Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
MPA at Andrew Jackson University - Printable Version

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MPA at Andrew Jackson University - Professor_Adam - 07-26-2009

After a leave of absence (and finally getting home from Iraq!) I'm restarting my Master's in Public Administration with AJU. So far, as I have posted before, my experience with AJU has been excellent and I highly recommend it. It has to be the most affordable master's degree program out there.

I will caveat my statements with this though. The coursework is challenging. There is a great deal of writing and the exams featured several essays. This is no cake walk degree. This is serious graduate level work and study. Let there be no doubt. That said, the staff at AJU are excellent. They are extremely helpful, in particular the head of admissions Tammy Kassner.

Also, since I last posted I did get accepted into Officer Candidate School so I'll be heading off to Fort Benning, GA in December.

MPA at Andrew Jackson University - SophanPhin82 - 11-23-2009

I'm really interested in this program as well. I was wondering if there's a cap on how many courses can be taken in one 8-week term? In addition to the rock-bottom tuition, the short 8-week terms are also extremely appealing. If I could take 4 per term, I could finish within 6 months which would be great as I'm looking towards picking up a second master's shortly after that.