dbwdb Wrote:Thanks everyone for your info. I've already taken 2 TECEP's and I was able to do it from home with Proctor U so I'm assuming this is the same. I asked a program advisor at TESC which was easier and she advised LA Math. She also advised I get the current edition textbook. I also looked at the program details for Aleks and it looks like difficult alegbra concepts. I would probably have to relearn everything as I forgot almost all the Math I learned. The material in LA Math seems simpler. Am I correct?
If you need a refresher, uou can start with Aleks Beginning Algebra. The course is not awarded credit at TESC but it's an excellent beginners warmup course.
(If you assess at 70% or greater I woudl add it to your ACE transcript. Do a little research, one of the other Big3 accepts it, can't remember which one.)
Then move on to Intermediate Algebra. Once you assess at 70% or better you can add it to your ACE transcript. You can continue with College Algebra, or stop there and take the TECEP Liberal Arts Math and CLEP College Mathematics. Along with general math, the mathematics exams contain beginners level algebra.
So again this is the order in which I would work through the courses/exams
- Aleks Beginning Algebra - warmup
- Aleks Intermediate Algebra (3 cr)
- TECEP Liberal Arts Math (3 cr)
- CLEP College Mathematics (6 cr)
- Aleks College Algebra (optional 3 cr)
FYI, the text used for the MAT105 course/exam,
A Survey of Mathematics with Applications , is also on the list of
recommended texts for the CLEP exam. And of course the advisor said use the current text because that's what's written on the test descrition. I never used the current textbook, actually I purchased texts that were 2-3 editions old and I passed without issue. In math and science not much changes between editions other than added commentary, color, nicer graphs, etc. It's simply about the money publishers, authors, and colleges make off of the new release.
BTW, I am not trying to sell you on any of this...just lending advice/experience on how to earn the most credit for your dollar while taking advantage of the course topics overlap.
If you take course/exams 2-4 (12 cr), and you complete Intermediate Algebra within one month (took me one day) here's the math: Aleks $20/mo + $40/first ACE transcript, TECEP $111, CLEP $100 (approx exam/admin fee), equals $22.50/credit. This is definitely a great opportunity for cheap credit! Good luck with whatever you decide!
Helpful study resources:
You can use the online math lab for Liberal Arts Math
Text - Angel: A Survey of Mathematics with Applications, Expanded 8e or current 9e
[/URL]In the drop down box, scroll to - author and text
Click on whatever chapter you need extra help. Within each practice problem you have the option to have the software teach you the steps.[INDENT]• For each problem you don't know how to solve, look to right there is an icon with a key 'help me solve this'
• When you click on it another window opens and the software will go through each step by clicking the yellow continue button at the bottom.of the window.
• There is also a print icon.
There are many math sites you can use, here are a few additional sites on my go to list:
Excellent math software program -
- With this program you enter your problem. The answer worksheet details each step in solving the problem (including graphs). It's exactly like the solutions manual just not specific to one textbook. The program topics span from pre-algebra to college algebra. It really helped me to comprehend certain formulas I was having an issue internalizing; but I'm a visual/audio learner.
online help calculating problems
Good luck!