshman College Comp, Principles of Management, History of the US I/II, Intro to Computing

DSST: InfoSys & Comp Apps, Intro to the Modern Middle East, Management Information Systems, Fundamentals of Cybersecurity, Human Resource Management, Principles of Supervision, Western Europe since 1945

AMU: Public Speaking, History of Explosive Ordnance Disposal, College Algebra

ALS (CCAF): Leadership/Management I, Managerial Communication I, Military Studies I

Sophia: Microeconomics

Straighterline: Accounting I/II

TECEP: English Comp I/II, Computer Concepts & Applications, Applied Liberal Arts Mathematics, Strategic Management (March 2017 Semester)

TESU OL: Python Programming (March 2017 Semester), Systems Analysis & Design I (March 2017 Semester)
hightecrebel Wrote:The -299 is a catch-all that doesn't (normally) duplicate.

Thanks for that.

I just effectively finished American Government on Straighterline, I like the format of these classes. Even if I somehow ended up with 0% on the final my overall grade would just fall to 72%, so I'd still qualify for ACE. Might just schedule it and not even use flash cards on the final so that I can move on to that Business Ethics course I'm taking.

After this I'm intending to take Intro to Religion to finish off Information Literacy and Cultural Anthropology for my Diversity credit. Bummer that communications course doesn't fill the public speaking requirement.
Prloko Wrote:Try to fill these with as many free or cheap electives first before pursuing SL or other sources. Free and virtually free, TEEX, KAPLAN PLA and ALEKs MATH. I think you can get up to 15 credits with those three for about $40 total including the ACE transcript. There's also a recent thread about a free business ethics course worth 2 credits.

Thanks for this again. Since you told me about these I've already completed Kaplan and the Ethics course for five credits. I also found the NFA exams. I think I'll do the TEEX courses after I wrap straighterline business ethics.

The DSST Public Speaking seems rather unappealing. I may honestly just drop the $500 for the Brigham Young Speech self-paced course after checking with TESC to see if it fulfills the requirement, or maybe I could submit a PLA using powerpoints from High School and reciting previous speeches from other courses.

New Mexico Junior College also offers a Public Speaking class, as does Clovis but I think Clovis requires and audience for theirs.
Can somebody help me with this question, I'm struggling to get an answer out of Academic advising as they seem confused about what I'm asking:

Can I use area of study courses to fulfill physical and natural world req.? For example, in my BACS, say I keep taking comp sci courses beyond the required amount can't I use those to fulfill the Physical and Natural World requirements?
I think they fill up your GE areas first (second) anyway during the eval. First they put in degree-specific requirements (like Calc I or Data Structures), then start filling in the GE. So computer courses that were not degree-specific but had a CIS/COS prefix would go in as GE at the beginning, until you took something else that filled in that area and a computer course could be moved down to your CS electives area. At least, that's what it seemed like they did with mine.

CIS and COS courses count in that section (D), but not EVERY computer course will. So you will want to see what a particular course equivalency is before you take it, so you can make sure it will fit.

If they're not from the normal places (Straighterline, CLEP, DSST, TEEX, etc.) where the equivalency is known, just find out. You will want to do that for all of your courses anyway, since you don't want to waste your time taking something and then not having it count where you thought they would.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
I was going to make this a separate thread but didn't want to hog the front page. This is my completion plan, input is welcomed, suggestions on quick and cheap solutions for the free electives/gen eds in particular is appreciated. I put my ideas, where I'm headed, under those areas if I did have any ideas at all. Excluded areas that are already complete:

I - General Education Requirements: 60.00 REQUIRED, 37.02 COMPLETED

A. Intellectual & Practical Skills 15 Credits

Oral Comm. 3 Credits
[INDENT]Brigham Young Public Speaking?[/INDENT]

B. Civic Learning 9 Credits

Diversity 3 Credits
[INDENT]Not completed (Intro to Religion or Anth., SL?)[/INDENT]

Ethics 3 Credits
[INDENT]Business Ethics SL in progress[/INDENT]

Civic Engagement 3 Credits
[INDENT]American Government (just final left)[/INDENT]

D. Natural World (Not Started) 4 Credits
[INDENT]Saylor CS 101, Intro to Biology/Chemistry?[/INDENT]

E. General Education Electives 20.65 required Credits, 13.67 completed
Aleks Stats?


E. Electives 21 Credits

Group I: 300-400 level 12 Credits remaining
[INDENT] Most of these will be taken at TESC I imagine[/INDENT]

Group II: 9.33 Required, 8.34 Complete. Need .99
[INDENT]If none of the TEEX credits go in here I'll likely use the Saylor CS101 course since it transfers in differently than what I have thus far.[/INDENT]

Free Electives 21 Credits, 14.3 remaining
[INDENT]CP Ethics -2
Saylor Business Law, Princ. Of Marketing/Management?[/INDENT]
I've done NFA, that free Ethics course, the PLA class, Business Ethics and Am Govt. at Straighterline are complete.

I have just a few weeks left on Systems Analysis and Assembly programming, guaranteed A in SA. Looking at probably a B in Assembly programming, at the very least. Need to take my Intro to Religion or Anthropology at SL for diversity.

Next term is Computer Architecture and Databases at TESC. I'd like to dual major still, I'm heading for a BA Comp Sci for sure now. I was thinking of dual majoring in mathematics or economics but math + comp sci would be a ridiculous study workload and economics, it's really hard to find upper level reqs...

Anybody have any input on that thought?

Wait, did Thomas Edison get rid of their economics degree? I don't see it on their website.

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