Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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nursing school dilemma - cookderosa - 03-22-2010

I have good news kinda- I rec'd my acceptance letter to nursing school. While I should be thrilled, I have to decide now if I really want to attend this program or hold out for a more "hours-friendly" program that won't start for another year. <sigh> Everything about the schedule is a misfit for me, but everything else is great. It's the cheapest, fastest, I'm already in, prereqs are done, it's close to my house. It's during the day though, and I homeschool, so I hate the idea of juggling. The other program is at night- but is more money and doesn't even open up for applicants until January!?! Plus, if I got waitlisted- it could be even longer, AND, even if I get in- I'd be 3/4 finished with program 1 before program 2 even starts.
Just for laughs, program 1 and 2 are not even the one in my siggy line that I have been working toward. :ack:
I know this has nothing to do with our clep stuff, just sharing.
Would anyone like a job? I have an opening for "Decision Maker"

nursing school dilemma - jacanyardie - 03-22-2010

Step back and look at all the P's.....and juggle if you old are the kids/children....We homeschool for several reasons, one of them is flexibility...

remember:Brick walls are there for a reason....They’re there to stop the other people.” Randy Pausch..Big Grin

nursing school dilemma - taylor - 03-22-2010

Congrats Cook! At least you got in somewhere which is no small task these days. You need to update your sig because I thought you still had some prereqs to go but great job!!!:hurray:

nursing school dilemma - cookderosa - 03-22-2010

taylor Wrote:Congrats Cook! At least you got in somewhere which is no small task these days. You need to update your sig because I thought you still had some prereqs to go but great job!!!:hurray:

Well, most of those prereqs are for my graduate degree lol! I intend on doing the whole pre med sequence, but who's all so much time- so much money- so much work. :nopity:

BTW, I am totally happy that I got in, I don't mean to sound depreciating in any respect. The program is tough, and the acceptance rate is tiny. I don't know. I need to study for my respiration exam. None if this matters if I flunk my AP2 lol.

nursing school dilemma - Sunshine - 03-22-2010

cookderosa Wrote:I have good news kinda- I rec'd my acceptance letter to nursing school. While I should be thrilled, I have to decide now if I really want to attend this program or hold out for a more "hours-friendly" program that won't start for another year. <sigh> Everything about the schedule is a misfit for me, but everything else is great. It's the cheapest, fastest, I'm already in, prereqs are done, it's close to my house. It's during the day though, and I homeschool, so I hate the idea of juggling. The other program is at night- but is more money and doesn't even open up for applicants until January!?! Plus, if I got waitlisted- it could be even longer, AND, even if I get in- I'd be 3/4 finished with program 1 before program 2 even starts.
Just for laughs, program 1 and 2 are not even the one in my siggy line that I have been working toward. :ack:
I know this has nothing to do with our clep stuff, just sharing.
Would anyone like a job? I have an opening for "Decision Maker"

I just wanted to say congrats on getting accepted! That's no small feat, especially considering that this program sounds very exclusive. As far as choosing, I just weigh out everything and hope the answer will become clear with a little time. Doesn't always work though- I may need to employ your decision maker once you're done. Confusedmilelol:

nursing school dilemma - Lindagerr - 03-22-2010

1st Question What is your ultimate goal? Do you want to be a nurse or do you want to teach nursing or be a nurse administrator?

2nd question How many years are you willing to devote to get you do your end goal?

Now with those answers in mind, how many days/week and hours/day does this nursing school require? If I remember correctly your youngest is less then 10, so you either have to go to the night RN school or wait many years to finish home schooling. Does this night school allow for night student nursing ?
Since you home school does it really matter what hours you do the home schooling?? If you take the program you have been accepted into how will you care for your children during the day? If your DH is going to do the daytime care couldn't he start the homeschooloing and you finish when you get home?

Now for the hardest question. If you turn down this oppertunity and then don't get accepted to the night time program what will you do then?

So in the end no matter how much you might like to have someone else make the decision,You are the only one who can answer all these questions.

I know how you feel, I hate decisions too. I am supposed to take a test this week and I haven't decided Which test, Human Growth and development or Lifespan Developmental Psycology(waiting to hear if the state will take either one for a requirement. Then I have to decide when I am going to take it. I have already agreed to Sub thru Friday so I could take it Saturday or I could get off 1 hour early one day and go take it. Then I have to decide where to take it. If I take it during the week it will depend on which test and then I have to decide to drive to the closest(most expensive) place or the most flexible but further away place or the medium distance but cheapest place.

So if you will make my decision I will make yours.:willynilly:

nursing school dilemma - taylor - 03-22-2010

Is this an accelerated 1 year program? I heard you pretty much have to quit your job to finish one of those.

How did you finish your Stats? Did they accept ALEKS?

nursing school dilemma - cookderosa - 03-22-2010

[B][B]1st Question What is your ultimate goal? Do you want to be a nurse or do you want to teach nursing or be a nurse administrator? [B]MSN-Midwifery. Since I have a BA, I'll be able to enter a master's program with an associate's in nursing. HOWEVER, I am also open to alternative specialties if I find an area that pulls me away. (highly unlikely, I'm just trying to sound level headed)

2nd question How many years are you willing to devote to get you do your end goal? All of them lol. I need 3 for the MSN, so the time line is directly proportional to the associate degree part. It'll be 5 if I start now, 6 if I wait. (or I could skip all that crap and go live in a dorm for 3, I found a direct entry program that costs more than my house- but I could start right away lol)

Now with those answers in mind, how many days/week and hours/day does this nursing school require? School A requires 3 mornings per week plus a clinical that we have to be available to attend 24/7 and up to 30 miles from home. We find those out about a week or two before hand. School B requires 2 evenings per week plus every other weekend is a local clinical. (perfect)

If I remember correctly your youngest is less then 10, so you either have to go to the night RN school or wait many years to finish home schooling. Does this night school allow for night student nursing ?
The night program does all the classroom after 3pm, that's when dh gets home, so it's great. On weekends, my dh is off, so the shifts wouldn't matter.

Since you home school does it really matter what hours you do the home schooling?? No, but if I'm gone in the morning, I assure you no one is doing school :hurray: Plus I hate waking up early. I know, that's a whine.

If you take the program you have been accepted into how will you care for your children during the day? This would fall on my 16 yo son. He is capable of baby sitting, but I can't put him in charge of schooling. 2 of the mornings are from 8-12 and one from only 8-10. Given that my kids would LOVE to lounge around in the morning, this wouldn't be a terrible situation. It's the clinical that is the variable and has me freaked out. If the clinicals were mornings, then I just upped his responsibility big time. I have not even discussed this with him, but I'm 100% sure he would do it- and COULD do it- It's more an issue of me not wanting him to do it.

If your DH is going to do the daytime care couldn't he start the homeschooloing and you finish when you get home? No, his schedule is fixed.

Now for the hardest question. If you turn down this opportunity and then don't get accepted to the night time program what will you do then?
Cry? I'm going to an "info session" that they are putting on in April- I'm going to feel them out a bit. Honestly, all the programs are competitive, they just are. Program 1 had 120 applications for 38 slots. I don't have any idea where I fell on that continuum, I only know that I wasn't #39. I have no idea about numbers at program 2. I'm going to try and dig. Oh, and program 2 has been my employer for 17 years which doesn't mean jack squat.

So in the end no matter how much you might like to have someone else make the decision,You are the only one who can answer all these questions.

I know how you feel, I hate decisions too. I am supposed to take a test this week and I haven't decided Which test, Human Growth and development or Lifespan Developmental Psychology(waiting to hear if the state will take either one for a requirement. Then I have to decide when I am going to take it. I have already agreed to Sub thru Friday so I could take it Saturday or I could get off 1 hour early one day and go take it. Then I have to decide where to take it. If I take it during the week it will depend on which test and then I have to decide to drive to the closest(most expensive) place or the most flexible but further away place or the medium distance but cheapest place.

So if you will make my decision I will make yours.:willynilly:
DEAL! Take the CLEP over the DSST. Why? Because more people have heard of CLEP. My school's testing center (where I take CLEP) didn't know what DSST was. :willynilly: so really, just cater to the ignorance and take the CLEP. *that seemed easy, maybe it's not a fair trade? Ok, your turn. Smile[/B][/B][/B]

***I'm sorry about the bold- I can't turn it off!***

nursing school dilemma - alissaroot - 03-23-2010

You've probably already looked into this, but would any of the credits from Program 1 transfer to Program 2? If so, you could try out a semester in Program 1 to see if you and your family could manage it. Then if it doesn't turn out to be something you could tolerate for years, you'd have still made progress while waiting to hear from Program 2.

To me, it sounds like you really want Program 2. I know how family-oriented you are, it's your top priority, and years of upheaval in your family-time and homeschooling would not be worth it. Hold out for program 2, and work on prerequisites and beefing up your application in the meantime instead. You can't get these years back when they are young, but nursing school will always be there, and it's not like you won't be doing something to work toward your goal while you wait for Program 2 to begin.

nursing school dilemma - Lindagerr - 03-23-2010

Now back to your problem, If Mid-wifery is what you want then go for it.
You are smart to not be in a hurry, (Now that my youngest is 20 I wish I could go back and spend more time in the years from 3-12 those are my favorite). Nursing and Midwifery will always be there you are correct to put your children first.

:iagree: with Alissa, and while you are waiting to hear from program 2 you can do further research into other programs that might fit your lifestyle.

I started my schooling before I had any children I dropped out of the 1st program partly because of family obgligations. I was accepted into another Nursing program, but turned them down because I was pregnant.

I tried returning to collage while afulltime working single mother, that was just too much.

When my daughter was in High School I returned to college and I was doing well,until I got pregnant with my oldest son. I gave up college again.

I did not start college again until my youngest was a junior in High School.

I have no regrets for being a good mother involved in all aspects of my childrens life.

My only reget is that I did,t start at TESC sooner at a slower pace so I would not feel the pressure to race through it now.

So pick the program that give you the most in all ways ( including fullfilment as a mother) even if it means waiting for the final reward.

By the way my Mother in Law is a retired Nursing School Chair. at 85 years old they still call her and ask her to teach online courses. I think that shows no matter which couse you take, you have the posability for a LONG satisfying carreer ahead.