Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
AFQOT and TBAS exam - Printable Version

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AFQOT and TBAS exam - lucab617 - 12-05-2006

Hey everyone. I went down to the recruiting office today to take the AFOQT exam. I know this forum isn't for these types of exams, but I know alot of you guys and gals are in the armed services. I have a little more than a month to study for these exams. Does anyone recommend any particular study guide for these exams? I really want to become a fighter pilot and I need to do really well on these exams. If someone could help, I would greatly appreciate it.

AFQOT and TBAS exam - fiveninerzero - 12-05-2006 check out the forum there!

AFQOT and TBAS exam - MagicATC - 12-06-2006


All I used was the ARCO book. Here is my own email: I am already on your route. I leave for training in July. I'll be happy to answer any questions you have on how I did this.