Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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Tesc, One computer science course - KUJO - 01-20-2010

I am working on getting me BA in CJ. One of the General Ed Recommendations is One computer science course.

What courses would count towards this?

Thank you

Tesc, One computer science course - TMW2010 - 01-20-2010

Wow, the TESC site is really hazy on that...

I would think that you should be able to use the CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications or DSST Intro to Computers tests to cover that.

The list of Computer Science courses they have is
Computer Science
Introduction to Computers (COS-101)
C Programming (COS-116)
Visual BASIC (COS-191)
C++ Programming (COS-213)
Assembly Language (COS-231)
Data Structures (COS-241)
UNIX (COS-283)
Computer Architecture (COS-330)
Operating Systems (COS-352)
Artificial Intelligence (COS-451)

So, those two tests *should* (as always, without direct consultation with the school advisors, I include the caveat 'In Theory') be acceptable to cover that COS-101 course, unless you were looking at taking the course itself... Which they offer.

Tesc, One computer science course - KUJO - 01-20-2010

Thank you for the fast reply.

I was not looking to take the course through them. I think I will try to take a CLEP test instead.

I did take a course through the Army that is ACE recommended for 3 UL Credits in Computer Systems. Do you think this may work?

Tesc, One computer science course - TMW2010 - 01-20-2010

It very well may... And it can't hurt to try to use it... When you enroll (I'm assuming that you're holding off enrollment until you build up more credits) they'll be able to tell you exactly where they want to put everything and what will fit where.

And if you're computer savy, both tests are supposively pretty much cake with limited studying.

Tesc, One computer science course - Lindagerr - 01-20-2010

:iagree: I am a TESC student when I enrolled you didn't need the computer course, but I took the CLEP Info syst. & Computer aps. they gave me credit as COS-101 and put it on my official transcript.

Tesc, One computer science course - KUJO - 01-20-2010

Thank you both for your replies.

I am waiting to enroll until I have more credits. I am deploying soon, I hope to take most of my clep's while I am deployed and apply to TESC when I get back. I am still working on my overall degree plan, but it is looking good so far. :coolgleam:

Tesc, One computer science course - skyfall123 - 01-21-2010

Quote:I would think that you should be able to use the CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications or DSST Intro to Computers tests to cover that.

This is accurate info. If you are in the US Army, there are a handful of SKILLSOFT courses that are ACE approved (and free) which you have access to through your US Army educational portal, that will also apply.

Also, TESC has an entire program set up for the military. If I were you, I'd call and ask them for advice.

Thomas Edison State College
Office of Military & Veteran Education
101 W. State St.
Trenton, NJ 08608-1176
Phone: (866) 446-1804
Fax: (609) 984-7143

Tesc, One computer science course - jackzack87 - 01-21-2010

You'd better check with your school. I had taken CLEP computer science and info systems - I thought it would count for my computer science course, but they wanted a 300 or higher level. Only DSST MIS would count. CHECK first - an official evaluation works.

Tesc, One computer science course - Yenisei - 09-20-2010

Rather than starting a new thread, I guess I'll piggyback this question on an existing one.

Under the TESC BA Computer Science Area of Study requirements, what have you used to fulfill the Intro to Computer Science requirement?

I am hoping Geezer might know this because of Son# 2 majoring in comp sci at TESC.

Thanks in advance...

Tesc, One computer science course - skyfall123 - 09-20-2010

Quote:Under the TESC BA Computer Science Area of Study requirements, what have you used to fulfill the Intro to Computer Science requirement?

My son was able to use the CLEP for Intro to Computer Science. It was awarded as C0S-101