Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
Health Sciences degree - Printable Version

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Health Sciences degree - Mitchmcc - 10-05-2009

Hi all

I'm new here and really excited to get started on my new adventure - getting a degree.

I currently work as a sleep technician and I want to earn a degree in order to improve my career prospects should I chose, or be forced, to move into management in the future. (Right now I love my job but if I were to blow out my knee, for example, it may become impossible to carry on working as a tech).

Right now, the favorites look like the Healthcare Administration concentration at Charter Oak or the BS in Health Sciences at Excelsior. Does anybody have any opinions on one of these programs versus the other or one of these schools versus the other.

Thanks in advance for your help

Health Sciences degree - marianne202 - 10-06-2009

Welcome Mitch!

I'm currently in the BSHS at Excelsior. I was looking at the COSC program but feedback here indicating that a major vs a concentration was a preference amoung employers and graduate schools swayed me to go with Excelsior. I have been with Excelsior for a long time and up until recently loved them. I have referred many students there way. Keep in mind that to complete the BSHS you will have to take their courses or get approval to take them elsewhere. They seem to have a real problem with their online courses. I don't think they have the best people they could have creating and running the courses. I have had a ton of headaches and I'm only in my 3rd course. I still have 4 more to go. I develop and teach online college courses so maybe I'm just more sensitive to the problems. I'm also paying for my courses 100% out of pocket so those with a 100% military ride may not care about the problems. I know that is a large portion of their students. That being said I have had good experiences otherwise. So if you can handle some frustration along the way I recommend EC. They are also waiving the $895 enrollment fee until 12/31/09, so if you want to enroll do it now while it is free! I wish you best of luck. I do think that if you want to move along to graduate school the EC program is better suited. They are also working on an MBA bridge program for the BSHS management students. Please feel free to PM me if you need any other info.