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College Composition
Anyone know if the flash cards that we are given in English composition are for the current CLEP College Composition?
Jhalestorm Wrote:Anyone know if the flash cards that we are given in English composition are for the current CLEP College Composition?
Yep, it's pretty much the exact same thing. I just took that College Comp CLEP after looking the english comp flashcards over twice, and it was a breeze. Won't know the official score for several weeks though.
smokem1niner Wrote:Yep, it's pretty much the exact same thing. I just took that College Comp CLEP after looking the english comp flashcards over twice, and it was a breeze. Won't know the official score for several weeks though.

Is that due to the essay? Did they say approximately when you would get your results?
I just took it a couple days ago. The essay(s) has/have to be graded manually and that is why it takes a while to get the results. My proctor was able to give me the date of the next 'reading' aka scoring of the essays, which I believe is a few weeks away. Seems that they have readings twice a month and then send out the finals scores.
I am going to take this test too and I am using the REA CLEP book
CLEP College Algeba 76
CLEP Marketing 61
CLEP Intro to Macro 72
CLEP Intro to Business Law 57

American Government next
College Comp and College Comp Modular are similar but slightly different. CCM has 90 questions in 90 minutes and has a whole section on correcting sentence grammar that CC reportedly doesn't have. But CC is supposed to be tougher overall for the 6 credits. I got a 69 on CCM reviewing a "Grammar for Dummies" type of book and writing a bunch of practice essays while studying how to write proper 5x5 essays.
Community-Supported Wiki(link approved by forum admin)

Complete: TESU BA Computer Science
2011-2013 completed all BSBA CIS requirements except 4 gen eds.
2013 switched major to CS, then took a couple years off suddenly.
2015-2017 finished the CS.

CCAF: AAS Comp Sci
CLEP (10): A&I Lit, College Composition Modular, College Math, Financial Accounting, Marketing, Management, Microecon, Sociology, Psychology, Info Systems
DSST (4): Public Speaking, Business Ethics, Finance, MIS

ALEKS (3): College Algebra, Trig, Stats
UMUC (3): Comparative programming languages, Signal & Image Processing, Analysis of Algorithms
TESU (11): English Comp, Business Law, Macroecon, Managerial Accounting, Strategic Mgmt (BSBA Capstone), C++, Data Structures, Calc I/II, Discrete Math, BA Capstone

Warning: BA Capstone is a thesis, mine was 72 pages about a cryptography topic

Wife pursuing Public Admin cert via CSU.
dcan Wrote:College Comp and College Comp Modular are similar but slightly different. CCM has 90 questions in 90 minutes and has a whole section on correcting sentence grammar that CC reportedly doesn't have. But CC is supposed to be tougher overall for the 6 credits. I got a 69 on CCM reviewing a "Grammar for Dummies" type of book and writing a bunch of practice essays while studying how to write proper 5x5 essays.

Does anyone know where to learn about citing for the essay portion or does it even matter?
I'm taking college comp modular at the end of the month and my college will be grading the essay. I feel pretty good about the multiple choice but not too sure about the essay portion.
jaytoozay Wrote:Does anyone know where to learn about citing for the essay portion or does it even matter?
I'm taking college comp modular at the end of the month and my college will be grading the essay. I feel pretty good about the multiple choice but not too sure about the essay portion.

I'm assuming english comp courses still use MLA. It's very easy. Good Luck on your exam!

basic overview Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting and Style Guide

in-text citations Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting and Style Guide

sample works cited page Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting and Style Guide

"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry

AAS, Admin Studies. 2010
BA, Social Sciences. 2010. Arnold Fletcher Award.
AAS, Environmental, Safety & Security Technologies. 2011
BSBA, General Management. 2011. Arnold Fletcher Award. Sigma Beta Delta (ΣΒΔWink!
I took the College Comp w/essay last month. I'm pretty sure they grade essays in cycles so I had about a month long wait for my results. I passed by the skin of my teeth with a 51. I used the REA college comp study book along with the flash cards here.

Check the specific feedback forum for College Comp, there's a tun of great advice there.

jaytoozay Wrote:Does anyone know where to learn about citing for the essay portion or does it even matter?
I'm taking college comp modular at the end of the month and my college will be grading the essay. I feel pretty good about the multiple choice but not too sure about the essay portion.

OK I wrote a long-winded answer, then checked and all you need is this:

CLEP: College Composition & College Composition Modular

On the right download the study guide. It has sample questions and 3 actual student essays for both types of essays you have to write, with commentary.

Just write a bunch of practice essays using the 5x5 principle as a guide. I was totally stressed about it too but it's really pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Just be sure to time yourself each time to get the timing down, because it is very fast.

And yes, citing matters so much they specifically created the citation questions and the entire second essay for both CC and CCM to address it, due to plagiarism running rampant in schools now.
Community-Supported Wiki(link approved by forum admin)

Complete: TESU BA Computer Science
2011-2013 completed all BSBA CIS requirements except 4 gen eds.
2013 switched major to CS, then took a couple years off suddenly.
2015-2017 finished the CS.

CCAF: AAS Comp Sci
CLEP (10): A&I Lit, College Composition Modular, College Math, Financial Accounting, Marketing, Management, Microecon, Sociology, Psychology, Info Systems
DSST (4): Public Speaking, Business Ethics, Finance, MIS

ALEKS (3): College Algebra, Trig, Stats
UMUC (3): Comparative programming languages, Signal & Image Processing, Analysis of Algorithms
TESU (11): English Comp, Business Law, Macroecon, Managerial Accounting, Strategic Mgmt (BSBA Capstone), C++, Data Structures, Calc I/II, Discrete Math, BA Capstone

Warning: BA Capstone is a thesis, mine was 72 pages about a cryptography topic

Wife pursuing Public Admin cert via CSU.

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