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My Degree Plan @ TESC and Progress
I've seen some threads like this, and, as I am now done CLEPing/DSSTing/FEMAing/ALEKSing (I'M A COLLEGE SENIOR!! :hurray: ), I thought I would share my degree plan for my B.A. in Communications from TESC -- hope this is okay and will be of use to someone. Smile I will also put my feedback for the exams I took here (to keep everything organized and, though I'm sure a lot of this info is already around here in various places, to condense it in one place). I started with 0 credits in May, 2012, and am hoping to finish up in May, 2013. So far, I have earned 93 credits in ~7 months! Praise God for bringing me this far! I could never have done it without Him! Smile I am currently enrolled in TESC and will be taking my first online classes beginning in January. Please feel free to ask questions or comment. Smile

I - General Education Requirements: 60.00 REQUIRED

Composition: 6.00 REQUIRED

~College Composition: ENC 101/102 CE CLEP 6 Credits

Humanities: 12.00 REQUIRED

~Analyzing and Interpreting Literature: LIT 291/292 CE CLEP 6 Credits
~Humanities: HUM 101/102 CE CLEP 6 Credits

History and Social Sciences: 12.00 REQUIRED

~Social Sciences and History: SOS 101/102 CE CLEP 6 Credits
~Introductory Sociology: SOC 101 CE CLEP 3 Credits
~Introductory Psychology: PSY 101 CE CLEP 3 Credits

Science and Mathematics: 12.00 REQUIRED

~Environment and Humanity: ENS 201 DE DSST 3 Credits
~College Algebra: MAT 121 CE CLEP 3 Credits
~Biology: BIO 111/112 CE CLEP 6 Credits

General Education Electives: 18.00 REQUIRED

~History of the United States I: HIS 113 CE CLEP 3 Credits
~History of the United States II: HIS 114 CE CLEP 3 Credits
~Astronomy: AST 101 DSST 3 Credits
~Introduction to Statistics: STA 201 ALEKS 3 Credits
~Natural Sciences: NAS 101/102 CE CLEP 6 Credits

II - Area of Study: 33.00 REQUIRED

100-200 Level: 15.00 REQUIRED

~Technical Writing: ENG 201 DE DSST 3 Credits
~Introduction to News Reporting: JOU 110 TE TECEP 3 Credits
~Introduction to Mass Communications I: COM 120 TESC Course-3 3 Credits
~Public Relations Thought and Practice: COM 210 TE TECEP 3 Credits
~Principles of Public Speaking: COM 209 DE DSST 3 Credits

300-400 Level: 18.00 REQUIRED

~News Writing: JOU 352 TESC Course-3 3 Credits
~Argumentation and Debate: CMST 2063 LSU Course-3 3 Credits
~Marketing Communications: MAR 321 TE TECEP 3 Credits
~Interpersonal Communication COMX 215 ECE 3
~Leadership Communication: MAN 376 TESC Course-3 3 Credits
~Liberal Arts Capstone: LIB 495 TESC Course-3 3 Credits

III - Free Electives: 27.00 REQUIRED

~Principles of Marketing: MAR 301 CE CLEP 3 Credits
~Introduction to Hazard Mitigation: EDM 140 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~Hazardous Materials Prevention: EDM 152 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~Are You Ready? An In-depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness -&- Household Hazardous Materials: A Guide for Citizens: EDM 199 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~An Orientation to Hazardous Materials for Medical Personnel: EDM 155 FEMA Course 1 Credits
~Radiological Emergency Management: EDM 399 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~Engineering Principles and Practices for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures: EDM 130 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~An Introduction to Exercises -&- Exercise Evaluation and Improvement Planning: EDM 120 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~Animals in Disaster: Awareness & Preparedness: EDM 191 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~Leadership & Influence: IS 240A FEMA Course 1 Credit
~Effective Communication: IS 242A FEMA Course 1 Credit
~Exercise Design: EDM 203 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~Emergency Planning: EDM 224 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~State Disaster Management: EDM 126 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~Fundamentals of Emergency Management: EDM 107 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~Decision Making and Problem Solving: IS 241A FEMA Course 1 Credit
~Coordinating Environmental and Historic Preservation Compliance: EDM 299 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~Community Hurricane Preparedness: EDM 121 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~A Citizen's Guide to Disaster Assistance: EDM 103 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~Protecting Your Home or Small Business From Disaster: EDM 241 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~An Introduction to Hazardous Materials: EDM 154 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~Developing and Managing Volunteers: IS 244A FEMA Course 1 Credit
~Modular Emergency Radiological Response Transportation Training: EDM 378 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~Building for the Earthquakes of Tomorrow: Complying with Executive Order 12699: EDM 190 FEMA Course 1 Credit
~Radiological Emergency Response: EDM 172 FEMA Course 1 Credit

Green = passed/complete.
Yellow = pending.
Biology CLEP
Score: 64

I had completed the "Exploring Creation With Biology" high school course before I began to study for this test. It helped me sooo much, but was not sufficient on its own to pass the CLEP. I read the REA guide and completed the practice tests in it (which I found to be mildly inaccurate, if I remember correctly), and that was all the studying I did, I think. It was my first CLEP and I think I studied for less than 2 weeks. Don't remember a lot of specifics as to what you will need to know, but on a scale of 1-10 in difficulty, this was probably a 6-7 (If I had not just completed my high school course, it might have been more difficult).


College Algebra CLEP
Score: 60

I think I studied for ~6 days?? Took it a while ago, so I'm not sure. I used the REA guide extensively. I had already taken Algebra 2 in high school, so that prepared me well for this test (although it was not sufficient preparation on it's own). I focused especially on logarithms. On the test, though, I couldn't figure out how to use the logarithm function on the built-in calculator, so I ended up just guessing on the fill-in-the-blank questions on those. My REA practice test score was 70%.


Analyzing and Interpreting Literature CLEP
Score: 74

I studied for 4 days using the REA guide and maybe the OCSG? (can't remember). This was a very easy test, so don't overstudy/stress out over it. I took the online REA PTs, and I think there was at least one poem, maybe more, that were on both the practice tests and the real thing! Here are some resources that I didn't use, but look helpful:


Environment and Humanity DSST
Score: 59

I did not find this test to be extremely difficult, but I had a bit of a jump start because I had already studied biology and environmental agency-related stuff before. I only studied for this test for 2 1/2 days and used the following materials:

1. A wonderful document from the Specific Feedback section. I probably could have passed this test by simply reading over this once or twice.

2. The Wise Owl Guide to DSST Environment & Humanity. This was another very helpful resource. It had a great glossary (very important to me: that is what I usually review on my way to the testing center on the day of the exam), a good amount of information on the test (without going into unnecessary detail), and a full-length practice test that was relatively similar to the exam.

3. The DSST practice tests from Prometric. This gave me a good feel for how the computer screen would look on testing day (this was my first DSST) and had questions extremely similar, if not identical, to the actual exam. There are two 50-question practice tests available, and each is $5.00.

4. Two sections of InstantCert's flashcards.

5. I used this free 50-question practice test. It helped me judge what areas I needed to improve on and the study guide, although I did not use it, looks good, too.


Technical Writing DSST
Score: 66

I passed this test with ~4 days of studying. On a scale of 1-10, this would probably rank 4 in difficulty. I used the following to study:

~The Official Technical Writing DSST Fact Sheet.

~Peterson's free practice exams. My scores on these were 69% and 73%. DANTES Prep

~This free short practice test. hss_gerson_techwrite_4|An Introduction to Technical Writing|Quiz

~This study guide and practice test. VERY helpful!! There was some info on here that I did not find anywhere else that I needed to know on the test.

~This study guide.
Biology: 64 | College Algebra: 60 | A&IL: 74 | Natural Sciences: 62 | College Comp: 62 | Intro Psychology: 73 | Intro Sociology: 67 | History of the U.S. I: 73 | History of the U.S. II: 65 | Principles of Marketing: 66 | Social Sciences & History: 68 | Humanities: 58

Environment & Humanity: 59 | Technical Writing: 66 | Public Speaking: 67/Pass | Astronomy: 72

Other Courses:
Intro to Stats ALEKS: 70 | 24 FEMAs (including PDS) | Intro to News Reporting TECEP: Pass | Interpersonal Communication ECE: A | News Writing @ TESC: A | TESC Leadership Communication: A | TESC Mass Communication I: A | TESC Capstone: A | Marketing Communications TECEP: Pass | Argumentation & Debate @ LSU: A | Public Relations Thought & Practice TECEP: Pass

120/120 - DONE!!!
B.A. Communications through CollegePlus/TESC
My degree plan/test feedback

Principles of Public Speaking DSST
Score: 67/pass on speech

The multiple-choice part of this exam was not hard at all -- mostly common sense with a few easy-to-remember definitions sprinkled in. The speech part was kind of difficult for me. I got a bit nervous when the clock was ticking down and I got a topic I had not prepared for at all. I studied for this test for about 3-4 days. On a scale of 1-10, this test is probably a 6.5, mostly due to the speech. I used the following study materials:

~The Official DSST Principles of Public Speaking Fact Sheet.

~Peterson's Free Practice Tests. DANTES Prep

~The Wise Owl Guide To... Dantes Subject Standardized Test (DSST) Principles of Public Speaking. This was my main study resource. Although it is not very long at all, it explains everything you need to know.

For the speech, I made up statistics, told a short story, and spoke slowly (which I found out is quite difficult to do when stressed!! Wink ). The speech outlines in the Specific Feedback section were very helpful, too.

**Tips for the speech**

Sample speech topics (part of my study, I found 4 arguments for each of these points and then made outlines/speeches for about 6 or 7 of these topics. I also practiced coming up with arguments/outlines for some of the topics without any prior research) :

~Should drug testing be allowed in the workplace?
~Should healthcare be subsidized by the government?
~Should high school students have to do community service in order to graduate?
~Should term limits be imposed for members of the house or senate?
~Should women be in combat?
~Should guns be controlled by the government?
~Should gay marriage be legal in your state?
~Should the government possess eminent domain?
~Should college athletes be paid?
~Should uniforms be necessary in school?
~Should drug testing be required in schools?
~Is an aging population harmful to the U.S?
~Is our quality of education diminishing?
~Should our immigration policy be stricter?
~Should gambling be lawful in each state?
~Do schools have the right to search students’ lockers?
~Is physical force a justifiable method of punishing children?
~Is it morally acceptable to experiment on non-human animals to develop products and medicines that benefit human beings?
~Should continued office for public officials be dependent on (successfully) taking a drug test?
~Should the minimum driving age be raised to 18?
~Can terrorism ever be justified?
~Are zoos good for animal conservation?
~Is love more powerful than hate?
~Is human cloning moral?
~Some people believe that all states should be allowed to pass laws requiring the death penalty for certain crimes. Others feel that the death penalty is wrong and should be abolished. State your opinion.
~Should graduating high school students be required to give government/military service?
~Should colleges consider race when accepting applicants?
~Should the drinking age be lowered to 18?
~Should abortion be illegal?
~Should social security be privatized?
~Should schools be allowed to teach creationism alongside evolution as part of their science curriculum?
~Should abortions be paid for by the government?
~Does television have a negative influence on society/children?
~Are beauty contests harmful?
~Is nuclear power safe/viable power option?
~Should spaying/neutering pets should be a legal requirement or the choice of the pet owner?

Audience examples:
~A co-ed college auditorium
~A retirement home
~A political convention
~A room of teachers
~A group of political leaders
~A room of high school seniors
~A men's sports team
~Members of the military
~A college public speaking class consisted of males/females ages 18-30


Introduction to Statistics ALEKS
Score: 70

I did not originally intend to take this class; I began to prepare for the Statistics DSST using the Complete Idiot's Guide to Statistics. Less than a week into my study time, I decided that I didn't want to take the DSST, and switched over to the ALEKS. I think I got a 26% on my initial assessment. Rolleyes

I made the mistake of applying to ACE for credit once my pie chart showed 70% completion. I didn't know that I had to get 70% on an assessment. Frustrating, but it only took me another day or so to complete the course. All in all, it took me a week to finish the whole ALEKS course.


Astronomy DSST
Score: 72

I love astronomy, so I really enjoyed this test. I studied for less than a week, and on a scale from 1-10 of difficulty, this exam was probably a 5. In order to study for it, I used:

~The Complete Idiot's Guide to Astronomy. This book provided the information in a very interesting way, but went into more depth than I found to be necessary for this exam.
~Official Fact Sheet.
~The Free Clep Prep practice test. I found it to be pretty accurate. Free Clep Prep
~A great study guide from the Specific Feedback section.

One thing that I found I was a bit shaky on was how one astronomer's theories/observations affected another's work.


Natural Sciences CLEP
Score: 62

I passed this CLEP after just over a week of studying. On a scale of 1-10 in difficulty, this was ~7, and it would have been easier if I had a taken a chemistry class in highschool. The physics was very basic, and I found that I should have studied a bit more geology.

My science background is:
~Highschool biology
~Interest in Creation science
~Environment and Humanity DSST
~Astronomy DSST
~Biology CLEP (a HUGE help to me on this test!!)

In order to study I used Free Clep Prep's study guide, the REA guide for Natural Sciences, referencing the highschool "Exploring Creation with Chemistry" textbook by Wile, Peterson's free practice tests, the Official CLEP Study Guide practice tests, KHAN ACADEMY!!!!!!, this site about cellular respiration, and this video:


For an additional practice test, the following are mini-test that could be mashed together and randomized to create another practice test:

2. CLEP Natural Science Free Test Practice Questions
3.CLEP Exam Practice Tests - Free Sample Practice Test Natural Sciences CLEP Questions
4. CLEP Natural Science Exam Practice Questions
5. - Free, Practice CLEP - Natural Sciences Exam
6. Rader's PHYSICS 4 KIDS.COM The short physics articles on this site were good, in addition to their brief quizzes.

I would also recommend going over this page; there were a few questions on this. List of diseases caused by insects - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My practice test scores were:
1st REA: 65 scaled
Official CLEP Study Guide: 68% (a TON of questions similar to the real thing! Very accurate.)
Peterson's: 48% I think (much harder than the real thing! Do not freak out when you see this test!!!)


College Composition CLEP
Score: 62

I studied for this exam for ~4 days and, on a scale of 1-10 in difficulty, this particular test would be a 5 or so. In order to study for this CLEP, I used the following materials:

1. Official Fact Sheet.
2. Peterson's free practice tests. CLEP Prep
3. I reviewed a few parts of the REA guide.
4. Cracking the CLEP by Princeton Review.

My practice test scores were:
1st Peterson's pt: 78%
2nd Peterson's pt: 68%
3rd Peterson's pt: 88%

Random thoughts on the test:
Although I was a bit concerned about memorizing all the differences in the different methods of citation, but I don't remember any multiple-choice questions asking which style of citation was being used. The time for the multiple choice part went by so quickly! The Peterson's practice tests were extremely accurate to the actual exam. The topic for my second essay (the essay requiring citation) was the exact same topic as the one for my Public Speaking DSST speech, which made me feel much better about that essay!! Preparing for that DSST definitely helped me for this test. Big Grin
Biology: 64 | College Algebra: 60 | A&IL: 74 | Natural Sciences: 62 | College Comp: 62 | Intro Psychology: 73 | Intro Sociology: 67 | History of the U.S. I: 73 | History of the U.S. II: 65 | Principles of Marketing: 66 | Social Sciences & History: 68 | Humanities: 58

Environment & Humanity: 59 | Technical Writing: 66 | Public Speaking: 67/Pass | Astronomy: 72

Other Courses:
Intro to Stats ALEKS: 70 | 24 FEMAs (including PDS) | Intro to News Reporting TECEP: Pass | Interpersonal Communication ECE: A | News Writing @ TESC: A | TESC Leadership Communication: A | TESC Mass Communication I: A | TESC Capstone: A | Marketing Communications TECEP: Pass | Argumentation & Debate @ LSU: A | Public Relations Thought & Practice TECEP: Pass

120/120 - DONE!!!
B.A. Communications through CollegePlus/TESC
My degree plan/test feedback

Introductory Psychology
Score: 73

I studied for this exam for less than 4 days and took the test the same day as College Composition. I would rate this exam a 3 on a scale of 1-10 in difficulty. In order to study, I read the REA guide, took two of the Peterson's free practice exams, watched random videos on "The Psych Files" site ( The Psych Files Podcast ), read this great study guide ( ), and popped terms I didn't know or understand into Wikipedia or this psychology site. - psychology students' best friend

Practice test scores:

First REA guide pt: 63 scaled
First free Peterson's pt: 76%
Second free Peterson's pt: 65%
Official CLEP Study Guide: 60% (much harder [personally] than the real thing!)

A few things I remember from the exam:

~Erickson's stages
~Skinner's areas of study (2 questions)
~Unconditioned/conditioned stimuli/responses
~Symptoms of various psychological disorders
~What methods of treatments/methods work best for different disorders
~When the first psychology lab was established
~Interpreting basic charts/graphs
~Phases of sleep
~Binocular/monocular vision
~Parts of the ear
~Parts of the brain ("The Psych Files" videos mentioned earlier were very helpful! Hippo-compass, hypo-the-llamas, corpus-colloSUM, ponds, reTICKLEular formation, etc. Wink )
~Locus of control
~Proactive interference
~Social clock


Introductory Sociology CLEP
Score: 67

I studied for this exam for ~a week and, on a scale of 1-10 in difficulty, this particular test would be a 4. I had just taken Introductory Psychology, which made studying for this test a lot easier! In order to study for this CLEP, I used the following materials:

1. Official Fact Sheet.
2. Peterson's free practice tests. CLEP Prep
3. The REA Guide.
4. The Official CLEP Study Guide (OCSG).
5. A study guide from the Specific Feedback section.
6. This website on sociology. Sociology - Sociology information, resources, and news from

My practice test scores were:

1st REA pt: 56 scaled
2nd REA pt: 69 scaled
3rd REA pt: 72 scaled
1st Peterson's pt: 75%
(I reviewed the answers for the 2nd Peterson's pt)
3rd Peterson's pt: 77%
OCSG pt: 71%

I collected a list of topics to know for this exam -- PM me if you would like a copy (too long to post here).


History of the U.S. I CLEP
Score: 73

I passed after studying for this test for ~1 1/2 weeks. I had never taken American history before, and on a scale of 1-10 in difficulty, this particular test would be a 5 -- there was a lot of information for me to learn. There were no question that asked the date of a particular event, but it is good to understand the timeline of major occurrences (knowing when certain presidents served would be good to know, although not imperative). In order to study for this CLEP, I used the following materials:
~Peterson's free practice tests. CLEP Prep
~The REA Guide.
~The Official CLEP Study Guide (OCSG).
~Parts of this study guide. AP US HISTORY - Ultimate Study Guide
~Hippocampus videos, which really helped me to drill the facts on this exam!! I was able to recall some of the information on the exam easily due to these videos. HippoCampus U.S. History & American Government - Homework and Study Help - Free help with your US History homework
~A little bit of Quizlet. Simple free learning tools for students and teachers | Quizlet
~This amazingly helpful site for memorizing the Amendments. Correspondence Committee: Memorizing the US Constitutional Amendments
~Some videos from this youtube playlist. YouTube
~This video for memorizing the presidents. YouTube

I also did not have the time to fully use the following, but they look like great sources. Big Grin
Brief Timeline of American Literature and Events:1860s
American History []

My practice test scores were:
1st REA pt: 64 scaled
2nd REA pt: 73 scaled
1st Peterson's pt: 59% (64 scaled)
OCSG pt: 78%
The REA guide practice tests and the OCSG were EXTREMELY similar to the actual exam. In fact, it felt like there were some questions from both of those sources' PTs on the real thing...

I collected a long list of topics to know for this test -- PM me if you would like a copy (too long to post here).


History of the U.S. II
Score: 65

I passed after studying for this test for about a week. On a scale of 1-10 in difficulty, this particular test would be a 6.5. Wink I had just taken History of the U.S. II, and there was a little overlap between these two exams. This exam was slightly harder than U.S. I. In order to study for this CLEP, I used the following materials:
Resources I didn't have enough time to fully use, but look helpful:
Free University Online - CLEP American History II Study Guide
Cases |
Correspondence Committee: Memorizing the US Constitutional Amendments
American History []
Brief Timeline of American Literature and Events:1860s
HowStuffWorks "American History"
Labor history of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Progressive Era - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1920 in literature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Free Resources
U.S. History II

My practice test scores were (yes, I only took 2 :| ):
1st REA pt: 66 scaled
OCSG pt: 59%
The OCSG was pretty accurate, but the REA was easier than the real exam.

I collected and compiled a pretty long list of specific things to know for this exam -- PM me if you would like a copy (too long to post here).

Principles of Marketing CLEP
Score: 66

I studied this test for just over 2 days. On a scale of 1-10 in difficulty, this particular test would be a 3-4.

To study for this test, I first read through the REA guide, watched the 2 parts of this video series on marketing ----> YouTube , and then took and reviewed my first practice test (on which I scored a 60 scaled or 67%). Then, I took the OCSG practice exam, on which I received an 82%. The OCSG PT was very accurate -- it even contained some of the same questions as the real exam.

Helpful resources:

Social Sciences and History CLEP
Score: 68

I passed this exam after studying for less than a week (and not very intensely). The exams that I had already taken that overlapped slightly with with exam were the U.S. History I & II CLEPs, the Principles of Marketing CLEP, the Environment & Humanity DSST, the Psychology CLEP, and the Sociology CLEP. I had also taken world history in high school. I didn't review any sociology, psychology, or U.S. history, as those were the last four tests I had taken most recently. I focused on economics, anthropology, and political science the most, and I so little reviewed world history/Western civ. that it's barely worth mentioning (even though I had minimal experience in this area). Helpful resources:

My practice test scores were:
1st REA pt: 68 scaled (with practically no study)
Princeton Review's Cracking the CLEP pt: 72% (with practically no study)
OCSG pt: 77%

Know congressional oversight, divided government, Karl Marx, Adam Smith, Peace of Paris treaty, intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, USA Patriot's Act, The Prince, desertification, the shape of Earth, self-fulfilling prophesy, independent/dependent variables, ascribed/achieved statuses, slave trade, immigration during the Gilded Age, GNP, demand curve, opportunity cost, inflation, Parliamentary systems, who is in charge of schools, cultural relativity, ethnocentrism, early American economic policies, New Deal agencies, black codes, human memory, taboos, sociological imagination, containment, arsenal of democracy, FDR, scales of maps, industrialization in Europe, climate changes from one place on a map to another, types of climates, the bubonic plague, and anarchy.
Biology: 64 | College Algebra: 60 | A&IL: 74 | Natural Sciences: 62 | College Comp: 62 | Intro Psychology: 73 | Intro Sociology: 67 | History of the U.S. I: 73 | History of the U.S. II: 65 | Principles of Marketing: 66 | Social Sciences & History: 68 | Humanities: 58

Environment & Humanity: 59 | Technical Writing: 66 | Public Speaking: 67/Pass | Astronomy: 72

Other Courses:
Intro to Stats ALEKS: 70 | 24 FEMAs (including PDS) | Intro to News Reporting TECEP: Pass | Interpersonal Communication ECE: A | News Writing @ TESC: A | TESC Leadership Communication: A | TESC Mass Communication I: A | TESC Capstone: A | Marketing Communications TECEP: Pass | Argumentation & Debate @ LSU: A | Public Relations Thought & Practice TECEP: Pass

120/120 - DONE!!!
B.A. Communications through CollegePlus/TESC
My degree plan/test feedback

Humanities CLEP
Score: 58

Passed after studying for this test for less than two weeks. Good resources:

Practice Tests:
Also, PonyGirl, a member of this forum, had some AWESOME study notes for this exam -- so helpful!!!!! Smile

My practice test scores were:
1st REA pt: 69 scaled
2nd REA pt: 79 scaled
OCSG pt: 69%

Some things that were on the exam:

Match the correct author/work. Some good ones to know:
  • Sophocles - Antigone, Electra
  • Jane Austen - Emma
  • Bronte - Jane Eyre
  • Mary Shelley - Frankenstein
  • Hawthorne - Scarlet Letter
  • Marlowe - Tragedy of Dr. Faustus
  • Chaucer - Canterbury Tales
  • Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quixote
  • Dante Alighieri - The Divine Comedy
  • Edmund Spenser - The Faerie Queene (epic poem)
  • John Milton - Paradise Lost (epic poem in blank verse)
  • Alice Walker - The Color Purple
  • Herman Melville - Billy Budd
  • Gertrude Stein - The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
  • James Boswell - The Life of Samuel Johnson
  • Aristophanes - Lysistrata
  • Sherwood Anderson - Winesburg, Ohio
  • Lord Byron - Don Juan
  • W. B. Yeats - Adoration of the Magi
  • John Bunyan - Pilgrim's Progress
  • Tolstoy - Anna Karenina

~El Greco
~The Doubt of St. Thomas
~H. James
~Shaw - Pygmalion, Candida, Man and Superman, Major Barbara
~Vaulted roof-lines
~Tempo Rondo (what is it, and in who's works would it most likely be found)
~Verdi and Puccini both composed Romantic period operas
~Frank Lloyd Wright
~Thesis, antithesis, and synthesis
~Duke Ellington (Jazz musician)
~Scott Joplin ('Entertainer')
~Music (woodwinds, brass, and ability to identify key signature-not know what it is, but how to id. it-, clefs, and quarter notes)
~Twelfth Night was a comedy
~Theme of Iliad, Aeneid, the Odyssey
~What is madrigal?
~Goddess of hunt (diana)
~Woodwind instrument
~Be able to identify George O’Keeffe’s painting Jack and the Pulpit IV
~F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote The Great Gatsby
~Jane Austen's works
~Othello was a tragedy
~Picasso was a Cubist painter
~Gulliver's Travels
~Be able to identify a idol of Buddha
~There was a excerpt from Beowulf – be able to recognize Old English
~There was an excerpt from the Canterbury Tales – know Geoffrey Chaucer was the author
~Whan that aprille - Canterbury, Chaucer
~Another excerpt from the Canterbury tales asking where they were going
~What does chiaroscuro mean? (light/dark contrasting)
~The white rabbit in the Matrix is from Alice in Wonderland
~Which play deals with the hero’s obsession with more and more power that eventually lead to his downfall (Macbeth)
~Commedia dell'arte
~Emily Dickinson - Massachusetts
~Macbeth sells his soul for personal/political gain
~Which of the following plays have a fantasy setting (The Tempest and Midsummer Night’s Dream?)
~Which play deals with fratricide, conjugal betrayal, and revenge (Hamlet)
~Ibsen - country
~Tolstoy - country
~Doric/Corinthian columns
~Origin of anime (Japan)
~Female authors with male-sounding pen names: George Sand, George Eliot
~Chronological order: Beethoven, Bach, Bartok
~Shakespeare: Macbeth-power, Hamlet-betrayal, stories that have twin brothers in it (The Comedy of Errors, etc.)
~Sandro Botticelli’s famous work (Birth of Venus)
~Topic of Virginia Wolfe’s "A Room of One’s Own”
~What painter used to spread canvas on the floor and use tension so he could paint around and “in” it? (Jackson Pollock)
~What art movement is that? (Pop Art)
~Flying buttresses (Gothic)
~What work was incorporated into Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony? (Schiller’s Ode To Joy)
~King of Waltz
~Joan Sutherland
~Man of La Mancha
~Henrik Ibsen - Father of Modern Drama
~The ballet "Romeo and Juliet"
~Romeo & Juliet broadway play
~Identify if the painting is from the Renaissance, Byzantine, Cubism
~Degas, Renoir, Monet, and Manet were all Impressionist painters
~Rembrandt was a Baroque painter
~Michelangelo painted the Cistine Chapel
~Art noveau
~Abstract expressionism
~Christopher Wren (St. Paul's Cathedral)
~Allegro, largo, key signatures
~Stained glass windows
~Roman Architecture/Gothic Architecture (learn how to tell those two apart)
~Orson Welles
~Movies of Hitchcock
~Latino playwrights
~Artwork - Rubens
~New Englander writers
~Groups of names and which group is identified to dance (Martha Graham, etc), singer (Placido Domingo, etc.)
~Lines from Pickwick Papers, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice
~Be able to identify a group of percussion instruments
~Identify rhyming scheme
~Read 1-4 lines in poem, identify if it is simile, metaphor, alliteration, apostrophe, onomatopoeia, etc
~Which one is not an epic?
~Who is the pianist group
~Jazz Music
~Quotes from Roosevelt, Gandhi
~Row, Row, Row Your Boat
~Aside from identifying the author, it also has some questions about the content of the works (ex. which does not talk about adultering women?)
~Phantom of the Opera
~My Fair Lady
~An Interview with a Vampire
~Indian instruments
~Notre Dame Cathedral
~Writers between the world wars
~Tennessee Williams
~Anton Chekhov
~Names of greek fictional characters
~Marian Anderson
~West Side Story
~Annie, Get Your Gun
~First major opera
~A character from the Odyssey
~Harlem Renaissance
~The Sound of Music
~Linear perspective
~A poem by Chaucer
~Nothing that would require memorizing the Circle of Fifths (which I attempted to do)
~Puritans and theater
~Elizabethan theater
~A Streetcar Named Desire
~Waiting for Godot
~Cave paintings
~The Way of the World

So my next step is to take the Introduction to News Reporting TECEP, which I will begin to study for tomorrow, at the very beginning of January. Smile If anyone has any thoughts or tips on this test, I would really appreciate it -- it's my first TECEP & I'm a bit nervous. Wink
Biology: 64 | College Algebra: 60 | A&IL: 74 | Natural Sciences: 62 | College Comp: 62 | Intro Psychology: 73 | Intro Sociology: 67 | History of the U.S. I: 73 | History of the U.S. II: 65 | Principles of Marketing: 66 | Social Sciences & History: 68 | Humanities: 58

Environment & Humanity: 59 | Technical Writing: 66 | Public Speaking: 67/Pass | Astronomy: 72

Other Courses:
Intro to Stats ALEKS: 70 | 24 FEMAs (including PDS) | Intro to News Reporting TECEP: Pass | Interpersonal Communication ECE: A | News Writing @ TESC: A | TESC Leadership Communication: A | TESC Mass Communication I: A | TESC Capstone: A | Marketing Communications TECEP: Pass | Argumentation & Debate @ LSU: A | Public Relations Thought & Practice TECEP: Pass

120/120 - DONE!!!
B.A. Communications through CollegePlus/TESC
My degree plan/test feedback
Well Done! Thanks for sharing all that info on all the different testing and study material ...this will be very helpful to me in the future....I'm working on my Aleks now....then it will be macro and micro..... Keep studying!
I don't know how I missed this before, but this is great!! Thanks for sharing all your feedback. I'm sure it will definitely be helpful in the future! Congrats on getting so many credits so quickly. Good luck with the rest of your journey!
West. Civ I - 65, A&I Lit - 66, Biology - 65, Chemistry - 55, Nat. Sciences - 64, US Hist I - 68, Am. Lit - 61, US Hist II - 62, Am. Gov. - 67, Macroecon. - 63, Microecon. - 75, College Comp. - 66, Prin. of Marketing - 68, Prin. of Mngt - 71

Civil War and Reconst. - 70, Prin. of Supervision - 443, Intro to World Rel - 477, Intro to Bus - 443, HR Mgmt - 64, Intro to Computing - 458, Prin. of Fin. Acct - 80Big Grin, Bus Ethics & Society - 447, Prin. of Finance - 437

Int. Algebra, College Algebra, Precalc, Intro to Stats., Business Stats.

Corp. Comm - 78%, Bus Law and Ethics - 76%

Manag. Acct. - 96, Int. Acct. 1 - 98, Int. Acct. 2 - 87, Cost Acct. - 94, Strategic Bus. Mngt. - 95

Auditing - 89

Adv. Acct. - B

Fed Income Taxation

BSBA Accounting
Wow! You've flown by so fast you've dried my eyes. Congratulations.
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker
awesome thread

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