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Penn Foster Final Question
Hello Everyone,

I have a quick question. Do you really have to take the Penn Foster Final in order to pass their classes? The reason that I am asking is because I figure that since we get a credit when transferring it over to TESC is it really necessary or mandatory to take the final exam? I mean if I score at least a C average on all the other tests I could still pass the course and transfer it in for a credit. Please let me know if anyone else has had success just taking the exams. I will admit I am getting to the end and I am getting lazy. I just want this process to be over with so I can move on. I also emailed the school awhile ago but I got a whacky answer that did not answer my question at all. I also did not see anything in their student handbook about it.

Awards: Arnold Fletcher Award
MBA-CSU- 5/2014
DBA- undecided

BS in Interdisciplinary Studies-Starting Soon
It is my impression that would be equivalent to an I or W, and you wouldn't have a completed course on your transcript.
Emichele20, First, I dn't know the answer. Second, just to be on the safe side, I'd take the exams. Even if someone frm Penn Foster told you something, it might be inaccurate. (I'm taking classes with them, and you don't get complete answers from anyone)

When you're this close, it's so easy to think that you're there, and that you don't have to do anything else. DON'T FALL INTO THAT MINDSET. One slip so close to graduation, and graduation could become a moving target. Good luck.

If I understand the catalog (academic policies p15 para1) correctly, it states the avg of the lesson exams is equal to 2/3 of grade, and final is 1/3 of grade. So that means up to the final the most you could have earned is 66.66. ACE requires 70% for credit, so I would definitely take the final exam.

"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry

AAS, Admin Studies. 2010
BA, Social Sciences. 2010. Arnold Fletcher Award.
AAS, Environmental, Safety & Security Technologies. 2011
BSBA, General Management. 2011. Arnold Fletcher Award. Sigma Beta Delta (ΣΒΔWink!
alright thanks everyone. i will take them i am just so tired of taking so many tests and quizzes... my mind feels like it is about to explode. cramming everything in like i did this year and really has taken it's toll on me mentally. i will truck through this and get it done. thank you for your comments.
Awards: Arnold Fletcher Award
MBA-CSU- 5/2014
DBA- undecided

BS in Interdisciplinary Studies-Starting Soon
Emichele20, I know how you feel. Maybe it would help if you looked back,and not forward. You have 121 credits. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE CREDITS. That's amazing You're amazing, and you've accomplished something that many people can't do. Now, you have to get 20 credits. You know how to do it. You know you can do it. When we start, we can be so excited. That excitement carries us through things without us realizing how tough those things are. Try to recapture that excitement, and capture the wave to that degree. Good luck! :hurray:
You must take the exam, but it is not really a big deal if you have a high score in the open book and untimed multiple choice tests.
If you score a 95 you would need a very doable 55 in the final to get a B in the class. So don't stress too much, take it easy and enjoy learning Smile
LaterBloomer Wrote:Emichele20, I know how you feel. Maybe it would help if you looked back,and not forward. You have 121 credits. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE CREDITS. That's amazing You're amazing, and you've accomplished something that many people can't do. Now, you have to get 20 credits. You know how to do it. You know you can do it. When we start, we can be so excited. That excitement carries us through things without us realizing how tough those things are. Try to recapture that excitement, and capture the wave to that degree. Good luck! :hurray:
Thank you for the kind and encouraging words laterbloomer. This has really cheered me up and made me look at things differently.
Awards: Arnold Fletcher Award
MBA-CSU- 5/2014
DBA- undecided

BS in Interdisciplinary Studies-Starting Soon
perriquit Wrote:You must take the exam, but it is not really a big deal if you have a high score in the open book and untimed multiple choice tests.
If you score a 95 you would need a very doable 55 in the final to get a B in the class. So don't stress too much, take it easy and enjoy learning Smile

Thanks Perriquit. You are right it is very doable Smile
Awards: Arnold Fletcher Award
MBA-CSU- 5/2014
DBA- undecided

BS in Interdisciplinary Studies-Starting Soon
Oh you want a business degree from TESC... I bet you can finish most of your requirements with PFC classes.. I would call TomHunt right away.. I don't know if they are doing this anymore but for a semester worth of classes (15 credits) Tom Hunt offered me a payment plan, so I could pay in 4 installments and access all the courses I needed at the same time, which saved me money since I only had to pay for one proctored exam fee, instead of 5 and the shipping costs were reduced.. however I had to take all 5 proctored exams in one sitting, which I didn't mind and on top of that I sold my used books on Amazon right away so It came out pretty good.

You are almost done!! keep going!!! have fun learning


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