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Anyone like to shoot?
dfrecore Wrote:We live in CA, in one of those wonderful counties where the sheriff doesn't have to approve a CCW if he doesn't want to, but if I feel the need to carry concealed, I may anyway. The police obviously can't get here in time to protect us all, so I'm happy to count on myself and my family instead.

I agree. Nowehere in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights does it state that any of the amendments are subject to government approval before a person can exercise a right. In fact, I would argue that if the founding fathers knew that the government would create a large standing army (which terrified them) and try to restrict the right to bear arms (which they felt very strongly about), it may have been written with much stronger wording. I think that in 1791 they figured what they wrote was strong enough.

Intro to Law Enforcement (70) DSST, Criminal Justice (461) DSST, US History 1 (71) CLEP, US History 2 (66) CLEP, Civil War & Reconstruction (67) DSST
Business Ethics & Society (447) DSST, Principles of Management (65) CLEP, Principles of Supervision (450) DSST, Organizational Behavior (60) DSST
Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union (56) DSST, Intro to World Religions (469) DSST, Management Info Systems (448) DSST, Prin of MACROeconomics (63)
Prin of MICROeconomics (64) CLEP, Labor Relations (A) ECE, HR Management (B) ECE, Principles of Financial Accounting(65) DSST, Prin of Finance (408) Money and Banking (52) DSST
merolpn Wrote:I agree. Nowehere in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights does it state that any of the amendments are subject to government approval before a person can exercise a right. In fact, I would argue that if the founding fathers knew that the government would create a large standing army (which terrified them) and try to restrict the right to bear arms (which they felt very strongly about), it may have been written with much stronger wording. I think that in 1791 they figured what they wrote was strong enough.

Just curious how you feel about felons not being allowed to own firearms etc.?
FEMA: 20 credit hours, B&M: 33 credit hours, AARTS: 14 credit hours, certifications
ALEKS: Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra
CLEP: Analyzing & Interpret. Literature CLEP - 66, English Composition Modular CLEP - 58, American Government CLEP - 58, Social Sciences & History CLEP - 63
DSST: Intro to Computing DSST - 452
Straighterline: Business Ethics (88%), Criminal Justice (94%), World Religions (93%), Cultural Anthropology (92%), Intro to Sociology (94%)
Sophia: Biology, US History I English Comp II, Presentations for the Workplace
defscarlett Wrote:Just curious how you feel about felons not being allowed to own firearms etc.?

First off, there are many people who should never own guns. There are probably more NON- felons that should be prohibited. I am not talking about violent people.......actually my cousin comes to mind. She is the sweetest person and would do anything for anybody but is a complete airhead. When she is around my guns hide from her because they don't want to be dropped.

I can't say that my feelings on this are set in stone. I have not really given much thought to felons. I have always known that there is a process to have certain rights restored. In effect someone convicted gets two trials. One in which they were convicted and one in which they can be un-convicted. I think that is more than fair.

Great question though........I really had to think.

Now, defscarlett..............I am interested to hear about your 3gun set-ups. How often do you go? What guns do you use? I am trying to get something going at my club and if we can get some really old guys to agree, we may be able to set up an awesome course.

Intro to Law Enforcement (70) DSST, Criminal Justice (461) DSST, US History 1 (71) CLEP, US History 2 (66) CLEP, Civil War & Reconstruction (67) DSST
Business Ethics & Society (447) DSST, Principles of Management (65) CLEP, Principles of Supervision (450) DSST, Organizational Behavior (60) DSST
Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union (56) DSST, Intro to World Religions (469) DSST, Management Info Systems (448) DSST, Prin of MACROeconomics (63)
Prin of MICROeconomics (64) CLEP, Labor Relations (A) ECE, HR Management (B) ECE, Principles of Financial Accounting(65) DSST, Prin of Finance (408) Money and Banking (52) DSST
I'm all in bro. Anything that goes boom.
Bought a compact Ruger SR22 handgun a few weeks ago, mainly for concealed carry. I almost bought a compact 9mm, but with how expensive 9mm ammo has gotten, I went with the .22. It's handy having a small gun for when I go out late or when I'm in certain areas.
BA - History, TESC
CLEP: Introductory Sociology (59), American Government (63), Biology (57), Principles of Macroeconomics (68), Principles of Microeconomics (71), History of the United States I: Early Colonization to 1877 (67), History of the United States II: 1865 to the Present (61), College Algebra (54), Introductory Business Law (66), College Mathematics (59), Humanities (57), Social Sciences & History (69), Natural Sciences (60), Spanish (55), A/I Lit (59), Western Civ II (53)
DSST: A History of the Vietnam War (449), Civil War/Reconstruction (438), Ethics in America (462), Intro Business (435)
AP: English Language and Composition, American Government, US History
Uni of Northwestern: Western Civilization
TECEP: Political Science, Computer Concepts, Comparative Politics, Environmental Science
UExcel: World Conflicts
Currently working on: ...UL history?...

109 credits down, 11 to go!
This forum is dangerous lol.
Hunter91 Wrote:This forum is dangerous lol.

Do you mean dangerous as in new ideas on how to spend money? In all seriousness, there are so many aspects of shooting and firearms that are relative to an educational forum.
There is history, law, safety, politics and debate skills. Also, there is simply your opinion and getting better at writing it. This is an issue that 100% of the population will never agree upon. It is also an issue in which 100% of gun owners will never agree upon. So, it is a limitless subject.

Intro to Law Enforcement (70) DSST, Criminal Justice (461) DSST, US History 1 (71) CLEP, US History 2 (66) CLEP, Civil War & Reconstruction (67) DSST
Business Ethics & Society (447) DSST, Principles of Management (65) CLEP, Principles of Supervision (450) DSST, Organizational Behavior (60) DSST
Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union (56) DSST, Intro to World Religions (469) DSST, Management Info Systems (448) DSST, Prin of MACROeconomics (63)
Prin of MICROeconomics (64) CLEP, Labor Relations (A) ECE, HR Management (B) ECE, Principles of Financial Accounting(65) DSST, Prin of Finance (408) Money and Banking (52) DSST
I love firearms & shooting. I used to compete (will continue after moving in 6 months) in IDPA shooting. I'm in my mid 20's so I don't have a massive collection, but I still pick up a gun once in a while. I'm a licensed CCDW (carry concealed deadly weapon) holder in my state, and assist in firearm education for new/young shooters.

Carry guns: Glock 26 (9mm), Glock 27 (.40 S&W)
Competition guns: Glock 17 (9mm) Glock 34 (9mm)
Hunting firearms: Remington 700 SPS w/ Leupold VX7 (.270 WIN)
Home Defense: Mossberg 590A1 12 GA / Mossberg 500 12 GA
Project Gun: Adams Arms AR15 w/ Magpul goodies, EOTECH 512 optics, & Samson rail. The sucker is heavy with the full length quad rail & eotech.. I'm thinking about replacing the EOTECH with an aimpoint or just standard flip up sights.

I have a couple of old Mosins, a few AKs (mostly Bulgarian), and some little tinker projects. I'm not a "gun nut" believe it or not; but shooting at the range is a fantastic way to unwind after a long day.

defscarlett Wrote:Just curious how you feel about felons not being allowed to own firearms etc.?

I think it is dumb. From a personal perspective, I have a friend who grew up hunting and shooting with his dad and granddad, unfortunately he had a felony drug conviction in the mid 80s, 30 something years later he can't take his son hunting because of a dumb mistake years ago.

But on the other hand these laws don't stop criminals from getting guns because there are no background checks in the alleyways of the inner-city. All of your constitutional rights should be given back to you, once you are let out of prison. If a person isn't ready to integrate into society they shouldn't be free to walk amongst the law abiding.
BA in Social Science-TESC
Arnold Fletcher Award

[h=1]“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” ~Thomas Edison[/h]
I never leave home without my SIG P290. Probably my most favorite weapon is my H&K P30L 9MM or my S&W Magnum 500, but that only comes out on special occasions since ammo is so expensive...
2014 MBA Management & Strategy - WGU
2013 BS
Nuclear Energy Engineering Technology - TESC
2013 AS
Nuclear Engineering Technology - TESC


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