Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion - Printable Version

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Pages: 1 2 - Mitchmcc - 11-01-2009

I just wanted to encourage everybody here to use Its a website where you can post a list of books you don't want anymore and in exchange you get credits which you can use to claim books from other people. All you have to pay is the postage for the books you are sending out. It seems to me that this is a great resource for people here who are buying books that they only need for a few weeks.

I just put up my copies of the Cliffs notes books for US History II and American Government.

Maybe we can use this thread to let each other know when we've posted testing related books on that website.

Mitch - P00057870 - 11-01-2009

Great idea! - Mitchmcc - 11-19-2009

Hmmmm. Don't see a whole bunch of books being posted here so why don't I get the ball rolling.

Don't need my biology books any more so I've posted the following at

CLEP Biology REA with CD ROM

(Book has all the material you need but is a little thin on detail. If you can memorize it word for word you'll know what you need to but without the longer explanation its sometimes difficult to understand the facts that you're learning. Sample tests are useful)

Biology - Raven and Johnson

Textbook with WAY more information than you'll ever need. I found this book useful for understanding some of the things I had "learned" from the REA book.

Mitch - Mitchmcc - 11-19-2009

Just noticed that this thread has been moved to "off topic" and I'm not sure why. Isn't discussion of test prep materials directly relevant to test taking? The off topic forum gets no traffic. I NEVER checked it out until I realized that my thread had been moved there.

Can we please keep this thread in the regular forum which gets 10 times more traffic than "off topic". I understand that we don't want the board clogged with ads for books and CDs and used cars which is why I suggested we use one thread to post books that would be of direct interest to people preparing to take tests.

Given that I'm posting this in off topic, I wonder if anybody will actually read it!!

Mitch - nj593 - 11-19-2009

Mitchmcc Wrote:Just noticed that this thread has been moved to "off topic" and I'm not sure why. Isn't discussion of test prep materials directly relevant to test taking? The off topic forum gets no traffic. I NEVER checked it out until I realized that my thread had been moved there.

Can we please keep this thread in the regular forum which gets 10 times more traffic than "off topic". I understand that we don't want the board clogged with ads for books and CDs and used cars which is why I suggested we use one thread to post books that would be of direct interest to people preparing to take tests.

Given that I'm posting this in off topic, I wonder if anybody will actually read it!!

We read the off topics. The mod might have moved it because you mentioned books for trade and so forth. We can then continue the thread to go on about other books. Off topic gets alot of attention depending on the forum users. - Ruddigore - 11-19-2009

nj593 Wrote:We read the off topics. The mod might have moved it because you mentioned books for trade and so forth. We can then continue the thread to go on about other books. Off topic gets alot of attention depending on the forum users.
Not to mention threads stay visible longer on the Off Topic Forum. Everything gets bumped down pretty quickly in the General Discussion Forum.

I won't be swapping out my study materials because my mom and sister may end up using them before all is said and done!

Edit: 700th post! No change in rank, though. But I'm content to be a Count. Big Grin - nj593 - 11-19-2009

Ruddigore Wrote:Not to mention threads stay visible longer on the Off Topic Forum. Everything gets bumped down pretty quickly in the General Discussion Forum.

I won't be swapping out my study materials because my mom and sister may end up using them before all is said and done!

Edit: 700th post! No change in rank, though. But I'm content to be a Count. Big Grin

Try 701 ! hilarious
If not revolt and protest. What comes after count anyway's ? - Ruddigore - 11-19-2009

nj593 Wrote:Try 701 ! hilarious
If not revolt and protest. What comes after count anyway's ?
In truth, I don't know. There's Prince / Princess -- but who knows how far away that is! Just gotta keep plugging away.

Edit: 701, and no change. Ah well, it was a goodly sentiment. - Mitchmcc - 11-19-2009

Ruddigore Wrote:Not to mention threads stay visible longer on the Off Topic Forum. Everything gets bumped down pretty quickly in the General Discussion Forum.

I won't be swapping out my study materials because my mom and sister may end up using them before all is said and done!

Edit: 700th post! No change in rank, though. But I'm content to be a Count. Big Grin

Good point. That and the fact that my post generated two responses and a request for my books within a couple of hours - maybe off topic is not such a bad place to be. - alissaroot - 11-19-2009

I've been a member of for over a year now and have recommended on this forum several times. It's a great way to get rid of books you don't want and get books you do want for just the cost of postage! I don't have anything on my bookshelf on that site right now, though. But I'd recommend it to anyone!