Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
Marketing Study Material - Printable Version

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Marketing Study Material - Shadowless - 02-14-2010

Does anyone who has passed this test know of any websites or material that I can look up online that will help me pass this test?

I'm looking for one or two sites to study that I can focus on enough to pass the test.

Any help would be great!

Marketing Study Material - ShotoJuku - 02-14-2010

[COLOR="Navy"]IC Flashcards

REA Book

Standard Deviants Video[/COLOR]

Marketing Study Material - skyfall123 - 02-14-2010

IC Flashcards (for sure)
Net MBA (supplement IC Flashcards) Marketing

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Marketing Study Material - MISin08 - 02-14-2010

Da Man


Marketing Study Material - Chebasaz - 02-14-2010

MISin08 Wrote:Da Man


Whoa! Great resource, but it's now the winner of my "Longest web page in existence" award. 32,000 words on one page! That's the size of a small book!