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Hello all,

Sadly I was informed of CLEP about 2 quarters before I graduate with my Bachelors..that being said I can complete one six credit CLEP test and not have to take my last 2 core classes which means I will be starting my capstone project next quarter and graduating about a quarter early. Currently I am a member of both speedyprep and Instant Cert. If any of you have passed this exam within the past 4-6 weeks could you reply here with what you used to successfully pass? Alot hinges on me passing this exam the first time around. Any help, insight, or personal feedback to this discussion thread is greatly appreciated.


You did not specify an exam. But even if you did, using search is the place to start.
63 CLEP Sociology
75 CLEP U.S. History II
63 CLEP College Algebra
70 CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
68 DSST Technical Writing
72 CLEP U.S. History I
77 CLEP College Mathematics
470 DSST Statistics
53 CLEP College Composition
73 CLEP Biology
54 CLEP Chemistry
77 CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications
clep3705 Wrote:You did not specify an exam. But even if you did, using search is the place to start.

I have used the search function and have even emailed a recent CLEP test taker who passed the Anayzing and Interpreting Literature. The issue with the search feature is it's not always current. Alot can change on the CLEP exams in 6 weeks. I just want to make sure i'm studying what I need to pass this exam the first time around.

The 6 credit CLEPS (@ Excelsior) are Generals: Humanities, Social Science/History, Natural Science, and College Math; and American Literature, English Literature, Analyzing & Interpreting Literature, Biology and Chemistry. You can also do the languages: French, Spanish, or German for 6 or 12 credits if you have some prior knowledge of the language because languages are very time intensive. I hope this helps?
BA Liberal Arts in 2014 from Excelsior College. (Took 25 tests)
Certificate in Writing in 2018 from University of Washington.
Current: MA in Ancient and Classical History from American Public University.
Have 180 hour TEFL/TESOL Advanced Cert from TEFL HERO.
Member of World Genius Directory. IQ 148 SD 15/IQ 151 SD 16.
If you are a subscriber: Log in to the DegreeForum and use Exam Specific Feedback, it's at the bottom of the list.
BA Liberal Arts in 2014 from Excelsior College. (Took 25 tests)
Certificate in Writing in 2018 from University of Washington.
Current: MA in Ancient and Classical History from American Public University.
Have 180 hour TEFL/TESOL Advanced Cert from TEFL HERO.
Member of World Genius Directory. IQ 148 SD 15/IQ 151 SD 16.
dewisant Wrote:The 6 credit CLEPS (@ Excelsior) are Generals: Humanities, Social Science/History, Natural Science, and College Math; and American Literature, English Literature, Analyzing & Interpreting Literature, Biology and Chemistry. You can also do the languages: French, Spanish, or German for 6 or 12 credits if you have some prior knowledge of the language because languages are very time intensive. I hope this helps?

This really doesn't help me. My school requires me to send it pre-approval forms for the exams I wanted to take. As it stands right now I am 2 quarters away from graduating with my Bachelors. If I get this CLEP exam passed the first time around then it brings me to graduation after next quarter (Graduate about a quarter early). I literally have a very small window of time to work with here which is why it's absolutely imperative that I pass this the first time around. I looked up the recent members who passed Analyzing and Interpreting LIterature..none of which used IC to pass, this could make sense because the only thing I saw IC had was english composition which helps me zero. I am currently using speedyprep for the studying itself however I wanted to seek advice from those that have passed this exam.

Your ideas would be beneficial if I knew them 3 years ago Wink


Posts from 6 weeks ago and even 6 months or 2 years ago are going to relevant and beneficial for you. A&I Lit is basically a reading comprehension test with some literary terms thrown in.
There's not much you can do accept us Speedy Prep for some literary terms if you want to, check out Analyzing and Interpreting Literature CLEP Study Guide - and take several practice tests before attempting the actual exam.
If you understand basic literary terms and can read and interpret what you read you can pass A&I literature. There is no real study material for it. I recommend looking at the specific exam feedback, even if it is old. The CLEP exams don't change the basic info except once every few years. The basics are the basics so there isn't any need to make changes, so don't let old threads scare you off, they will be very helpful. Especially with this content, it isn't like anything new has happened in old poetry or English lit! I also used Sparknotes for some of the literary terms. Good luck!
Completed 2/09 - 5/13

RHIA Post-Bac Cert - Stephens - 5/13
MHA - Bellevue Univ - 3/12
BSHS - Excelsior 12/10
BSLS - Excelsior 3/10
ASLS - Excelsior 4/09

ECE - A&P - B
ECE - Found. of Gerontology - B
ECE - Ethics: Theory & Practice - B
ECE - Psych. of Adulthood & Aging - A
ECE - Social Psych. - B
ECE - Abnormal Psych. - B
ECE - HR Management - B
ECE - Research Methods of Psych. - B
ECE - Pathophysiology - A

CLEP - American Govt - 58
CLEP - Intro. to Sociology - 63
CLEP - A & I Lit - 70
DSST - Fund. of Counseling - A (65)
DSST - Org. Behavior - A (67)
DSST - Environment & Humanity - A (62)
DSST - Found. of Education - A (64)
DSST - Here's to Your Health - 461 (Pass)
DSST - Substance Abuse - 460 (Pass)
DSST - Principles of Supervision - A (61)
DSST - Lifespan Developmental Psych - A (59)
DSST - Criminal Justice - 443 (Pass)
DSST - MIS - 415 (Pass)
UExcel - Intro. to Psych (Beta)- Pass
ALEKS - College Alg, Stats
Straighterline - Medical Term, Pharmacology I & II
FEMA - PDS + more
Take A&I Literature. I saw someone else here refer to it as "a glorified reading test" and I agree with that characterization. I took two Peterson practice tests, and did very well on each without InstaCert or any other studying. If you can read poetry and understand what the author is getting at, you will pass the test without issue. Bam! 6 credits.

Hopefully, that is the information you are looking for.
Started on 03/09/2012 (on break from 2/2013 - 5/2015)
Goal: TESC BSBA - CIS or Gen. Mgmt.

Earned so far: 61/120 credits
ALEKS - College Algebra
ALEKS - Intermediate Algebra
ALEKS - Intro to Stats
ALEKS - Business Stats
CLEP - A&I Literature - 66
CLEP - College Comp w/ essay - 58
CLEP - Principles of Management - 67
CLEP - Principles of Marketing - 70
CLEP - Intro. Business Law - 64
DSST - Human Resource Management - 62
DSST - Principles of Supervision - 460
DSST - Intro to Computing - 463
DSST - Management Information Systems - 461
DSST - Intro to Business - 453
DSST - Business Ethics and Society - 444
DSST - Ethics in America - 458
DSST - Cybersecurity - 458
TECEP - Network Technology
TEEX - Cyber Security for Everyone, Cyber Security for Business Professionals
FEMA - Prof. Dev. Certificate (Now worthless)

You don't need to study for A & I lit.
If you can read and understand what you are reading that is all you need to know.
99% of forum members don't need to do any real study for it.
Nothing really changes in 6 weeks on the clep exams...

If anything, just go and read some literary terms.
A & I Lit has been spoken about, commented on what/how to focus on what to study. Dozens of threads here.
Set yourself goals, not limitations

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