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motarded Wrote:This really doesn't help me. My school requires me to send it pre-approval forms for the exams I wanted to take. As it stands right now I am 2 quarters away from graduating with my Bachelors. If I get this CLEP exam passed the first time around then it brings me to graduation after next quarter (Graduate about a quarter early). I literally have a very small window of time to work with here which is why it's absolutely imperative that I pass this the first time around. I looked up the recent members who passed Analyzing and Interpreting LIterature..none of which used IC to pass, this could make sense because the only thing I saw IC had was english composition which helps me zero. I am currently using speedyprep for the studying itself however I wanted to seek advice from those that have passed this exam.

Your ideas would be beneficial if I knew them 3 years ago Wink


EDITED because, frankly, I didn't realize how rude he was to our members.

New answer: figure it out.
cookderosa Wrote:EDITED because, frankly, I didn't realize how rude he was to our members.

New answer: figure it out.
Agreed, and I didn't add my $.02 for exactly the same reason.
MBA, Western Governors University February 2014
BS Charter Oak State College November 2011
AS in EMS August 2010

I'm always happy to complete the free application waiver for those applying to WGU (I get a free gift from WGU for this).  Just PM me your first/last name and a valid email so I can complete their form.

Thread; COSC AS using FEMA
OE800_85 Wrote:Is it just me, or was motarded extremely rude for a newcomer, demanding information and declaring people as "wrong" and making uninformed sweeping statements about CLEP/this forum. I dare say I wouldn'tve been as patient as the above repliers, you guys really are nice. Motarded, it's too bad you couldn't take a 6 credit CLEP on manners and etiquette.

I’m not sure if motarded is being that rude. In his first post I see him signing his name “respectfully, motarded” stating that he appreciates the help and feedback... Is the user uninformed about some aspects of CLEP such as the information not being updated in 6 weeks. Sure... but to say he’s extremely rude isn’t called for IMHO.
Cut the user some slack, realize he probably wishes he learned about CLEP, this forum, and what not several years ago, that he may have some buyer’s remorse as far as college goes, and that he’s pretty nervous about taking a test that most people going the traditional route think are “un-passable” and for the “really smart people.”
Also realize that passing this test is hinging on something big for the user. Whether it’s important to you or not that you graduate a quarter early and save some time and money... it is for this user. To be honest I'd be shocked myself to hear that I didn't need to study for a test. A&I Lit is a test that requires minimal to no study but it's definitely not the norm.
Have some grace and understanding. I’m not saying he could of worded things differently. What I am saying is that for US to say that he’s extremely rude and to include cutting sarcasm such as it’s too bad that motarded didn’t take a 6 credit CLEP on manners and etiquette isn’t called for. We’ve all been shown grace at some time or another and I’m sure we all have several instances where we said the wrong thing and regret it. Maybe it’s too bad that we haven’t taken a 6 credit CLEP on patience and compassion. Is this really the way we would want to be treated as a uninformed newcomer? He's come to this forum as I stated above respectful and grateful for advice.

I’m not trying to start a fight or argument and likely won’t post on this thread again. Have a great day everyone and I look forward to hearing your results on A&I Lit motarded.
Publius Wrote:I’m not sure if motarded is being that rude. In his first post I see him signing his name “respectfully, motarded” stating that he appreciates the help and feedback... Is the user uninformed about some aspects of CLEP such as the information not being updated in 6 weeks. Sure... but to say he’s extremely rude isn’t called for IMHO.
Cut the user some slack, realize he probably wishes he learned about CLEP, this forum, and what not several years ago, that he may have some buyer’s remorse as far as college goes, and that he’s pretty nervous about taking a test that most people going the traditional route think are “un-passable” and for the “really smart people.”
Also realize that passing this test is hinging on something big for the user. Whether it’s important to you or not that you graduate a quarter early and save some time and money... it is for this user. To be honest I'd be shocked myself to hear that I didn't need to study for a test. A&I Lit is a test that requires minimal to no study but it's definitely not the norm.
Have some grace and understanding. I’m not saying he could of worded things differently. What I am saying is that for US to say that he’s extremely rude and to include cutting sarcasm such as it’s too bad that motarded didn’t take a 6 credit CLEP on manners and etiquette isn’t called for. We’ve all been shown grace at some time or another and I’m sure we all have several instances where we said the wrong thing and regret it. Maybe it’s too bad that we haven’t taken a 6 credit CLEP on patience and compassion. Is this really the way we would want to be treated as a uninformed newcomer? He's come to this forum as I stated above respectful and grateful for advice.

I’m not trying to start a fight or argument and likely won’t post on this thread again. Have a great day everyone and I look forward to hearing your results on A&I Lit motarded.

Ok, people get misunderstood, it happens. But, shouldn't it be the OP asking forgiveness for himself? Maybe saying "wow, oops, my bad, didn't mean it to come out that way?"

I'd posted a nice reply, and after finishing the thread, I didn't like the tone, so I edited my reply. BUT, you're right. Sometimes people need direction, so I'll post a new reply, which is actually better than the first one I'd typed out anyway Smile

1. Post with manners so people feel compelled to help you.
2. Use the search feature first, and ask for clarification from others when you don't understand.
3. Be gracious and thank those who answer your questions.
4. When helped, return the favor.
cookderosa Wrote:Ok, people get misunderstood, it happens. But, shouldn't it be the OP asking forgiveness for himself? Maybe saying "wow, oops, my bad, didn't mean it to come out that way?"

I'd posted a nice reply, and after finishing the thread, I didn't like the tone, so I edited my reply. BUT, you're right. Sometimes people need direction, so I'll post a new reply, which is actually better than the first one I'd typed out anyway Smile

1. Post with manners so people feel compelled to help you.
2. Use the search feature first, and ask for clarification from others when you don't understand.
3. Be gracious and thank those who answer your questions.
4. When helped, return the favor.
I know you’re always more then willing to help out, as are tons of people on here. I was not intending to pick on anyone or condemn them, if I came across as that I apologize. All the advise you listed is great, true, and should be taken into account. I wasn’t accusing the OP for being uninformed, not utilizing search, etc. My point was that I didn’t see him as “extremely rude.” As Prloko stated it’s hard to see tone as well as many other aspects of communication in written discussions like this.
Well, at least I got the ball rolling. I find it odd we haven't heard a peep from the OP, which to me also sounds a bit rude. I mean, we aren't your employees, on your beckon call to provide service like that. We do it because we like to, and hope to be treated respectfully in turn.

Signing a post "respectfully, name" isn't manners, it's habit. Also, it wasn't so much his original post, but his replies to others that bothered me. Calling people "wrong" when he really has no idea about the topic, and saying most users on here are under 20? It just sounded like a troll to me. It's almost as if this guy's just on here trying to rile people up.

I live in China and, for the most part, people are nice. But there is a minority of people here who are absolute assholes. Rude, disrespectful, arrogant, dirty, you name it. Most people are appalled by these acts, as they should be. But do they do anything about it? No. Do they say anything? No. In America, that wouldn't fly. People would call him/her out for their attitude, and set them straight. That's one thing I miss about the western world.

Sorry, totally went off topic.
Goal - BA Mathematics Major at TESC
Plan: International AP Calculus Teacher

B&M (Philosophy, Psychology, Calculus I/II, Physics I/II, Discrete Structures I/II, Comp Sci, Astronomy, Ethics)*42 credits
Athabasca (Nutrition, Globalization)*6 credits
ALEKS (Stats, Precalculus)*6 credits
CLEPS (College Math 73, A&I Lit 73, French 63, Social Sciences and History 59, American Lit 57, English Lit 59)*42 credits
TECEP (English Composition I, II)*6 credits
TESC Courses (MAT 270 Discrete Math A, MAT 321 Linear Algebra B, MAT 331 Calculus III B+, MAT 332 Calculus IV B-,
MAT 361 College Geometry B+, MAT 401 Mathematical Logic B, LIB-495 Capstone B)*21 credits
DSST (MIS, Intro to Computing)*6 credits*(not using)
Words don't bother me, not even when people are yelling curse words at me. I can't tell what people are thinking by reading what they've typed. I can guess and I can guess wrongly. And even if the person is thinking mean thoughts, mean thoughts that remain thoughts or words are not a threat to me. I haven't seen any physical agents of harm here in this thread, so I'm not offended.
63 CLEP Sociology
75 CLEP U.S. History II
63 CLEP College Algebra
70 CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
68 DSST Technical Writing
72 CLEP U.S. History I
77 CLEP College Mathematics
470 DSST Statistics
53 CLEP College Composition
73 CLEP Biology
54 CLEP Chemistry
77 CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications
The pen is mightier than the sword, my friend. Words are much more powerful than actions. Wars have been started over words, let's not underestimate their power

Anyways, getting a little dramatic there so I'll stop Tongue
Goal - BA Mathematics Major at TESC
Plan: International AP Calculus Teacher

B&M (Philosophy, Psychology, Calculus I/II, Physics I/II, Discrete Structures I/II, Comp Sci, Astronomy, Ethics)*42 credits
Athabasca (Nutrition, Globalization)*6 credits
ALEKS (Stats, Precalculus)*6 credits
CLEPS (College Math 73, A&I Lit 73, French 63, Social Sciences and History 59, American Lit 57, English Lit 59)*42 credits
TECEP (English Composition I, II)*6 credits
TESC Courses (MAT 270 Discrete Math A, MAT 321 Linear Algebra B, MAT 331 Calculus III B+, MAT 332 Calculus IV B-,
MAT 361 College Geometry B+, MAT 401 Mathematical Logic B, LIB-495 Capstone B)*21 credits
DSST (MIS, Intro to Computing)*6 credits*(not using)

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