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Charter Oak Advising Worksheet and degree plan help
Hello everyone. I have been reading through this awesome forum for a couple of weeks now and for whatever reason decided to apply to Charter Oak just to get an idea of where I stood with credits. I received my Advising worksheet and was hoping for some help from everyone here, and what the best route might be.

My goal is to complete any bachelors degree the easiest and quickest way possible. I just need a piece of paper saying I have a bachelors degree, that's all.

My advising worksheet shows for business admin but I am looking for the easiest/ fastest degree to complete through DSST, CLEP, Straighterline, Penn Foster, TECEP, ect. If possible I would like to finish or come close to finishing within 1 year.

Here is my Advising worksheet

.pdf   Less than 1 minute ago">COSC Advising Worksheet.pdf (Size: 107.08 KB / Downloads: 2)

I have also taken ALEKS intermediate algebra and trigonometry that are not on the advising worksheet.

If TESC or Excelsior would be a better option please let me know. And if BA would be easier then a BS or not.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!
I would strongly advise you to also apply to both TESC and EC. Most folks find that TESC's 18 hr. UL credit req. to be an easier path. However, TESC's catchall Liberal Studies degree is a BA and you can only apply 30 non liberal arts courses to this program and you already have 36 if TESC grants you the same Free Electives as COSC. EC's catchall can be a BS in Liberal Arts so you can apply up to 60 non LA credits to this degree but you need 30 UL credits. You really can't know for sure which school will work best for you until you apply for an evaluation. If you pay the application fee, you can usually get at least 2 evals in different programs to see which one will work the best for you. Good luck!
I agree with JohnnyHeck above. You have a lot of applied science credits that would not be useful for a BSBA at TESC, at least, but that you could mostly use for free electives. Excelsior would let you use those credits for a BSLA. What sorts of subjects do you like, OP? Are you good with business, science, psychology, sociology, some other subjects?
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits
COSC does offer an individualized studies program. TESC offers the learner-designed area of study in the BA, BS, BSAST, and BSBA formats.
Graduate of Not VUL or ENEB
MS, MSS and Graduate Cert
AAS, AS, BA, and BS
Intro Psych 70, US His I 64, Intro Soc 63, Intro Edu Psych 70, A&I Lit 64, Bio 68, Prin Man 69, Prin Mar 68
Life Dev Psych 62, Fund Coun 68, Intro Comp 469, Intro Astr 56, Env & Hum 70, HTYH 456, MIS 451, Prin Sup 453, HRM 62, Bus Eth 458
Int Alg, Coll Alg
4 credits
Fed Inc Tax, Sci of Nutr, Micro, Strat Man, Med Term, Pub Relations
Sys Analysis & Design, Programming, Cyber
Intro to Comm, Microbio, Acc I
Macro, Intro to Fin, Man Acc
Thanks for all the good information. Before also applying to tesc or excelsior, do you have suggestions for some upper level or General ed cleps, dsst, teceps, SL, PF, or uexcel that i can start now that can apply to the widest range of degree plans? I would like to maybe get another 20 credits or so before applying.. TESC bsba is very attractive to me because of the option to completely test out of and skip the capstone. The advisors at cosc were pretty vague about the individualized studies and said unless i am matriculated they can't really say for sure what would work.

Unfortunately I don't really enjoy any of the liberal arts or concentration subjects... That's why i am going for the path of least resistance. I am pretty good with memorization. I dislike math and dislike writing papers. I have some IT experience and fire science. But it looks like i just need upper level, gen ed and concentration credits.

Sanantone. Say i wanted to go the TESC route for BSBA and test out of everything. Can you help me narrow down on some tests to start with?

Thanks again for all the input.
shanek67 Wrote:Thanks for all the good information. Before also applying to tesc or excelsior, do you have suggestions for some upper level or General ed cleps, dsst, teceps, SL, PF, or uexcel that i can start now that can apply to the widest range of degree plans? I would like to maybe get another 20 credits or so before applying.. TESC bsba is very attractive to me because of the option to completely test out of and skip the capstone. The advisors at cosc were pretty vague about the individualized studies and said unless i am matriculated they can't really say for sure what would work.

Unfortunately I don't really enjoy any of the liberal arts or concentration subjects... That's why i am going for the path of least resistance. I am pretty good with memorization. I dislike math and dislike writing papers. I have some IT experience and fire science. But it looks like i just need upper level, gen ed and concentration credits.

Sanantone. Say i wanted to go the TESC route for BSBA and test out of everything. Can you help me narrow down on some tests to start with?

Thanks again for all the input.

Excelsior and COSC mostly follow ACE recommendations while TESC. Doesn't. So, a lot of what would count as UL at TESC won't count as UL at the other two. If TESC says that a TECEP is UL, then it will more than likely be UL at the other two. TECEPs also count toward the residency requirement at TESC. TESC only has a residency requirement for the Per Credit Tuition Plan, but this will save you the most money.

Sanantone's BSBA General Management - Degree Forum Wiki
Thomas Edison State College: All TECEPÂ Tests
Graduate of Not VUL or ENEB
MS, MSS and Graduate Cert
AAS, AS, BA, and BS
Intro Psych 70, US His I 64, Intro Soc 63, Intro Edu Psych 70, A&I Lit 64, Bio 68, Prin Man 69, Prin Mar 68
Life Dev Psych 62, Fund Coun 68, Intro Comp 469, Intro Astr 56, Env & Hum 70, HTYH 456, MIS 451, Prin Sup 453, HRM 62, Bus Eth 458
Int Alg, Coll Alg
4 credits
Fed Inc Tax, Sci of Nutr, Micro, Strat Man, Med Term, Pub Relations
Sys Analysis & Design, Programming, Cyber
Intro to Comm, Microbio, Acc I
Macro, Intro to Fin, Man Acc
I can highly recommenced the Penn Foster Ace approved Adv. Comp. course for your Eng. 102 req. or whatever they call it at your final destination. While perhaps simpler than the SL option, its just what you will need in preparation for your final Capstone course
shanek67 Wrote:Unfortunately I don't really enjoy any of the liberal arts or concentration subjects... That's why i am going for the path of least resistance. I am pretty good with memorization. I dislike math and dislike writing papers. I have some IT experience and fire science. But it looks like i just need upper level, gen ed and concentration credits.
Be smart. The pedants hold the keys whether you like it or not. Buck up; don't whine; we all had to do it!. It's really not that hard once you accept it. Just go for what your heart really directs you! We're here to help Good luck.
JohnnyHeck Wrote:I would strongly advise you to also apply to both TESC and EC. Most folks find that TESC's 18 hr. UL credit req. to be an easier path. However, TESC's catchall Liberal Studies degree is a BA and you can only apply 30 non liberal arts courses to this program and you already have 36 if TESC grants you the same Free Electives as COSC. EC's catchall can be a BS in Liberal Arts so you can apply up to 60 non LA credits to this degree but you need 30 UL credits. You really can't know for sure which school will work best for you until you apply for an evaluation. If you pay the application fee, you can usually get at least 2 evals in different programs to see which one will work the best for you. Good luck!

I guess I will go ahead and apply to TESC and EC. Should I apply for the BSLA at EC and the BA liberal studies at TESC?
shanek67 Wrote:I guess I will go ahead and apply to TESC and EC. Should I apply for the BSLA at EC and the BA liberal studies at TESC?

This is probably the best starting point for your situation. We will be able to see how each school evaluates your tech credits and how their degree requirements differ by course distribution. If you come back here with these two evals and give us some more insight into your career experiences, perhaps we can give you better ideas for specific courses. Your desire to target memorization without writing is somewhat incompatible in that high memorization courses, e.g. history, usually require a display of your knowledge through papers. But with a broad range of possible courses for these catchall degrees, we may be able to suggest specific courses and CBEs that will work for you. Since you aren't keen on math, I don't think the sciences will work. But consider that they are usually heavy on memorization and paperless. You have 6 months from date of application before you have to enroll and keep the 2014 catalog year for which these evals will be based. Another thought for you: If you wanted to delay additional applications for awhile you could put that time to good use completing Gen-Ed LA CBEs that you know will fulfill distribution requirements at any school. I'd start with Intros to Psych, Sociology, and Biology - all memorization and multiple choice exams. Check out the LL course offerings at InstaCert and bounce these off the Gen-Ed reqs of each school and go for the ones that will be good anywhere. Good luck.

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