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ACE Credits
Hello All,

I had a question about how you go about storing and transferring ACE credits? I am planning on using a variety of CLEP, DDST, StraighterLine, ALEKS, and FEMA and was wondering how I go about "banking" them until I'm ready to apply to TESC? Sorry, if this is a stupid question, but I'm fuzzy on this process. Do I just complete want I want and then tell ACE and they add it to a transcript? I have only ever took classes through a CC so this baffles me a tad....Hope I don't sound like a complete idiot here...Thanks everyone Smile
amielm Wrote:Hello All,

I had a question about how you go about storing and transferring ACE credits? I am planning on using a variety of CLEP, DDST, StraighterLine, ALEKS, and FEMA and was wondering how I go about "banking" them until I'm ready to apply to TESC? Sorry, if this is a stupid question, but I'm fuzzy on this process. Do I just complete want I want and then tell ACE and they add it to a transcript? I have only ever took classes through a CC so this baffles me a tad....Hope I don't sound like a complete idiot here...Thanks everyone Smile

Those aren't all ACE credits (at least FEMA's IS courses aren't).

You'll setup an account on

Here you'll request courses from Straighterline, Penn Foster, ALEKS, and many other companies that be transferred onto your ACE transcript. Although CLEP and DSST are ACE credits you cannot use this site to request the credits (it will give you an error if you try). FEMA credits (at least the online IS courses) are also not on this system.

If you were to do the courses you talked about you would take these steps when applying to TESC:

-Order a CLEP transcript from CLEP,
-Order a DSST transcript from Prometric,
-Order an ACE transcript at
-Order a FEMA transcript (free) at

Basically CLEP and DSST prefer you to bank the credits with them (or you can send a score report when you test if you are planning to apply to TESC within a few months). ACE works great for workplace training and other programs like Straighterline and Penn Foster, and then FEMA's IS program offers the free transcripts. I've heard of people getting CLEP and DSST to send their scores to ACE but why add in a step if you can just send a transcript from each of the sources when the time comes.
My completed "non-traditional" credits include 27 credits from CLEP, 30 credits from DSST, 6 credits from ALEKS, 19 credits from FEMA courses including PDS, 3 credits from NFA courses, 10 credits from ACE Workplace Training, 3 credits from a TESC TECEP exam, and 3 credits from a TESC PLA course.
That answered all of my questions, exactly! Thank you! I have a degree plan together, just didn't know how to process it once I was done with everything. Thanks again for your help, this site has been a huge help!
cooper gave a great answer. I just wanted to add that CLEP/DSST scores are "banked" in their brand's database for 20 years, so you don't have to "do" anything to keep them- they're already stored. When you order the transcript, you'll just pay one $20 fee and they'll send ALLLLLLLL your scores from ALLLLLLL your tests. Easy-peasy.
Thank you both for your help!

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